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West Virginia State University College of Professional Studies Department of Education Professional Development (PD) Reflection Outline Name:

Jonathan Brown PD Topic/Title: Vice President of the Philosophy Club Major Content Area: Language Arts- Social Studies PD Date: 8-15-2013 Circle one: FR SOPH JR SR PD Units: 10

Please respond to the following prompts: 1. Summarize the key points you learned from this Professional Development experience. I have learned what it takes to create an organization, how to create an account to provide people/organizations that donate with tax write-offs, and I have also learned what it takes to organized events, promote the event or collaborate with another organization.

2. Discuss how these key points connect to your content area. Clubs/organizations involve individuals and communities, and they require participation on the part of members. This is a part of the civic duties of Americans, to be a part of and play an active role in the democracy; this relates to what Social Studies is trying to replicate.

3. Share how you might use this new information in your future classroom. I can create a club at the school where Ill be teaching for my students interested in Social Studies to join. Then I can help to organized events, trips, and community service events that students can actively participate.

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