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West Virginia State University College of Professional Studies Department of Education Professional Development (PD) Reflection Outline Name:

Jonathan Brown PD Topic/Title: Ruby Payne Professional Development: Low SES students Major Content Area: Education/Social Studies PD Date: 2/22/14 Circle one: FR SOPH JR SR PD Units: 4

Please respond to the following prompts: 1. Summarize the key points you learned from this Professional Development experience. This workshop was dealt with students living at or below the poverty line. We discussed some of the issues they are facing in their home and social life, and how it affects their behavior and performance in the classroom. We did a few exercises to help build our understanding.

2. Discuss how these key points connect to your content area. The seminar was dealing with the socioeconomic status of a certain group of students that will more than likely be in the classrooms we teach in the future. It gave us some tips and advice with how to deal with these students which will come in handy in the future.

3. Share how you might use this new information in your future classroom. It will help me to better understand some of the driving factors behind the behaviors being exhibited by some of my students. I also found a few ideas for things I can keep in my classroom, and or do to show these students that I care. I believe that when they know I care they will be more apt to learn, and behave.

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