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West Virginia State University College of Professional Studies Department of Education Professional Development (PD) Reflection Outline Name:

Jonathan Brown PD Topic/Title: Document based questions and common core Social Studies Major Content Area: Language Arts- Social Studies PD Date: 3-16-2014 Circle one: FR SOPH JR SR PD Units: 5

Please respond to the following prompts: 1. Summarize the key points you learned from this Professional Development experience. The main point of this workshop was to introduce us to the idea of using document based questions in the classroom. She gave us example packets like the ones she uses in her classroom.

2. Discuss how these key points connect to your content area. Social Studies especially history has a lot of images or artwork that go with the material being covered. When you incorporate visuals or teach children to analyze images it helps to make connections to the information.

3. Share how you might use this new information in your future classroom. I had actually just had an epiphany similar to what she was talking about in the workshop. Basically I can arrange images throughout my handouts with questions that pertain to them or vice versa the images can relate someway to the questions. I had just recently created a graphic organizer for a lesson I taught at a local high school. I intend to create documents that are like story boards or comic strips to help in enrich my students learning experience.

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