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From his snapshot of Carl, Dennis decided he was most comfortable using Carl s love for his orchard

as the ba sis for a winning metaphor. One Sunday, Dennis showed up at Carl s home unannounced to find Carl spraying his apple trees. Be right with you, Carl yelled. Dennis waved and walked to the fence where Carl wo uld finish up. This orchard must take a lot of tending, said Dennis as Carl moved around the last tree. You got that right, replied Carl. There s always something to deal with, something ou t of the blue. We ll have a drought, which makes the fruit small and mealy. Or we ll have so much rain, rot sets in. Disease breaks out, or bugs appear. I know the trees look good right no w, but if I don t stay on top of this , Carl nodded at his sprayer I could lose the whole lot. That s true in my business as well, said Dennis, leaning on a fence post. People thin k that because they re healthy right now, they ll always be. Think of a client you re having a tough time winning. What objections, if any, has he voiced? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Which of these objections can you take at face value and clear up with a simple explanation or compromise? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Which one is hiding a subtext a skewed perception based on emotion or experience o r strongly held belief? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

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