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ECC PT1(14)031 ANNEX 25

ECC-PT1: Active Correspondence Groups1 between January 2014 and April 2014 CG activities will be closed at t e latest t e 1! April 2014 T"T#E
Practical guidance for TDD net or! "#nc$roni%at ion


Adrien De&are% ('oT) adrien(de&are% )*olloreteleco &(eu

Topics to address
To finali"e a or!ing docu&ent to ard" an ECC +e,ort on Practical guidance for TDD net or! "#nc$roni%ation -ee .inute" of ECC PT1/45 and Anne0 11 (u,dated 2er"ion of t$e draft re,ort)( To "u*&it t$e re"ult" of acti2it# for a,,ro2al *# corre",ondence Ta"! 1* of :00 .;% EC .andate4 to continue t$e de2elo,&ent of Co&&on lea"t re"tricti2e tec$nical condition" ('E.) for irele"" *road*and (*a"ed on in,ut" fro& ot$er" ECC entitie" a" a,,ro,riate) 'E. '- 8''6 PPD+6 .2.6 PPD+ D.36 > Ta"! 1d 4 =&,act on P.-E *elo ?@4 .;% -ee .inute" of ECC PT1/45

&eadline ' (utput

3ut,ut4 draft ECC +e,ort Deadline4 3 ee!" furt$er to ECC PT1/45

%or)in* +et od
ECC PT1 5oru&6 .ailing li"t4 tdd7"#nc$)li"t(ce,t(org6 8e*7&eeting (9oTo.eeting) to *e ,lanned if needed

:00 .;% EC .andate

Doriana 9uiducci (5onda%ione <go 'ordoni6 =tal#)( doriana(guiducc i)uni*o(it Arnaud 9uerin (AN5+) arnaud(guerin) anfr(fr

3ut,ut4 8or!ing docu&ent > =n,ut" in rele2ant Deadline4 ECC PT1 A,ril

ECC PT1 5oru&( 8e*7 &eeting (9oTo.eeting) &a# *e organi"ed if needed (to *e confir&ed)

Cro"" *order coordination


Cincent .Drat ('ou#gue" TDlDco&) 2&erat)*ou#g ue"teleco&(fr

1( A-tud# t$e ,o""i*ilit# to de2elo, a ne generic reco&&endation for ne freBuenc# 2( ACon"ider e2olution of current ECC fra&e or! in t$e lig$t of t$e ,re2iou" re"ult" $ile &ini&i%ing t$e i&,act on t$e e0i"ting agree&ent" *a"ed on t$e actual ECC reco&&endation" A -tud# $et$er t$ere i" a need for &odification of t$e .CC fra&e or! in t$e *and" @00 and 1100 in t$e lig$t of t$e de,lo#&ent of land7*a"ed ETE &o*ile net or!" and for a ,o""i*le introduction of ETE on*oard 2e""el" in t$e 1100 .;% *and( A -tud# t$e ,o""i*ilit# for .CC to o,erate in t$e

3ut,ut 4 agreed a# for ard a ne generic reco&&endation for ne freBuenc# Deadline4 ECC PT1/4? A,ril 3u,ut 4 draft ECC re,ort Deadline4 ECC PT1 A,ril

ECC PT1 foru&6 and if nece""ar# ,$#"ical &eeting and e* &eeting

ECC PT1 foru&6 and if nece""ar# ,$#"ical &eeting and e* &eeting

=n order to "u*"cri*e to t$e &ailing li"t (if a,,lica*le) of a ,articular C96 a reBue"t "$ould *e "ent to it" ra,,orteur( C9" or!ing onl# in t$e ECC PT1 5oru& &a# not $a2e &ailing li"t"

ECC PT1(14)031 ANNEX 25




Topics to address
29;% *and (u"ing <.T-) and in t$e 2(?9;% *and (u"ing ETE) A -tudie" for 1 and 2 ill co2er a",ect" related to (1) interference i""ue" fro& .CC "#"te&" to land7 *a"ed &o*ile net or!" F (2) unintended roa&ing fro& land7*a"ed "#"te&" into .CC "#"te&"( A <,date t$e draft ne ECC +e,ort on .CC according to t$e a*o2e "tudie" refine t$e "u&&ar# of t$e re",on"e" to t$e Bue"tionnaire and de2elo, ,ro,o"ed a# for ard *efore to "u*&i""ion to ECC Draft in,ut to ECC to *e "u*&itted for a,,ro2al *# corre",ondence ( ee! *efore ECC)

&eadline ' (utput

%or)in* +et od

Co2erage o*ligation"

+o*ert Eindgaard (Dani"$ 'u"ine"" Aut$orit#) +o*Ein)er"t(d!

CG will start t e 1! ,ebruary at t e earliest 3u,ut4 =n,ut to ECC &eadline: ECC -arc

ECC PT1 foru& and &eeting6 if needed


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