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They say that our mistakes define us. I dont believe in mistakes.

They are nothing more than choises we make, calls we make, decisions we make. Nothing more. People invented mistakes as a loop hole, a away they can make a bad call and not be judged for that. Making mistakes is human, they say. Yes, its human, but its not mistakes we make, its just poor judgment or a moment of uncertainty, but its on us. No one else takes the blame, no excuses. Its not mistakes that define us, because they simply dont exist; its our choises that define us, good or bad. Each morning you choose: get out of bed and start living or simply give up. Most of us choose living, but it doesnt end there. Then we have other choices to make, decisions to take. And at the end of the day, on those youll be judged. People know what choices to make and how they will affect others around them. If someone tells you otherwise, be sure they are lying. Even if their actions hurt others, and they say it wasnt their intention, they knew. They knew the moment they took the decision, just choose to ignore it. Those people are the ones that disappoint me the most. Those who try to hide behind their love for others, and say its just a mistake, those who would lie to you till the end. When you think there is nothing more someone can do to surprise you, people rise up and with a word or a sentence they stun you, and in that moment you realise that you didnt know them at all. Thats what happened to me tonight. I thought I knew someone, that I chose right, that that person was worth it, but now I think maybe, just maybe I was wrong. Maybe I was to quick to decide, maybe I wanted to see nothing but good, and maybe Ill get burned. Its hard to predict how a relationship with go on, but this way even surprised me. And I am always ready for the worst. Now I am a bit at a loss. Not knowing what to do. Maybe I am to quick into judging, but, if Im right, I may get hurt and if I let this continue it will only be worse for me. Partying would have been so much easier. But the hard and probably painfull way its always the best. At least thats what they say. Wrong saying I guess

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