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Use the categories below to create a snapshot of each. Personal Knowledge: Male/female? Gen-X er? Yuppie? Boomer?

Senior citizen? Married ? Single? Family? Where does client live? Where did client grow up? Where has client lived? Education? I nterests? Passions? Sports? Hobbies? What does client read? What is client proud of? Serious/lighthearted temperament ? Conservative/Progressive? Risktaker? Follower/Leader? How is the client dressed? What s in the client s office? Business: Position? Industry? Past jobs? Past industries? Dynamics of client s bus iness? Achievements? Failures? Clients? Share price? Company growing/shrinking? Industry leader or upstart? Common Knowledge: Events in the news today affecting client and/or his business? Cultural news movies, television shows, performances? Current events in sports, the economy, the world ? Life Experiences: The weather? Rush-hour traffic? Raising children? Dieting? Exe rcise? Home improvement? Computer problems? Programming a VCR? Car trouble? Vacation experiences?

Think of a client you re having a tough time winning. What objections, if any, has he voiced? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Which of these objections can you take at face value and clear up with a simple explanation or compromise? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Which one is hiding a subtext a skewed perception based on emotion or experience o r strongly held belief? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

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