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ASRAR-I-KHUDI (The Secrets of the Self) Dr.

Muhammad Iqbal

Translated from the or ! nal "ers an # th ntroduct on and notes b$ Re$nold A. % cholson I%TR&DU'TI&% TH( Asrar- -Khud #as f rst )ubl shed at *ahore n +,+-. I read t soon after#ards and thou!ht so h !hl$ of t that I #rote to Iqbal. #hom I had the )leasure of meet n! at 'ambr d!e some f fteen $ears a!o. as/ n! lea0e to )re)are an (n!l sh translat on. M$ )ro)osal #as cord all$ acce)ted. but n the meant me I found other #or/ to do. #h ch caused the translat on to be la d as de unt l last $ear. 1efore subm tt n! t to the reader. a fe# remar/s are necessar$ concern n! the )oem and ts author-2 Iqbal s an Ind an Musl m. Dur n! h s sta$ n the 3est he stud ed modem )h loso)h$. n #h ch sub4ects he holds de!rees from the Un 0ers t es of 'ambr d!e and Mun ch. H s d ssertat on on the de0elo)ment of meta)h$s cs n "ers a-an llum nat n! s/etcha))eared as a boo/ n +,56. S nce then he has de0elo)ed a )h loso)h$ of h s o#n. on #h ch I am able to ! 0e some e7tremel$ nterest n! notes commun cated b$ h mself. &f th s. ho#e0er. the Asrar- -Khud ! 0es no s$stemat c account. thou!h t )uts h s deas n a )o)ular and attract 0e form. 3h le the H nd a )h loso)hers. n e7)la n n! the doctr ne of the un t$ of be n!. addressed themsel0es to the head. Iqbal. l /e the "ers an )oets #ho teach the same doctr ne. ta/es a more dan!erous course and a ms at the heart. He s no mean )oet. and h s 0erse can rouse or )ersuade e0en f h s lo! c fa l to con0 nce. H s messa!e s not for the Mohammedans of Ind a alone. but for Musl ms e0er$#here8 accord n!l$ he #r tes n "ers an nstead of H ndustan a ha))$ cho ce. for amon!st educated Musl ms there are man$ fam l ar # th "ers an l terature. #h le the "ers an lan!ua!e s s n!ularl$ #ell-ada)ted to e7)ress )h loso)h cal deas n a st$le at once ele0ated and charm n!. Iqbal comes for#ard as an a)ostle. f not to h s o#n a!e. then to )oster t$ 2I ha0e no need of the ear of To-da$. I am the 0o ce of the )oet of To-morro#2 and after "ers an fash on he n0o/es the Sa/ to f ll h s cu) # th # ne and )our moonbeams nto the dar/ n !ht of h s thou!ht. That I ma$ lead home the #anderer. And mbue the dle loo/er-on # th restless m)at ence. And ad0ance hotl$ on a ne# quest. And become /no#n as the cham) on of a ne# s) r t.2

*et us be! n at the end. 3hat s the far-off !oal on #h ch h s e$es are f 7ed9 The ans#er to that quest on # ll d sco0er h s true character. and #e shall be less l /el$ to stumble on the #a$ f #e see #h ther #e are !o n!. Iqbal has drun/ dee) of (uro)ean l terature. h s )h loso)h$ o#es much to % et:sche and 1er!son. and h s )oetr$; often rema ns us of Shell$ ; $et he th n/s and feels as a Musl m. and 4ust for th s reason h s nfluence ma$ be !reat. He s a rel ! ous enthus ast. ns) red b$ the 0 s on of a %e# Mecca. a #orld-# de. theocrat c. Uto) an state n #h ch all Musl ms. no lon!er d 0 ded b$ the barr ers of race and countr$. shall be one. He # ll ha0e noth n! to do # th nat onal sm and m)er al sm. -These. he sa$s. 2rob us of "arad se28 the$ ma/e us stran!ers to each &ther. destro$ feel n!s of brotherhood. and so# the b tter seed of #ar. He dreams of a #orld ruled b$ rel ! on. not b$ )ol t cs. and condemns Mach a0ell . that 2#orsh ))er of false !oods.2 #ho has bl nded so man$. It must be obser0ed that #hen he s)ea/s of rel ! on he al#a$s means Islam. %on-Musl ms are s m)l$ unbel e0ers. and ( n theor$. at an$ rate) the < had s 4ust f able. )ro0 ded that t s #a!ed 2for =od>s sa/e alone.2 A free and nde)endent Musl m fratern t$. ha0 n! the Ka>ba as ts centre and /n t to!ether b$ lo0e of Allah and de0ot on to the "ro)hetsuch s lqbal>s deal. In the Asrar- -Khud and the> Ramu:- -1e/hud l e )reaches t # th a burn n! s ncer t$ #h ch #e cannot but adm re. and at the same t me )o nts out ho# t ma$ be atta ned. The former )oem deals # th the l fe of the nd 0 dual Musl m. the latter # th the l fe of the Islam c commun t$. The cr$ 21ac/ to the Koran? 1ac/ to Mohammad?2 has been heard before. and the res)onses ha0e h therto been some#hat d scoura! n!. 1ut on th s occas on t s all ed # th the re0olut onar$ force of 3estern )h loso)h$. #h ch Iqbal ho)es and bel e0es # ll 0 tal se the mo0ement and ensure ts tr um)h. He sees that H ndu ntellectual sm and Islam c )anthe sm ha0e destro$ed the ca)ac t$ for act on. based on sc ent f c obser0at on and nter)retat on of )henomena. #h ch d st n!u shes the 3estern )eo)les 2and es)ec all$ the (n!l sh.2 %o#; th s ca)ac t$ de)ends ult matel$ on the con0 ct on that Khud (selfhood. nd 0 dual t$. )ersonal t$) s real and s not merel$ an llus on of the m nd. Iqbal. therefore. thro#s h mself # th all h s m !ht a!a nst deal st c )h loso)hers and )seudo-m$st cal )oets. the authors. n h s o) n on. of the deca$ )re0a l n! n Islam. and ar!ues that onl$ b$ self aff rmat on. self-e7)ress on. and self de0elo)ment can the Musl ms once more become stron! and -free. He a))eals from the allur n! ra)tures of Haf : to the moral fer0our of <alalu>d d n Rum . from an Islam sun/ n "laton c contem)lat on to the fresh and 0 !orous monothe sm #h ch ns) red Mohammed and brou!ht Islam nto e7 stence-@ Here. )erha)s. I should !uard a!a nst a )oss ble m sunderstand n! Iqbal>s )h loso)h$ s rel ! ous. but the does not treat )h loso)h$ as the handma d of rel ! on. Hold n! that the full de0elo)ment of the nd 0 dual )resu))oses a soc et$. he f nds the deal soc et$ n #hat he cons ders to be the "ro)het>s conce)t on of Islam. (0er$ Musl m. n str 0 n! to ma/e h mself a more )erfect nd 0 dual. s hel) n! to establ sh the-Islam c / n!dom of =od u)on earth.A The Asrar- -Khud s com)osed n the metre and modelled on the st$le of the famous Masna0 . In the )rolo!ue lqbal relates ho# <alalu>d d n Rum . #ho s to h m almost #hat B r! l #as to Dante. a))eared n a 0 s on and bade h m ar se and s n!. Much as be d sl /es the t$)e of Suf sm e7h b ted b$ Haf :. he )a$s homa!e to the )ure and )rofound !en us of <alalu>dd n. thou!h he re4ects the doctr ne of self-abandonment

tau!ht b$ the !reat "ers an m$st c and does not accom)an$ h m n h s )an the st c R !hts. To (uro)ean readers the Asrar- Khud )resents certa n obscur t es #h ch no translat on can ent rel$ remo0e. These l e )artl$ n the form and #ould not be felt. as a rule. b$ an$ one con0ersant # th "ers an )oetr$. &ften. ho#e0er. the deas themsel0es. be n! assoc ated # th )ecul arl$ &r ental #a$s of th n/ n!. are hard for our m nds to follo#. I am not sure that I ha0e al#a$s !ras)ed the mean n! or rendered t correctl$; but I ho)e that such errors are fe#. than/s to the ass stance so / ndl$ ! 0en me b$ m$ fr end Muhammad Shaf . no# "rofessor of Arab c at *ahore. # th #hom I read the )oem and d scussed man$ )o nts of d ff cult$. &ther quest ons of a more fundamental character ha0e been sol0ed for me b$ the author h mself. At m$ request he dre# u) a statement of h s )h loso)h cal- 0 e#s on the )roblem touched and su!!ested n the boo/. I # ll ! 0e t n h s o#n #ords as nearl$ as )oss ble. It s not. of course. a com)lete statement. and #as #r tten. as he sa$s. 2 n a !reat hurr$.2 but a)art from ts )o#er and or ! nal t$ t eluc dates the )oet cal ar!ument for better than an$ e7)lanat on that could ha0e been offered b$ me. +. TH( "HI*&S&"HI'A* 1ASIS &C TH( ASRAR-I-KHUDI 2>The e7)er ence should ta/e )lace n f n te centres and should #ear the form of f n te th s-ness s n the end ne7)l cable.> These are the #ords of "rof. 1radle$. 1ut start n!- # th these ne7)l cable centres of e7)er ence. he ends n a un t$ #h ch -he calls Absolute and n #h ch the f n te centres lose the r f n teness and d st nctness. Accord n! to h m. therefore. the f n te centre s onl$ an a))earance. The test of real t$. n h s o) n on s all- nclus 0eness; and s nce all f n teness s > nfected # th relat 0 t$. t follo#s that the latter s a mere llus on. To m$ m nd. th s ne7)l cable f n te centre of e7)er ence s the fundamental fact of the un 0erse. All l fe s nd 0 dual; there s no such th n! as un 0ersal l fe. =od h mself s an nd 0 dual8 He s the most un que nd 0 dual.D The un 0erse. as Dr. McTa!!art sa$s. s an -assoc at on of nd 0 dual ; but #e must add that the orderl ness and ad4ustment #h ch #e f nd n th s assoc at on s not eternall$ ach e0ed and com)lete n tself. t s the result of nst nct 0e or consc ous effort. 3e are !raduall$ tra0ell n! from chaos to cosmos and are hel)ers n th s ach e0ement. %or are the members of the assoc at on f 7ed; ne# members are e0er com n! to b rth to co-o)erate n the !reat tas/. Thus the un 0erse s not a com)leted act8 t s st ll n the course of format on. There can be no com)lete truth about the un 0erse. for the un 0erse has not $et become >#hole.> The )rocess of creat on s st ll !o n! on. and man too ta/es h s share n t. nasmuch as he hel)s to br n! order nto at least a )ort on or the chaos. The Koran nd cates the )oss b l t$ of other creators than =od.2&b0 ousl$ th s 0 e# of man and the un 0erse s o))osed to that of the (n!l sh %eoHe!el ans as #ell as to all forms of )anthe st c Suf sm #h ch re!ard absor)t on n a un 0ersal l fe or soul as the f nal a m and sal0at on of man.E The moral and rel ! ous deal of man s not self-ne!at on but self-aff rmat on. and he atta ns to th s deal b$ becom n! more and more nd 0 dual. more and more un que. The "ro)het sa d. >Ta/hallaqu b -a/hlaq Allah.> >'reate n $oursel0es the attr butes of =od.> Thus man becomes un que b$ becom n! more and more l /e the most un que Ind 0 dual. 3hat then s l fe9 It s nd 0 dual 8 ts h !hest form. so far. s the (!o (Khud ) n #h ch the nd 0 dual becomes a self conta ned e7clus 0e centre. "h$s call$ as #ell as s) r tuall$

man s a self-conta ned centre. but he s not $et a com)lete nd 0 dual. The !reater h s d stance from =od. the less h s nd 0 dual t$. He #ho comes nearest to =od s the com)letest )erson. %or that he s f nall$ absorbed n =od. &n the contrar$. he absorbs =od nto h mself.F The true )erson not onl$ absorbs the #orld of matter; b$ master n! t he absorbs =od H mself nto h s (!o. * fe s a for#ard ass m lat 0e mo0ement. It remo0es all obstruct ons n ts march b$ ass m lat n! them. Its essence s the cont nual creat on of des res and deals. and for the )ur)ose of t ts )reser0at on and e7)ans on t has n0ented or de0elo)ed out of tself certa n nstruments. .e.!.. senses. ntellect. etc.. #h ch hel) n to ass m late obstruct ons.6 The !reatest obstacle n the #a$ of l fe s matter. %ature ; $et %ature s not e0 l. s nce t enables the nner )o#ers of l fe to unfold themsel0es. 2The (!o atta ns to freedom b$ the remo0al of all obser0at ons n ts #a$. It s )artl$ free. )artl$ determ ned,. and reaches fuller freedom b$ a))roach n! the Ind 0 dual. #ho s most free-=od. In one #ord. l fe s an endea0our for freedom. @. TH( (=& A%D '&%TI%UATI&% &C "(RS&%A*ITG 2In man the centre of l fe becomes an (!o or "erson. "ersonal t$ s a state of tens on and can cont nue onl$ f that state s ma nta ned. If the state of tens on s not ma nta ned.. rela7at on # ll ensue. S nce )ersonal t$. or the state of tens on. s the most 0aluable ach e0ement of man. he should see that he does not re0ert to a state of rela7at on. That #h ch tends to ma nta n the state of tens on tends to ma/e us mmortal. Thus the dea of )ersonal t$ ! 0es us a standard of 0alue 8 t settles the )roblem of !ood and e0 l. That #h ch fort f es )ersonal t$ s !ood. that #h ch #ea/ens t s bad. Art.+5 rel ! on. and eth cs++ must be 4ud!ed from the stand-)o nt of )ersonal t$. M$ cr t c sm of "lato+@ s d rected a!a nst those )h loso)h cal s$stems #h ch hold u) death rather than l fe as the r deal-s$stems #h ch !nore the !reatest obstruct on to l fe. namel$. matter. and teach us to run a#a$ from t nstead of absorb n! t. 2As n conne7 on # th the quest on of the freedom of the (!o #e ha0e to face the )roblem of matter. s m larl$ n conne7 on # th ts mmortal t$ #e ha0e to face the )roblem of t me.+A 1er!son has tau!ht us that t me s not an nf n te l ne ( n the s)at al sense of the #ord >l ne>) throu!h #h ch #e must )ass #hether #e # sh t or not. Th s dea of t me s adulterated. "ure t me has no len!th. "ersonal mmoral t$ s an as) rat on8 $ou can ha0e t f $ou ma/e an effort to ach e0e t. It de)ends on our ado)t n!. n th s l fe modes of thou!ht and act 0 t$ #h ch tend to ma nta n the state of tens on. 1uddh sm. "ers an Suf sm and all ed forms of eth cs # ll not ser0e our )ur)ose. 1ut the$ are not #holl$ useless. because after )er ods of !reat act 0 t$ #e need o) ates. narcot cs. for some t me. The$ forms of thou!ht and act on are l /e. n !hts n the da$s of l fe. Thus. f our act 0 t$ s d rected to#ards the ma ntenance of a state of tens on. the shoc/ of death s not l /el$ to affect t. After death there ma$ be an nter0al of rela7at on. as the Koran s)ea/s of a bar:a/h. or ntermed ate state. #h ch lasts unt l the Da$ of Resurrect on+D. &nl$ those (!os # ll sur0 0e th s state of rela7at on #ho ha0e ta/en !ood care dur n! the )resent l fe. Althou!h l fe abhors re)et t on n ts e0olut on. $et on 1er!son>s )r nc )les the resurrect on of the bod$ too. as 3 ldon 'arr sa$s. s qu te )oss ble. 1$ brea/ n! u) t me nto moments #e s)at al se t and then f nd d ff cult$ n !ett n! o0er t. The true nature of t me s reached #hen #e loo/ nto our dee)ar self.+- Real t me s l fe tself #h ch can )reser0e tself b$ ma nta n n! that. )art cular state of tens on ()ersonal t$) #h ch t has so far ach e0ed. 3e are sub4ect to t me so lon! as #e loo/ u)on t me as someth n!

s)at al.. S)at al sed t me s a fetter #h ch l fe has for!ed for tself n order to ass m late the )resent en0 ronment. In real t$ #e are t meless. and t s )oss ble to real se our t melessness e0en n th s l fe. Th s re0elat on. ho#e0er. can be momentar$ onl$. A. TH( (DU'ATI&% &C TH( (=& 2The (!o s fort f ed b$ lo0e (Ishq)+E. Th s #ord s used n a 0er$ # de sense and means the des re to ass m late. to absorb. Its h !hest form s the creat on of 0alues and deals and the endea0our to real se them. *o0e nd 0 dual ses the lo0er as #ell as the belo0ed. The effort to real se the most un que nd 0 dual t$ nd 0 dual ses the see/er and m)l es the nd 0 dual t$ of the sou!ht. for noth n! else #ould sat sf$ the nature of the see/er. As lo0e fort f es the (!o. as/ n! (sua>l) #ea/ens t.2 All that s ach e0ed # thout )ersonal effort comes under sua>l. The son of a r ch man #ho nher ts h s father>s #ealth s an >as/er> (be!!ar); so s e0er$ one #ho th n/s the thou!hts of others. Thus. n order to fort f$ the (!o #e should cult 0ate lo0e. .e. the )o#er of ass m lat 0e act on. and a0o d all forms of >as/ n!. e. nact on. The lesson of ass m lat 0e act on s ! 0en b$ the l fe of the "ro)het. at least to a Muhammadan.+F 2In another )art of the )oem+6 I ha0e h nted at the !eneral )r nc )les of Musl m eth cs and ha0e tr ed to re0eal the r mean n! n conne7 on # th the dea of )ersonal t$. The (!o n ts mo0ement to#ards un queness has to )ass throu!h three sta!es 8 (a) &bed ence to the *a#. (b) Self-control. #h ch s the h !hest form of self-consc ousness or (!o-hood?+, (c) D 0 ne 0 ce!erenc$.@5 2Th s (d 0 ne 0 ce!erenc$. n $abat-e-Alah ) s the th rd and last sta!e of human de0elo)ment on earth. The na> b (0 ce!erent) s the 0 ce!erent of =od on earth. He s the com)letest (!o. the !oal of human t$@+. the acume of l fe both n m nd and bod$; n h m the -d scord of our mental l fe becomes a harmon$. Th s h !hest )o#er s un ted n h m # th the h !hest /no#led!e. In th s l fe thou!ht and act on. nst nct and reason become one. He s the last fru t of the tree of human t$. and all the tr al of a )a nful e0olut on are 4ust f ed because he s to come at the end. He s the real ruler of man/ nd; h s / n!dom s the / n!dom of =od on earth. &ut of the r chness of h s nature he la0 shes the #ealth of l fe on others. and br n!s them nearer and nearer to h mself. The more #e ad0ance n e0olut on.. the nearer #e !et to h m. In a))roach n! h m #e are ra s n! oursel0es n the scale of l fe. The de0elo)ment of human t$ both n m nd and bod$ s a cond t on )recedent to h s b rth. Cor the )resent he s a mere deal ; but the e0olut on of human t$ s tend n! to#ards the )roduct on of an deal race of more or less un que nd 0 duals #ho # ll become h s f tt n! )arents. Thus the K n!dom of =od on earth means the democrac$ of more or less un que nd 0 duals. )res ded o0er b$ the most un que nd 0 dual )oss ble on th s earth. % et:sche had a !l m)se of th s deal race. but h s athe sm and ar stocrat c )re4ud ces marred h s #hole conce)t on.2@@ (0er$ one. I su))ose. # ll ac/no#led!e that the substance of the Asrar -Khud s str / n! enou!h to command attent on. In the -)oem. naturall$. th s )h loso)h$ )resents tself under a d fferent as)ect. Its audac t$ of thou!ht and )hrase s less

a))arent. ts lo! cal br ll anc$ d ssol0es n the !lo# of feel n! and ma! nat on. and t # ns the heart before ta/ n! )ossess on of the m nd. The art st c qual t$ of the )oem s remar/able #hen #e cons der that ts lan!ua!e s not the author>s o#n I ha0e done m$ best to )reser0e as much of th s as a l teral )rose translat on #ould allo#. Man$ )assa!es of the or ! nal are )oetr$ of the / nd that. once read. s not eas l$ for!otten. e.!. the descr )t on of the Ideal Man as a del 0erer for #hom the #ord s #a t n!. and the noble n0ocat on #h ch br n!s the boo/ to an end. * /e <alal>udd n Rum . Iqbal s found of ntroduc n! fables and a)olo!ues to rel e0e the ar!ument and llustrate h s mean n! # th more force and )o nt than #ould be )oss ble other# se. &n ts f rst a))earance the Asrar- Khud too/ b$ storm the $oun!er !enerat on of Ind an Musl m. >.Iqbal.2 #rote one of them. 2has come amon!st us as a Mess ah and has st rred the dead # th l fe.2 It rema ns to be seen n #hat d rect on the a#a/ened one # ll march. 3 ll the$ -be sat sf ed # th a !lor ous but d stant 0 s on or the ' t$ of =od. or # ll the$ ada)t the ne# doctr ne to other ends than those #h ch ts author has n 0 e# 9 %ot# thstand n! that he e7)l c tl$ denounces the dea of nat onal sm. h s adm rers are alread$ )rotest n! that he does not mean #hat he sa$s. Ho# far the nfluence of h s #or/ ma$ ult matel$ !o I # ll not attem)t to )ro)hes$. It has been sa d of h m that 2he s a man of h s a!e and a man n ad0ance of h s a!e; he s also a man n d sa!reement # th h s a!e.2 3e cannot re!ard h s deas as t$) cal of an$ sect on of h s co-rel ! on sts. The$ n0ol0e a rad cal chan!e- n the Musl m m nd. and the r real m)ortance s not to be measured b$ the fact that such a chan!e s unl /el$ to occur # th n a calculable t me. "R&*&=U(3H(% the #orld- llum n! sun rushed. u)on % !ht l /e a br !and. M$ #ee) n! bede#ed the face of the rose. M$ tears #ashed a#a$ slee) from the e$e of the narc ssus. M$ )ass on #a/ened the !rass and made t !ro#. The =ardener tr ed the )o#er of m$ son!. He so#ed m$ 0erse and rea)ed a s#ord. In the so l he )lanted onl$ the seed of m$ tears And #o0e m$ lament # th the !arden. as #ar) and #oof. Tho> I am but a mote. the rad ant sun s m ne8 3 th n m$ bosom are a hundred da#ns. +5 M$ dust s br !hter than <amsh d>s cu)-@A It /no#s th n!s that are $et unborn n the #orld. M$ thou!ht hunted do#n and slun! from the saddle a deer. That has not $et lea)ed forth from the co0ert of non-e7 stence. Ca r s m$ !arden ere $et the lea0es are !reen8 +Unborn roses are h dden n the s/ rt of m$ !arment. I struc/ dumb the mus c ans #here the$ #ere !athered to!ether. I smote the heart-str n! of the un 0erse. 1ecause the lute of m$ !en us hath a rare melod$8 (0en to comrades m$ son! s stran!e. @5 I am born n the #orld as a ne# sun. I ha0e not learned the #a$s and fash ons of the s/$ %ot $et ha0e the stars fled before m$ s)lendour. %ot $et s m$ qu c/s l0er ast r;

Untouched s the sea b$ m$ danc n! ra$s. @Untouched are the mounta ns b$ m$ cr mson hue. The e$e of e7 stence s not fam l ar # th me; I r se trembl n!. afra d to sho# m$self. Crom the (ast m$ da#n arr 0ed and routed % !ht. A fresh de# settled on the rose of the #orld. A5 I am #a t n! for the 0otar es that r se at da#n; &h. ha))$ the$ #ho shall #orsh ) m$ f re? I ha0e no need of the ear of To-da$. I am the 0o ce of the )oet of To-morro# M$ o#n a!e does not understand m$ dee) mean n!s. M$ <ose)h s not for th s mar/et. I des)a r of m$ old com)an ons. M$ S na burns forsa/e of the Moses #ho s com n!. The r sea s s lent. l /e de#. 1ut m$ de# s storm-r dden. l /e the ocean. D5 M$ son! s of another #orld than the rs8 Th s bell calls other tra0ellers to ta/e the road. Man$ a )oet #as born after h s death. &)ened our e$es #hen h s o#n #ere closed.. And 4ourne$ed forth a!a n from noth n!ness. D* /e roses blossom n! o>er the earth of h s !ra0e. Albe t cara0ans ha0e )assed throu!h th s desert. The$ )assed. as a camel ste)s. # th l ttle sound. 1ut I am a lo0er8 loud cr$ n! s m$ fa th The clamour of <ud!ment Da$ s one of m$ m n ons. M$ son! e7ceeds the ran!e of the chord. Get I do not fear that m$ lute # ll brea/. T#ere better for the #ater dro) not to /no# m$ torrent. 3hose fur$ should rather madden the sea. %o r 0er # ll conta n m$ &man8@D -M$ flood requ res #hole seas to hold t. Unless the bud e7)and nto a bed of roses. It s un#orth$ of m$ s)r n!-cloud>s bount$. * !htn n!s slumber # th n m$ soul. I s#ee) o0er mounta n and )la n. E5 3restle # th m$ sea. f thou art a )la n; Rece 0e m$ l !htn n! f thou art a S na . The Counta n of * fe hath been ! 0en me to dr n/. I ha0e been made an ade)t of the m$ster$ of * fe. The s)ec/ of dust #as 0 tal sed b$ m$ burn n! son!8 It unfolded # n!s-and became a f ref $. %o one hath. told the secret #h ch I # ll tell &r threaded a )earl of thou!ht l /e m ne 'ome. f thou #ould>st /no# the secret of e0erlast n! l fe 'ome. f thou #ould>st # n both earth and hea0en. F5 Hea0en tau!ht me th s lore. I cannot h de t from comrades. & Saq ar se and )our # ne nto the cu)? 'lear the 0e7at on of T me from m$ heart




The s)ar/l n! l quor that flo#s from Hem:en@F3ere a be!!ar to #orsh ) t. he #ould become a / n!. It ma/es thou!ht more sober and # se. t ma/es the /een e$e /eener. t ! 0es to a stra# the #e !ht of a mounta n. And to fo7es the stren!th of l ons. 65 It causes dust to soar to the "le ades And a dro) of #aters #ell to the breadth of the sea. t turns s lence Into the d n of <ud!ment Da$. t ma/es the foot of the )artr d!e red # th blood of the ha#/. Ar se and )our )ure # ne nto m$ cu). 6"our moon beams nto the dar/ n !ht of m$ thou!ht. That I ma$ lead home the #anderer And mbue the dle loo/er on # th rest less m)at ence; And ad0ance hotl$ on a ne# quest And become /no#n as the cham) on of a ne# s) r t8 ,5 And be to )eo)le of ns !ht as the )u) l to the e$e. And s n/ nto the ear of the #orld. l /e a 0o ce; And e7alt the #orth of "oes$ And s)r n/le the dr$ herbs # th m$ tears.2@E Ins) red b$ the !en us of the Master of Rum.@F ,I reherarse the sealed boo/ of secret lore. H s soul s the flam n! furnace. I am but as the s)ar/ that !leams for a moment. H s burn n! candle consumed me. I the moth; H s # ne o0er#helmed m$ !oblet. +55 The master of Rum transmuted m$ earth to !old And set m$ ashes aflame. The !ra n of sand set forth from the desert. That t m !ht # n the rad ance of the sun. I am a #a0e and I # ll come to rest n h s sea. +5That I ma$ ma/e the !l sten n! )earl m ne o#n. I #ho am drun/en # th the # ne of h s son!. Dra# l fe from the breath of h s #ords. >T#as n !ht m$ heart #ould fa n lament. The s lence #as f lled # th m$ cr es to =od. ++5 I #as com)la n n! of the sorro#s of the #orld. And be#a l n! the em)t ness of m$ cu). At last m ne e$e could endure no more. 1ro/en # th fat !ue t #ent to slee). There a))eared the Master. formed n the mould of Truth. ++3ho #rote the Koran n "ers an.@6 He sa d. 2& fren: ed lo0er. Ta/e a drau!ht of lo0e>s )ure # ne. Str /e@, the chords of th ne heart and rouse a tumultuous stra n. Dash th ne head a!a nst the !oblet and th ne e$e a!a nst the lancet? +@5 Ma/e th$ lau!hter the source of a hundred s !hs. Ma/e the hearts of men bleed # th th$ tears Ho# lon! # lt thou be s lent. l /e a bud9 Sell th$ fra!rance chea). l /e the rose?

Ton!ue-t ed. thou art n )a n8 +@'ast th$self u)on the f re. l /e rue? * /e the bell. brea/ s lence at last. and from e0er$ l mb. Utter forth a lamentat on? Thou art f re8 f ll the #orld # th th$ !lo#? Ma/e others burn # th th$ burn n!? +A5 "rocla m the secrets of the old # ne seller;A5 1e thou a sur!e of # ne. and the cr$stal cu) th$ robe? Shatter the m rror of fear. 1rea/ the bottles n the ba:aar * /e the reed-flute. br n! a messa!e from the reed-bed +A= 0e to Ma4nun a messa!e from the tr be of *a la?A+ 'reate a ne# st$le for th$ son!. (nr ch the assembl$ # th th$ ) erc n! stra ns U). and re- ns) re e0er$ l 0 n! soul Sa$ >Ar se ?> and b$ that #ord qu c/en the l 0 n! +D5 U). and set th$ feet on another )ath "ut as de the )ass onate melanchol$ of old ? 1ecome fam l ar # th the del !ht of s n! n!; bell of the cara0an. a#a/e?2 At these #ords m$ bosom #as en/ ndled +DAnd s#elled # th emot on l /e the flute; I rose l /e mus c from the str n! To )re)are a "arad se for the ear. I un0e led the m$ster$ of the Self And d sclosed ts #ondrous secret. +-5 M$ be n! #as an unf n shed statue. Uncomel$. #orthless. !ood for noth n!. *o0e ch selled me8 I became a man. And !a ned /no#led!e of the nature of the un 0erse. I ha0e seen the mo0ement of the s ne#s of the s/$. +-And the blood cours n! n the 0e ns of the moon. Man$ a n !ht I #e)t for Man>s sa/e That I m !ht tear the 0e l from * fe>s m$ster es. And e7tract the secret of * fe>s const tut on Crom the laborator$ of )henomena. +E5 I #ho ! 0e beaut$ to th s n !ht. l /e the moon. Am as dust n de0ot on to the )ure Ca th (Islam) A Ca th reno#ned n h ll and dale. 3h ch / ndles n men>s hearts a flame of und$ n! son!8 It so#ed an atom and rea)ed a sun. +EIt har0ested a hundred )oets l /e Rum and Attar. I am a s !h8 I # ll mount to the hea0ens; I am but smo/e. $et am I s)run! of f re. Dr 0en on#ard b$ h !h thou!hts. m$ )en 'ast abroad the secret beh nd th s 0e l. +F5 That the dro) ma$ become co-equal # th the sea And the !ra n of sand !ro# nto a Sahara. "oet s n! s not the a m of th s Masna0 . 1eaut$-#orsh )) n! and lo0e-ma/ n! s not ts a m. I am of Ind a8 "ers an s not m$ nat 0e ton!ue; +F-

I am l /e the crescent moon8 m$ cu) s not full. Do not see/ from me charm of st$le n e7)os t on. Do not see/ not from me Khansar and Isfahan.A@ Althou!h the lan!ua!e of H nd s s#eet as su!ar. Get s#eeter s the fash on of "ers an s)eech. +65 M$ m nd #as enchanted b$ ts lo0el ness. M$ )en became as a t# ! of the 1urn n! 1ush. 1ecause of the loft ness of m$ thou!hts. "ers an alone s su table to them. & Reader I do not f nd fault # th the # ne-cu). +61ut cons der attent 0el$ the taste of the # ne. I SH&3I%= THAT TH( SGST(M &C TH( U%IB(RS( &RI=I%AT(S I% TH( S(*C A%D THAT TH( '&%TI%UATI&% &C TH( *IC( &C A** I%DIBIDUA*S D("(%DS &% STR(%=TH(%I%= TH( S(*C.TH( form of e7 stence s an effect of the Self. 3hatsoe0er thou seest s a secret of the Self. 3hen the Self a#o/e to consc ousness. It re0ealed the un 0erse of Thou!ht. A hundred #ords are h dden n ts essence8 +,5 Self-aff rmat on br n!s %ot-self to l !ht. 1$ the Self the seed of o))os t on s so#n n the #ord8 It ma! nes tself to be other than tself It ma/es from tself the forms of others +,In order to mult )l$ the )leasure of str fe. It s sla$ n! b$ the stren!th of ts arm That t ma$ become consc ous of ts o#n stren!th. Its self-dece)t ons are the essence of * fe; * /e the rose. t l 0es b$ bath n! tself n blood. @55 Cor the sa/e of a s n!le rose t destro$s a hundred rose !ardens And ma/es a hundred lamentat on n quest of a s n!le melod$. Cor one s/$ t )roduces a hundred ne# moons. And for one #ord a hundred d scourses. The e7cuse for th s #astefulness and cruelt$ @5Is the sha) n! and )erfect n! of s) r tual beaut$. The lo0el ness of Sh r n 4ust f es the an!u sh of Carhad.AA &ne fra!rant na0el 4ust f es a hundred mus/-deer. >T s the fate of moths to consume n flame8 The suffer n! of moths s 4ust f ed b$ the candle. @+5 The )enc l of the Self l m)ed a hundred to-da$s In order to ach e0e the da#n of a s n!le morro#. Its flames burned a hundred AbrahamsAD That the lam) of one Muhammad m !ht be l !hted. Sub4ect. ob4ect. means. and causesI @+All these are forms #h ch t assumes for the )ur)ose of act on. The Self r ses. / ndles. falls. !lo#s. breathes. 1urns. sh nes. #al/s. and fl es. The s)ac ousness of T me s ts arena.

Hea0en s a b llo# of the dust on the road. @@5 Crom ts rose-)lant n! the #orld abounds n roses; % !ht s born of ts slee). da$ s)r n!s from ts #a/ n!. It d 0 ded ts flame nto s)ar/s And tau!ht the understand n! to #orsh ) )art culars. It d ssol0ed tself and created the atoms @@It #as scattered for a l ttle #h le and created sands. Then t #ear ed of d s)ers on And b$ re-un t n! tself t became the mounta ns. >T s the nature of the Self to man fest tself In e0er$ atom slumbers the m !ht of the Self. @A5 "o#er that s e7)ressed and nert 'ha ns the facult es #h ch lead to act on. Inasmuch as the l fe of the un 0erse comes from the )o#er of the Self. * fe s n )ro)ort on to th s )o#er. 3hen a dro) of #ater !ets of Self>s lesson b$ heart. @At ma/es ts #orthless e7 stence a )earl. 3 ne s formless because ts self s #ea/; It rece 0es a form b$ fa0our of the cu). Althou!h the cu) of # ne assumes a form. It s ndebted to us for ts mot on. @D5 3hen the mounta n loses ts self. t turns nto sands And com)la ns that the sea sur!es o0er t; The #a0e. so lon! as t rema ns a #a0e n the sea>s bosom.AMa/es tself r der on the sea>s bac/. * !ht transformed tself nto an e$e @DAnd mo0ed to and fro n search of beaut$; 3hen the !rass found a means of !ro#th n ts self. Its as) rat on clo0e the breast of the !arden. The candle too concatenated tself And bu lt tself out of atoms; @-5 Then t made a )ract ce of melt n! tself a#a$ and fled from ts self Unt l at last t tr c/led do#n from ts o#n e$e. l /e tears. If the be:el had been more self secure b$ nature. It #ould not ha0e suffered #ounds. 1ut s nce t der 0es ts 0alue from the su)erscr )t on. @-Its shoulder s !alled b$ the burden of another>s name. 1ecause the earth s f rml$ based on tself. The ca)t 0e moon !oes round t )er)etuall$. The be n! of the sun s stron!er than that of the earth Therefore s the earth fasc nated b$ the sun>s e$e. @E5 The !lor$ of the red beech f 7es our !a:e. The mounta ns are enr ched b$ ts ma4est$ Its ra ment s #o0en of f re. Its or ! n s one self-assert 0e seed. 3hen * fe !athers stren!th from the Self. @E5 The r 0er of * fe e7)ands nto an ocean II

SH&3I%= THAT TH( *IC( &C TH( S(*C '&M(S CR&M C&RMI%= ID(A*S A%D 1RI%=I%= TH(M T& 1IRTH.*IC( s )reser0ed b$ )ur)ose 1ecause of the !oal ts cara0an-bell t n/les. * fe Is latent n see/ n!. Its or ! n s h dden n des re. @F5 Kee) des re al 0e n th$ heart. *est th$ l ttle dust become a tomb. Des re s the soul of th s #orld of hue and scent. The nature of e0er$th n! s a storehouse of des re. Des re sets the heart danc n! n the breast. @FAnd b$ ts !lo# the breast s made br !ht as a m rror. It ! 0es to earth the )o#er of soar n!. It s a Kh :r to the Moses of )erce)t on.AE Crom the flame of des re the heart ta/es l fe. And #hen t ta/es l fe. all d es that s not true. @65 3hen t refra ns from form n! des res. Its o) n on brea/s and t cannot soar. Des re /ee)s the Self n )er)etual u)roar. It s a restless #a0e of the Self>s sea. Des re s a noose for hunt n! deals. @6A b nder of the boo/ of deeds. %e!at on of des re s death to the l 0 n!. (0en as absence of heat e7t n!u shes the flame. 3hat s the source of our #a/eful e$e9 &ur del !ht n see n! hath ta/en 0 s ble sha)e. @,5 The )artr d!e>s le! s der 0ed from the ele!ance of ts !a t. The n !ht n!ale>s bea/ from ts endea0our to s n!. A#a$ from the seed-bed. the reed became ha))$8 The mus c #as released from ts )r son.AF 3hat s the essence of the m nd that str 0es after ne# d sco0er es and scales the hea0ens9 @,Kno#est thou #hat #or/s th s m racle >T s des re that enr ches * fe. And the m nd s a ch ld of ts #omb. 3hat are soc al or!an sat on. customs and la#s9 3hat s the secret of the no0elt es of sc ence9 A55 A des re #h ch real sed tself b$ ts o#n stren!th And burst forth from the heart and too/ sha)e. %ose. hand. bra n. e$e. and ear. Thou!h. ma! nat on. feel n!. memor$. and understand n! All these are #ea)ons de0 sed b$ * fe for self-)reser0at on A5In ts ceasless stru!!le. The ob4ect of sc ence and art s not /no#led!e. The ob4ect of the !arden s not the bud and the flo#er Sc ence s an nstrument for the )reser0at on of * fe. Sc ence s a means of n0 !orat n! the Self. A+5 Sc ence and art are ser0ants of * fe. Sla0es born and bred n ts house. R se. & thou #ho art stran!e to * fe >s m$ster$. R se nto7 cated # th the # ne of an deal. A+-

An deal sh n n! as the da#n. A bla: n! f re to all that s other than =od. An deal h !her than Hea0enI 3 nn n!. ca)t 0at n!. enchant n! men>s hearts A destro$er of anc ent falsehood. Crau!ht # th turmo l. and embod ment of the *ast Da$. 3e l 0e b$ form n! deals. 3e !lo# # th the sunbeams of des re? III


SH&3I%= THAT TH( S(*C IS STR(%=TH(%(D 1G *&B(.A6TH( lum nous )o nt #hose name s the Self Is the l fe-s)ar/ beneath our dust. 1$ *o0e t s made more I st n!. A@More l 0 n!. more burn n!. more !lo# n!. Crom *o0e )roceeds the rad ance of ts be n!. And the de0elo)ment of ts un/no#n )oss b l t es. Its nature !athers f re from *o0e. *o0e nstructs t to llum ne the #orld. AA5 *o0e fears ne ther s#ord nor da!!er. *o0e s not born of #ater and a r and earth. *o0e ma/es )eace and #ar n the #orld. *o0e s the Counta n of * fe. *o0e s the flash n! s#ord of Death. The hardest roc/s are sh 0ered b$ *o0e>s !lance8 AA*o0e of =od at last becomes #holl$ =od. *earn thou to lo0e. and see/ a belo0ed8 See/ an e$e l /e %oah>s. a heart l /e <ob>s ? Transmute th$ handful of earth nto !old. K ss the threshold of a "erfect Man?A, AD5 * /e Rum . l !ht the candle And burn Rum n the f re of Tabr : ?D5 There s a belo0ed h dden # th n th ne heart8 I # ll sho# h m to thee. f thou hast e$es to see. H s lo0ers are fa rer than the fa r. ADS#eeter and comel er and more belo0ed. 1$. lo0e of h m the heart s made stron! And earth rubs shoulders # th the "le ades. The so l of %a4d #as qu c/ened b$ h s !race And fell nto a ra)ture and rose to the s/ esD+ A-5 In the Musl m >s heart s the home of Muhammad. All our !lor$ s from the name of Muhammad. S na s but an edd$ of the dust of h s house. H s d#ell n!-)lace s a sanctuar$ to the Ka>ba tself. (tern t$ s less than a moment of h s t me. (tern t$ rece 0es ncrease. from h s essence. He sle)t on a mat of rushes. 1ut the cro#n of 'hosroes #as under h s )eo)le>s feet. He chose the n !htl$ sol tude of Mount H ra. And he founded a state and la#s and !o0ernment. AE5

He )assed man$ a n !ht # th slee)less e$es In order that the Musl ms m !ht slee) on the throne of "ers a. In the hour of battle. ron #as melted b$ the fash of h s s#ord; In the hour of )ra$er. tears fell l /e ra n from h s e$e. 3hen he )ra$ed for D 0 ne hel). h s s#ord ans#ered 2Amen2 AEAnd e7t r)ated the race of / n!s. He nst tuted ne# la#s n the #orld. He brou!ht the em) res of ant qu t$ to an end. 3 th the /e$ of rel ! on he o)ened the door of th s #orld8 The #omb of the #orld ne0er bore h s l /e. AF5 In h s s !ht h !h and lo# #ere one. He sat # th h s sla0e at one table. The dau!hter of the ch efta n of Ta #as ta/en )r soner n battleD@ And brou!ht nto that e7alted )resence Her feet n cha ns. un0e led. she #as.AFAnd her nec/ bo#ed # th shame 3hen the "ro)het sa# that the -. )oor ! rl had no 0e l. He co0ered her face # th h s o#n mantle. 3e are more na/ed than that lad$ of Ta . 3e are un0e led before the nat ons of the #orld. A65 In h m s our trust on the Da$ of <ud!ement. And n th s #orld too he s our )rotector. 1oth h s fa0our and h s #rath are ent rel$ a merc$8 That s a merc$ to h s fr ends and th s to h s foes. He o)ened the !ate of merc$ to h s enem es. A6He !a0e to Mecca the messa!e. 2%o )enalt$ shall be la d u)on $ou.2 3e #ho /no# not the bonds of countr$ Resemble s !ht. #h ch s one thou!h t be the l !ht of t#o e$es. 3e belon! to the H 4a: and 'h na and "ers a. Get #e are the de# of one sm l n! da#n. A,5 3e are all under the s)ell of the e$e of the cu) bearer from Mecca. 3e are un ted as # ne and cu). He burnt clean a#a$ d st nct ons of l nea!e. H s f re consumed th s trash and rubble. 3e are l /e a rose # th man$ )etals but # th one )erfume8 A,He s the soul of th s soc et$. and he s one 3e are the secret concealed n h s heart8 He s)a/e out fearlessl$. and #e #ere re0ealed. The son! of lo0e for h m f lls m$ s lent reed. A hundred notes throb n m$ bosom. D55 Ho# shall I tell #hat de0ot on he ns) res 9 A bloc/ of dr$ #ood #e)t at )ort n! from h m.DA The Musl m>s be n! s #here he man fests h s !lor$8 Man$ a S na s)r n!s from the dust on h s )ath. M$ ma!e #as created b$ h s- m rror. D5M$ da#n r ses from the sun of h s breast. M$ re)ose s a )er)etual fe0er. M$ e0en n! hotter than the morn n! of <ud!ment Da$8DD He s the A)r l cloud and I h s !arden. M$ 0 ne s bede#ed # th h s ra n. D+5

I so#ed m ne e$e n the f eld of *o0e And rea)ed. a har0est of 0 s on. 2The so l of Med na s s#eeter than both #orlds8 &h. ha))$ the to#n #here d#ell the 1elo0ed?2 DI am lost n adm rat on of the st$le of Mulla <am 8 D+H s 0erse and )rose are a remed$ for m$ mmatur t$. He has #r tten )oetr$ o0erflo# n! # th beaut ful deas; And has threaded )earls n )ra se of the Master2Muhammad s the )reface to the boo/ of the un 0erse; All the #orlds are sla0es and he s the Master.2 D@5 Crom the # ne of *o0e s)r n! man$ s) r tual qual t es8 Amon!st the attr butes of *o0e s bl nd de0ot on. The sa nt of 1 stam. #ho n de0ot on #as un que. Absta ned from eat n! a #ater-melon.DE 1e a lo0er constant n de0ot on to th$ belo0ed. D@That thou ma$st cast th$ nose and ca)ture =od. So4ourn for a #h le on the H ra of the heart.DF Abandon self and flee to =od. Stren!thened b$ =od. return to the$ self And brea/ the heads of the *at and U::a of sensual t$.D6 DA5 1$ the m !ht of *o0e e0o/e an arm$ Re0eal th$self on the Caran of *o0e.D, That the *ord of the Ka>ba ma$ sho# thee fa0our And ma/e thee the ob4ect of the te7t. 2*o. I # ll a))o nt a 0 ce!erent on the earth.2-5 IB SH&3I%= THAT TH( S(*C IS 3(AK(%(D 1G ASKI%=& TH&U #ho hast !athered ta7es from l ons. DATh$ need hath caused thee to become a fo7 n d s)os t on. Th$ malad es are the result of nd !ence8 Th s d sease s the source of th$ )a n. It s robb n! th ne h !h thou!hts of the r d !n t$ And )utt n! out the l !ht of th$ noble ma! nat on. DD5 Juaff ros$ # ne from the 4ar of e7 stence? Snatch th$ mone$ from the )urse of T me? * /e &mar. come do#n from th$ camel?-+ 1e#are of ncurr n! obl !at ons. be#are? Ho# lon! # lt thou sue for off ce DDAnd r de l /e ch ldren on a reed9 A nature that f 7es ts !ha:e on the s/$ 1ecomes debased b$ rece 0 n! benef ts. 1$ as/ n!. )o0ert$ s made more ab4ect; 1$ be!! n!. the be!!ar s made )oorer. D-5 As/ n! d s nte!rates the Self And de)r 0es of llum nat on the S na bush of the Self. Do not scatter th$ handful of dust; * /e the moon. scra)e food from th ne o#n s de? Albe t thou art )oor and #retched D-And o0er#helmed b$ affl ct on.

See/ not th$ da l$ bread from the bount$ of another. See/ not #ater from the founta n of the sun. *est thou be )ut to shame before the "ro)het &n the Da$ #hen e0er$ soul shall be str c/en # th fear. DE5 The moon !ets sustenance from the table of the sun And bears the brand of h s bount$ on her heart. "ra$ =od for coura!e? 3restle # th Cortune? Do not sull$ the honour of the )ure rel ! on? He #ho s#e)t the rubb sh of dols out of the Ka>ba DESa d that =od lo0es a man that earns h s l 0 n!. 3oe to h m that acce)ts bount$ from another>s table And lets h s nec/ be bent # th benef ts? He hath consumed h mself # th the l !htn n! of the fa0ours besto#ed on h m. He hath sold h s honour for a )altr$ co n. DF5 Ha))$ the man #ho th rst n! n the sun Does not cra0e of Kh :r a cu) of #ater?-@ H s bro# s not mo st # th the shame of be!!ar$; He s a man st ll. not a ) ece of cla$. That noble $outh #al/s under hea0en DF3 th h s head erect l /e the ) ne Are h s hands em)t$9 The more s he master of h mself. Do h s fortunes lan!u sh9 The more alert s he. A #hole ocean. f !a ned b$ be!! n! s but a sea of f re; S#eet s a l ttle de# !athered b$ one>s o#n hand. D65 1e a man of honour. and l /e the bubble. Kee) the cu) n0erted e0er. n the m dst of the sea?-A B SH&3I%= THAT 3H(% TH( S(*C IS STR(%=TH(%(D 1G *&B( IT =AI%S D&MI%I&% &B(R TH( &UT3ARD A%D I%3ARD C&R'(S &C TH( U%IB(RS(.3H(% the Self s made stron! b$ *o0e Its )o#er rules the #hole #orld. The Hea0enl$ Sa!e #ho adorned the s/$ # th stars D6"luc/ed these buds from the bou!h of the Self. Its hand becomes =od>s hand. The moon s s)l t b$ ts f n!ers-DIt s the arb trator n all the quarrels of the #orld. Its command s obe$ed b$ Dar us and <amsh d. D,5 I # ll tell thee a stor$ of 1u Al .-3hose name s reno#ned n Ind a. H m #ho san! of the anc ent rose-!arden And d scoursed to us about the lo0el$ rose8 The a r of h s flutter n! s/ rt D,Made a "arad se of th s f re-born countr$. H s $oun! d sc )le #ent one da$ to the ba:aar The # ne of 1u Al >s d scourse had turned h s head. The !o0ernor of the c t$ #as com n! alon! on horsebac/. H s ser0ant and staff-bearer rode bes de h m.-55 The forerunner shouted. 2& senseless one.

Do not !et n the #a$ of the !o0ernor>s escort ?2 1ut the der0 sh #al/ed on # th droo) n! head. Sun/ n the sea of h s o#n thou!hts. The staff-bearer. drun/en # th )r de. -51ro/en h s staff on the head of the der0 sh. 3ho ste))ed )a nfull$ out of the !o0ernor>s #a$. Sad and sorr$. # th a hea0$ heart. He came to 1u Al and com)la ned And released the tears from h s e$es. -+5 * /e l !htn n! that falls on mounta ns. The She /h )oured forth a f er$ torrent of s)eech. He let loose from h s soul a stran!e f re. He !a0e an order to h s secretar$8 2Ta/e th$ )en and #r te a letter -+Crom a der0 sh to a sultan? Sa$. >Th$ !o0ernor has bro/en m$ ser0ant>s head; He has cast burn n! coals on h s o#n l fe. Arrest th s # c/ed !o0ernor. &r else I # ll besto# th$ / n!dom on another. -@5 The letter of the sa nt>s #ho had access to =od 'aused the monarch to tremble n e0er$ l mb. H s bod$ #as f lled # th aches. He !re# as )ale as the e0en n! sun. He sou!ht out a handcuff for the !o0ernor -@And entreated 1u Al to )ardon th s offence. Khusrau. the s#eet-0o cedeloquent )oet.-E 3hose harmon es ho# from the m nd And #hose !en us hath the soft br ll ance of moonl !ht. 3as chosen to the / n!>s ambassador. -A5 3hen he entered 1u Al >s )resence and )la$ed h s lute. H s son! melted the fa/ r>s soul l /e !lass. &ne stra n of "oes$ bou!ht the !race &f a / n!dom that #as fr m as a mounta n. Do not #ound the heart of der0 shes. -ADo not thro# th$self nto burn n! f re creat 0e BI A TA*( &C 3HI'H TH( M&RA* IS THAT %(=ATI&% &C TH( S(*C IS A D&'TRI%( I%B(%T(D 1G TH( SU1<('T RA'(S &C MA%KI%D I% &RD(R THAT 1G THIS M(A%S TH(G MAG SA" A%D 3(AK(% TH( 'HARA'T(R &C TH(IR RU*(RS.HAST thou heard that n the t me of old The shee) d#ell n! n a certa n )asture So ncreased and mult )l ed That the$ feared no enem$9 -D5 At last. from the mal ce of Cate. The r breasts #ere sm tten b$ a shaft of calam t$. The t !ers s)ran! forth from the 4un!le And rushed u)on the shee)fold 'onquest and dom n on are s !ns of stren!th. -D-

B ctor$ s the man festat on of stren!th. Those f erce t !ers beat the drum of so0ere !nt$. The$ de)r 0ed the shee) of freedom. Cor as much as t !ers must ha0e the r )re$. That meado# #as cr msoned # th the blood of the shee). --5 &ne of the shee) #h ch #as cle0er and acute. &ld n $ears. cunn n! #as a #eather beaten #olf. 1e n! !r e0ed at the fate of h s fello#s And sorel$ 0e7ed b$ the 0 olence of the t !ers. Made com)la nt of the course of Dest n$ --And sou!ht b$ craft to restore the fortunes of h s race. The #ea/. n order to )reser0e themsel0es. See/ de0 ce from s/ lled ntell !ence. In sla0er$. for the sa/e of re)ell n! harm. The )o#er of schem n! becomes qu c/ened. -E5 And #hen the madness of re0en!e !a ns hold. The m nd of the sla0e med tates rebell on. 2&urs s a hard /not.>> sa d th s shee) to h mself. 2The ocean of our !r efs hath no shore. 1$ force #e shee) cannot esca)e from the t !er8 -E&ur le!s are s l0er. h s )a#s are steel. >T s not )oss ble. ho#e0er much one e7horts and counsels. To create n a shee) the d s)os t on of a #olf. 1ut to ma/e the fur ous t !er a shee)-that s )oss ble8 To ma/e h m unm ndful of h s nature-that s )oss ble.2 -F5 He became as a )ro)het ns) red. And be!an to )reach to the blood-th rst$ t !ers. He cr ed out. 2& $e nsolent l ars. 3ho #ant not of a da$ of ll luc/ that shall cont nue for e0er?-F I am )ossessed of s) r tual )o#er. -F+ am an a)ostle sent b$ =od for the t !ers. I come as. a l !ht for the e$e that s dar/. I come to establ sh la#s and ! 0e commandments. Re)ent of $our blame#orth$ deeds; & )lotters of e0 l. beth n/ $oursel0es of !ood? -65 3hose s 0 olent and stron! s. m serable8 * fe>s sol d t$ de)ends on self-den al. The s) r t of the r !hteous s fed b$ fodder8 The 0e!etar an s )leas n! unto =od. The shar)ness of $our teeth br n!s d s!race u)on $ou -6And ma/es the e$e of $our )erce)t on bl nd. "arad se s for the #ea/ alone. Stren!th s but a means to )erd t on. It s # c/ed to see/ !reatness and !lor$. "enur$ s s#eeter than )r ncedom. -,5 * !htn n! does not threaten the cornseed8 If the seed become a stac/. t s un# se. If $ou are sens ble. $ou # ll be a mote of sand. not a Sahara. So that $ou ma$ en4o$ the sunbeams. & thou that del !htest n the slau!hter of shee). -,-

Sla$ th$ self. and thou # lt ha0e honour? * fe s rendered unstable 1$ 0 olence. o))ress on. re0en!e. and e7erc se of )o#er. Thou!h trodden underfoot. the !rass !ro#s u) t me after t me And #ashes the slee) of death from ts e$e a!a n and a!a n.E55 Cor!et th$ self. f thou art # se? If thou dost not for!et th$ self. thou art mad. 'lose th ne e$es. close th ne ears. close th$ l )s.-6 That th$ thou!ht ma$ reach the loft$ s/$? Th s )astura!e of the #orld s nau!ht. nau!ht8 E5& fool. do not torment th$ )hantom? The t !er-tr be #as e7hausted b$ hard stru!!les. The$ had set the r hearts on en4o$ment of lu7ur$. Th s so)or f c ad0 ce )leased them. In the r stu) d t$ the$ s#allo#ed the charm of the shee). E+5 He that used to ma/e shee) h s )re$ %o# embraced a shee)>s rel ! on. The t !ers too/ / ndl$ to a d et of fodder8 At len!th the r t !er sh nature #as bro/en. The fodder blunted the r teethE+And )ut out the a#ful flash n!s of the r e$es. 1$ de!rees coura!e ebbed from the r breasts. The sheen de)arted from m rror. That fren:$ of uttermost e7ert on rema ned not. That cra0 n! after act on d#elt n the r hearts no more. E@5 The$ lost the )o#er of rul n! and the resolut on to be nde)endent. The$ lost re)utat on. )rest !e. and fortune. The r )a#s that #ere as ron became stren!thless; The r souls d ed and the r bod es became tombs. 1od l$ stren!th d m n shed #h le s) r tual fear ncreased; E@S) r tual fear robbed them of coura!e. *ac/ &f coura!e )roduced a hundred d seasesI "o0ert$. )us llan m t$. lo# m ndedness. The #a/eful t !er #as lulled to Slumber b$ the shee)>s charm He called h s decl ne Moral 'ulture. EA5 BII T& TH( (CC('T THAT "*AT&. 3H&S( TH&U=HT HAS D(("*G I%C*U(%'(D TH( MGSTI'ISM A%D *IT(RATUR( &C IS*AM. C&**&3(D TH( SH((">S D&'TRI%(. A%D THAT 3( MUST 1( &% &UR =UARD A=AI%ST HIS TH(&RI(S-,"*AT&. the )r me ascet c and sa!e. 3as one of that anc ent floc/ of shee). H s "e!asus #ent astra$ n the dar/ness of deal sm And dro))ed ts shoe am dst the roc/s of actual t$. He #as so fasc nated b$ the n0 s ble EAThat he made hand. e$e. and ear of no account. 2To d e.2 sa d he. 2 s the secret of * fe8 The candle s !lor f ed b$ be n! )ut out.2 He dom nates our th n/ n!.

H s cu) sends us to slee) and ta/es the sens ble #orld a#a$ from us. He s a shee) n man>s cloth n!. The soul of the Suf bo#s to h s author t$. He soared # th h s ntellect to the h !hest hea0en And called the #orld of )henomena a m$th. >T#as h s -#or/ to d ssol0e the structure of * fe> EDAnd cut the bou!h of * fe>s fa r tree asunder. The thou!ht of "lato re!arded loss as )rof t. H s )h loso)h$ declared that be n! s not-be n!. He natures dro#sed and created a dream H s m nd>s e$e created a m ra!e. E-5 S nce he #as # thout an$ taste for act on. H s soul #as enra)tured b$ the none7 stent. He d sbel e0ed n the mater al un 0erse And became the creator of n0 s ble Ideas. S#eet s the #orld of )henomena to be l 0 n! s) r t. E-Dear s the #orld of Ideas to the dead s) r t8 Its !a:elles ha0e no !ra0e of mo0ement. Its )artr d!es are den ed the )leasure of #al/ n! da nt l$. Its de#dro)s are unable to qu 0er. Its b rds ha0e no breath n the r breasts. EE5 Its seed does not des re to !ro#. Its moths do not /no# ho# to flutter. &ur recluse had no remed$ but fl !ht8 He could not endure the no se of th s #orld. He set h s heart on the !lo# of a quenched flame EEAnd de) cted a #ord stee)ed n o) um. He s)read h s # n!s to#ards the s/$ And ne0er came do#n to h s nest a!a n. H s fantas$ s sun/ n the 4ar of hea0en8 I /no# not #hether t s the dre!s or br c/ of the # ne-4ar.E5 EF5 The )eo)les #ere )o soned b$ h s nto7 cat on8 He slumbered and too/ no del !ht n deeds. BIII


'&%'(R%I%= TH( TRU( %ATUR( &C "&(TRG A%D R(C&RM &C IS*AMI' *IT(RATUR(.>TIS the brand of des re ma/es the blood of man run #arm. 1$ the lam) of des re th s dust s en/ ndled. 1$ des re * fe>s cu) s br mmed # th # ne. EFSo that * fe lea)s to ts feet and marches br s/l$ on. * fe s occu) ed # th conquest alone. And the one charm for conquest s des re. * fe s the hunter and des re the snare. Des re s *o0e>s messa!e to 1eaut$. E65 3herefore doth des re s#ell cont nuousl$ The bass and treble of * fe>s son!9 3hatsoe0er s !ood and fa r and beaut ful Is our !u de n the # lderness of see/ n!. Its ma!e becomes m)ressed on th ne heart. E6-

It creates des res n th ne heart. 1eaut$ s the creator of des re>s s)r n!t de. Des re s nour shed b$ the d s)la$ of 1eaut$. >T s n the )oet>s breast that 1eaut$ un0e ls. >T s from h s S na that 1eaut$>s beams ar se.E,5 1$ h s loo/ the fa r s made fa rer. Throu!h h s enchantments %ature s more belo0ed. Crom h s l )s the -n !ht n!ale hath learned her son!. And h s rou!e hath br !htened the chee/ of the rose. >T s h s )ass on burns n the heart of the moth. E,>T s he that lends !lo# n! hues to lo0e tales. Sea and land are h dden # th n h s #ater and cla$E+A hundred ne# 3orlds are concealed n h s heart. (re tul )s blossomed n h s bra n There #as heard on note of 4o$ or !r ef. F55 H s mus c breathes o>er us a #onderful enchantment. H s )en dra#s a mounta n # th a s n!le ha r. H s thou!hts d#ell # th the moon and the stars. He creates beaut$ and /no#s not #hat s u!l$. He s a Kh :r. and am dst h s dar/ness s the Counta n of * fe8E@ All th n!s that e7 st are made more l 0 n! b$ h s tears. Hea0 l$ #e !o. l /e ra# no0 ces. Stumbl n! on the #a$ to the !oal. H s n !ht n!ale hath )la$ed a tune And la d a )lot to be!u le us. F+5 That he ma$ lead us nto * fe>s "arad se. And that * fe>s bo# ma$ become a full c rcle 'ara0ans march at the sound of h s bell And follo# the 0o ce of h s ) )e; 3hen h s :e)h$r blo#s n our !arden. F+It slo#l$ steals nto the tul )s and roses. H s # tcher$ ma/es * fe de0elo) tself And become self-quest on n! and m)at ent. He n0 tes the #hole #orld to h s table; He la0 shes h s f re as thou!h t #ere chea) as a r. F@5 3oe to a )eo)le that res !ns tself to death. And #hose )oet turns a#a$ from the 4o$ of l 0 n!? H s m rror sho#s beaut$ as u!l ness. H s hone$ lea0es a hundred st n!s n the heart. H s / ss robs the rose of freshness. F@He ta/es a#a$ from the n !ht n!ale>s heart the 4o$ of fl$ n!. The s ne#s are rela7ed b$ h s o) um. Thou )a$est for h s son! # th the l fe. He berea0es the c$)ress of del !ht n ts beaut$. H s cold breath ma/es a )heasant of the male falcon. FA5 He s a f sh. and from the breast u)#ard a man. * /e the S rens n the ocean. 3 th h s son! he enchants the ) lot And casts the sh ) to the bottom of the sea. H s melod es steal f rmness from th ne heart.FA-


H s ma! c )ersuades thee that death s l fe. He ta/es from th$ soul the des re of e7 stence. He e7tracts from th$ m ne the blush n! rub$. He dresses !a n n the !arb of loss. He ma/es e0er$th n! )ra se#orth$ blameful FD5 He )lun!es thee n a sea of thou!ht And ma/es thee a stran!er to act on. He s s c/. and b$ h s #ords our s c/ness s ncreased The more h s cu) !oes round. the more s c/ are the$ -that quaff t. There are no l !htn n! ra ns n h s A)r l. FDH s !arden s a m ra!e of colour and )erfume. H s beaut$ hath no deal n!s # th Truth. There are none but fla#ed )earls n h s sea. Slumber he deemed s#eeter than #a/ n!8 &ur f re #as quenched b$ h s breath. F-5 1$ the chant of h s n !ht n!ale the heart #as )o soned8 Under h s hea) of roses lur/ed a sna/e. 1e#are of h s decanter and cu)? 1e#are of h s s)ar/l n! # ne? & thou #hom h s # ne hath la d lo# F-And #ho loo/>st to h s !lass for th$ r s n! da#n. & thou #hose heart hath been ch lled b$ h s melod es. Thou hast drun/ deadl$ )o son throu!h the ear? Th$ #a$ of l fe s a )roof of th$ de!enerac$. The str n!s of th ne nstrument are out of tune. FE5 >T s )am)ered case hath made thee to #retched. A d s!race to Islam throu!hout. the #orld. &ne can b nd thee # th the 0e n of a rose. &ne can #ound thee # th a :e)h$r. *o0e hath been )ut to shame b$ th$ #a l n!. FEH s fa r ) cture hath been fouled b$ th$ brush. Th$ llness hath )aled h s chee/. The coldness hath ta/en the !lo# from h s f re. He s hearts c/ from th$ heart s c/nesses. And enfeebled b$ th$ feeblenesses. FF5 H s cu) s full of ch ld sh tears. H s house s furn shed # th d stressful s !hs.EA He s a drun/ard be!! n! at ta0ern doors. Steal n! !l m)ses of beaut$ from latt ces. Unha))$. melanchol$. n4ured. FFK c/ed #ell-n !h to death b$ the #arder; 3asted l /e a reed b$ sorro#s. &n h s l )s a store of com)la nts a!a nst Hea0en. Clatter$ and s) te are the mettle of h s m rror. Hel)lessness h s comrade of old; F65 A m serable base-born underl n! 3 thout #orth or ho)e or ob4ect. 3hose lamentat ons ha0e suc/ed the marro# from th$ soul And dr 0en off !entle slee) from th$ ne !hbours> e$es. Alas for a lo0e #hose f re s e7t nct. F6-

A lo0e that #as born n the Hol$ "lace and d ed n the house of dols? &h. f thou hast the co n of )oes$ n th$ )urse. Rub t on the touchstone of * fe? 'lear-see n! thou!ht sho#s the #a$ to act on. As the l !htn n!-flash )recedes the thunder. F,5 It beho0es thee to med tate #ell concern n! l terature. It beho0es thee to !o bac/ to Arab a Thou must needs ! 0e th ne heart to the Salma of Arad$.ED That the morn of the H 4a: ma$ blossom from the n !ht of Kurd stanE-. Thou hast !athered roses from the !arden of "ers a F,And seen the s)r n!t de of Ind a and Iran8 %o# taste a l ttle of the heat of the desert. Dr n/ the old # ne of the date? *a$ th ne head for once on ts hot breast. G eld th$ bod$ a#h le to ts scorch n! # nd? 655 Cor a lon! t me thou hast turned about on a bed of s l/8 %o# accustom th$self to rou!h cotton? Cor !enerat ons thou hast danced on tul )s And bathed th$ chee/ n de#. l /e the rose8 %o# thro# th$self on the burn n! sand 65And )lun!e n to the founta n of Ham:am? Ho# lon! # lt thou fa n lament l /e the n !ht n!ale 9 Ho# lon! ma/e th ne abode n !ardens9 & thou #hose aus) c ous snare #ould do honour to the "hoen 7. 1u ld a nest on the h !h mounta ns. 6+5 A nest embosomed n l !htn n! and thunder. *oft er than ea!le>s e$e. That thou ma$st be f t for * fe>s battle. That th$ bod$ and soul ma$ burn n * fe>s f re? IK SH&3I%= THAT TH( (DU'ATI&% &C TH( S(*C HAS THR(( STA=(S8 &1(DI(%'(. S(*C-'&%TR&*. A%D DIBI%( BI'(=(R(%'(. +. &1(DI(%'(S(RBI'( and to l are tra ts of the camel. 6+"at ence and )erse0erance are #a$s of the camel. %o selessl$ he ste)s alon! the sand$ trac/. He s -the sh ) of those #ho 0o$a!e n the desert. (0er$ th c/et /no#s the )r nt of h s foot8 He eats seldom. slee)s l ttle. and s nured to to l. 6@5 He carr es r der. ba!!a!e. and l tter8 He trots on and on to the 4ourne$>s end. Re4o c n! n h s s)eed. More )at ent n tra0el than h s r der. Thou. too. do not refuse the burden of Dut$8 6@So # lt thou en4o$ the best d#ell n!)lace. #h ch s # th =od. (ndea0our to obe$. & heedless one? * bert$ s the fru t of com)uls on. 1$ obed ence the man of no #orth s made #orth$;

1$ d sobed ence h s f re s turned to ashes. 6A5 3hoso #ould master the sun and stars. *et h m ma/e h mself a )r soner of *a#? The a r becomes fra!rant #hen t s m)r soned n the flo#er-bud; The )erfume become mus/ #hen t s conf ned n the -na0el of the mus/deer. The star mo0es to#ards ts !oal 6A3 th head bo#ed n surrender to a la#. The !rass s)r n!s u) n obed ence to the la# of !ro#th8 3hen t abandons that. t s trodden underfoot. To burn unceas n!l$ s the la# of the tul ). And so the blood lea)s n ts 0e ns 6D5 Dro)s of #ater become a sea b$ the la# of un on. And !ra ns of sand became a Sahara. S nce *a# ma/es e0er$th n! stron! # th n. 3h$ dost thou ne!lect th s source of stren!th9 & thou that art emanc )ated from the old 'ustom.EE6DAdorn th$ feet once more # th the same f ne s l0er cha n? Do not com)la n of the hardness of the *a#. Do not trans!ress the statutes of Muhammad? @. S(*C-'&%TR&*Th$ soul cares onl$ for tself. l /e the camel8 It s self-conce ted. self-!o0erned. and self-# lled. 6-5 1e a man. !et ts halter nto th ne hand. That thou ma$st become a )earl albe t thou art a )otter>s 0essel. He that does not command h mself 1ecomes a rece 0er of commands from others. 3hen the$ moulded thee of cla$. 6-*o0e and fear #ere m n!led n th$ ma/ n!8 Cear of th s #orld and of the #orld to come. fear of death. Cear of all the )a ns of earth and hea0en; *o0e of r ches and )o#er. lo0e of countr$. *o0e of self and / ndred and # fe. 6E5 Man. n #hom cla$ s m 7ed # th #ater. s fond of ease. De0oted to # c/edness and enamoured of e0 l. So lon! as thou hold>st the staff of 2There s no !od but He.2EF Thou # lt brea/ e0er$ s)ell of fear. &ne to #hom =od s as the soul n h s bod$. 6EH s nec/ s not bo#ed before 0an t$. Cear f nds no #a$ nto h s bosom. heart s afra d of none but Allah. 3hoso d#ells n the #orld of %e!at on.E6 Is freed from the bonds of # fe and ch ld. 6F5 He # thdra#s h s !a:e from all e7ce)t =od And la$s the /n fe to the throat of h s son.E, Thou!h s n!le. he s l /e a host n onset8 * fe s chea)er n h s e$es than # nd. The )rofess on of Ca th s the shell. and )ra$er s the )earl # th n t8 The Moselm>s heart deems )ra$er a lesser ) l!r ma!e.F5 In the Musl m>s hand )ra$er s l /e a da!!er.


K ll n! s n and for#ardness and #ron!. Cast n! ma/es an assault u)on hun!er and th rst. And breaches the c tadel of sensual t$. 665 The ) l!r ma!e enl !htens the soul of the Ca thful8 It teaches se)arat on from one>s home and destro$s attachment to one>s nat 0e land; It s an act of de0ot on n #h ch all feel themsel0es to be one. It b nds to!ether the lea0es of the boo/ of rel ! on. Alms! 0 n! causes lo0e of r ches to )ass a#a$ 66And ma/es equal t$ fam l ar; It fort f es the heart # th r !hteousness.F+ It ncreases #ealth and d m n shes fondness for #ealth. All th s s a means of stren!then n! thee8 Thou art m)re!nable. f th$ Islam be stron!.6,5 Dra# m !ht from the l tan$ 2& Alm !ht$ &ne?2 That thou ma$st r de the camel of th$ bod$.F@ A. DIBI%( BI'(=(R(%'GFAIf thou canst rule th$ camel. thou # lt rule the #orld. And #ear on th ne head the cro#n of Solomon. Thou # lt be the !lor$ of the #orld #h lst the #orld lasts. 6,And thou # lt re !n n the / n!dom ncorru)t ble. >T n s#eet to be =od>s 0 ce!erent n the #orld And -e7erc se s#a$ o0er the elements. =od>s 0 ce!erent s as the soul of the un 0erse. H s be n! s the shado# of the =reatest %ame. ,55 He /no#s the m$ster es of )art and #hole. He e7ecutes the command of Allah n the #orld. 3hen he ) tches h s tent n the # de I #orld. He rolls u) th s anc ent car)etFD H s !en us abounds # th l fe and des res to man fest tself8 ,5He # ll br n! another #orld nto e7 stence. A hundred #orlds l /e th s #orld of )arts and #holes S)r n! u). l /e roses. from the seed of h s ma! nat on. He ma/es e0er$ ra# nature r )e. He )uts the dols out of the sanctuar$. Heart-str n!s ! 0e forth mus c at h s touch. ,+5 He #a/es and slee)s for =od alone. He teaches a!e the melod$ of $outh And endo#s e0er$ th n! # th the rad ance of $outh. To the human race he br n!s both a !lad messa!e and a #arn n!. ,+He comes both as a sold er and as a marshal and )r nce. He s the f nal cause of 2=od tau!ht Adam the names of all th n!s.2FHe s the nmost sense of 2=lor$ to H m that trans)orted H s ser0ant b$ n !ht.2FE H s #h te hand s stren!thened b$ the staff.FF H s /no#led!e s t# ned # th the )o#er of a )erfect man. ,@5 3hen that bold- ca0al er se :es the re ns. The steed of T me !allo)s faster. H s a#ful m en ma/es the Red Sea dr$. He leads lsrael out of (!$)t. At h s cr$. 2Ar se.2 the dead s) r ts ,@-

R se n the r bod l$ tomb. l /e ) nes n the f eld. H s )erson s an atonement for all the #orld. 1$ h s !randeur the #orld s sa0ed.F6 H s )rotect n! shado# ma/es the mote fam l ar # th the sun. H s r ch substance ma/es )rec ous all that e7 sts. ,A5 He besto#s l fe b$ h s m raculous act ons. He reno0ates old #a$s of l fe. S)lend d 0 s ons r se from the )r nt of h s foot. Man$ a Moses s entranced b$ h s S na . He ! 0es a ne# e7)lanat on of * fe. ,AA ne# nter)retat on of th s dream. H s h dden l fe s be n! * feLs m$ster$. The unheard mus c of * feLs har). %ature tra0els n blood for !enerat ons. To com)ose the harmon$ of h s )ersonal t$. ,D5 &ur handful of earth has reach the :en th. Cor that cham) on # ll come forth from th s dust There slee)s am dst the ashes. of our To-da$ The flame of a #orld consum n! morro#. &ur bed enfolds a !arden of roses. ,D&ur e$es are br !ht # th to-morro#>s da#n. A))ear. & r der of Dest n$? A))ear. & l !ht of the dar/ realm of 'han!e Illum ne the scene of e7 stence. D#ell n the blac/ness of our e$es? ,-5 S lence the no se of the nat ons. Im)arad se our ears # th th$ mus c? Ar se and tune the har) of brotherhood. = 0e us bac/ the cu) of the # ne of lo0e ? 1r n! once more da$s of )eace to the #orld. ,-= 0e a messa!e of )eace to them that see/ battle ? Man/ nd are the cornf eld and thou the har0est. Thou art the !oal of * fe>s cara0an. The lea0es are scattered b$ Autumn>s fur$ &h. do thou )ass o0er our !ardens as the S)r n!? ,E5 Rece 0e from our do#ncast bro#s The homa!e of l ttle ch ldren and of $oun! men and old? It s to thee that #e o#e our d !n t$ And s lentl$ under!o the )a ns of l fe. K S(TTI%= C&RTH TH( I%%(R M(A%I%= &C TH( %AM(S &C A*IA*I s the f rst Musl m and the K n! of men. ,,In *o0e>s e$es Al s the treasure of the Ca th. De0ot on to h s fam l$ ns) res me # th l fe So that I am as a sh n n! )earl. * /e the narc ssus. I am entra)tured # th !a: n!8 * /e )erfume. I am stra$ n! thou!h h s )leasure !arden. ,F5 If hol$ #ater !ushes from m$ earth. he s the source;

If # ne )ours from m$ !ra)es. he s the cause. I am dust. but h s sun hath made me as a m rror8 Son! can be seen n m$ breast. Crom Al >s face the "ro)het dre# man$ a fa r omen. ,F1$ h s ma4est$ the true rel ! on s !lor f ed H s commandments are the stren!th of Islam8 All th n!s )a$ alle! ance to h s House. The A)ostle of =od !a0e h m the name 1u Turab; =od n the Koran called h m 2the Hand of Allah.2 ,65 (0er$ one that s acqua nted # th * fe>s m$ster es Kno#s #hat s the nner mean n! of the names of Al . The dar/ cla$. #hose name s the bod$I &ur reason s e0er be moan n! ts n qu t$. &n a00ount of t our s/$-reach n! thou!ht )lods o0er the earth; It ma/es our e$es bl nd and our cars deaf. It hath n ts hand a t#o-ed!e s#ord of lust8 Tra0elers> hearts are bro/en b$ th s br !and. Al . the * on of =od. subdued the bod$>s cla$ And transmuted th s dar/ earth to !old. ,,5 Murta:a. b$ #hose s#ord the s)lendour of Truth #as re0ealed. Is named 1u Turab from h s conquest of the bod$.F, Man # ns terr tor$ b$ )ro#ess n battle. 1ut h s br !htest 4e#el s masters of h mself. 3hosoe0er n the #orld become a 1u Turab ,,Turns bac/ the sun from the #est;65 3hosoe0er saddles t !htl$ the seed of the bod$ S ts l /e the be:el on the seal of so0ere !nt$8 Here the m !ht of Kha bar s under h s feet.6+ And hereafter h s hand # ll d str bute the #ater of Kauthar.6@ Throu!h self-/no#led!e. he acts as =od>s Hand. And n 0 rtue of be n! =od>s Hand he re !ns o0er all. H s )erson s the !ate of the c t$ of the sc ences.6A Arab a. 'h na. and =reece are sub4ect to h m. If thou #ouldst dr n/ clear # ne from th ne o#n !ra)es. +55Thou must needs # eld author t$ o0er th ne o#n earth. To become earth s the creed of a moth8 1e a conqueror of earth; that alone s #orth$ of a man. Thou art soft as a rose. 1ecome hard as a stone. That thou ma$st be the foundat on of the #all of the !arden? 1u ld th$ cla$ nto a Man. 1u ld th$ Man nto a 3orld Unless from th ne o#n earth thou bu ld - th ne o#n #all or door. Someone else # ll ma/e br c/s of th ne earth. & thou #ho com)la nts of the cruelt$ of Hea0en. +5+Thou #hose !lass cr es out a!a nst the n4ust ce of the stone. Ho# lon! th s #a l n! and cr$ n! and lamentat on 9 Ho# lon! th s )er)etual beat n! of th$ breast 9 The ) th of * fe s conta ned n act on. The del !ht n creat on s the la# of * fe. +5@5 Ar se and create a ne# #orld?




3ra) th$self n flames. be an Abraham?6D To com)l$ # th th s #orld #h ch does not fa0our th$ )ur)oses Is to fl n! a#a$ th$ buc/ler on the f eld of battle. The man of stron! character #ho s master of h mself +5@3 ll f nd Cortune com)la sant. If the #orld does not com)l$ # th h s humour. He # ll tr$ the ha:ard of #ar # th Hea0en8 He # ll d ! u) the foundat ons of the un 0erse And cast ts atoms nto a ne# mould. +5A5 He # ll sub0ert the course of T me And #rec/ the a:ure f rmament. 1$ h s o#n stren!th he # ll )roduce A ne# #orld #h ch # ll do h s )leasure. If one cannot l 0e n the #orld as be seems a man. +5AThen t s better to d e l /e the bra0e. He that hath a sound heart 3 ll )ro0e h s stren!th b$ !reat enter)r ses. > T s s#eet to use lo0e n hard tas/s And. l /e Abraham. to !ather roses from flames 6- +5D5 The )otent al t es of men of act on Are d s)la$ed n # ll n! acce)tance of #hat s d ff cult. Mean s) r ts ha0e no #ea)on but resentment. * fe has onl$ one la#. * fe s )o#er made man fest. +5DAnd ts ma ns)r n! s the des re for 0 ctor$. Merc$ out of season s a ch ll n! of * fe>s blood. A brea/ n the rh$thm of * fe>s mus c. 3hoe0er s sun/ n the de)ths of !nom t$ 'alls h s #ea/ness contentment. +5-5 3ea/ness s the )lunderer of * fe. Its #omb s teem n! # th fears and l es. Its soul s em)t$ of 0 rtues. B ces fatten on ts m l/. & man of sound 4ud!ment. be#are? +5-Th s s)o ler s lur/ n! n ambush 1e not ts du)e. f thou art # se8 'hameleon-l /e. t chan!es colour e0er$ moment. (0en b$ /een obser0ers ts form s not d scerned Be ls are thro#n o0er ts face. +5E5 %o# t s muffled n ) t$ and !entleness. %o# t #ears the cloa/ of human t$. Some t mes t s d s!u sed as com)uls on. Somet mes as e7cusab l t$. It a))ears n the sha)e of self- ndul!ence +5EAnd robs the stron! man>s heart of coura!e. Stren!th s the t# n of Truth; If thou /no#est th$self. stren!th s the Truth-re0eal n! !lass. * fe s the seed. and )o#er the cro)8 "o#er e7)la ns the m$ster$ of truth and falsehood. +5F5 A cla mant. f he be )ossessed of )o#er.

%eeds no ar!ument for h s cla m. Calsehood der 0es from )o#er the author t$ of truth. And b$ fals f$ n! truth deems tself true. Its creat 0e #ord transforms )o son nto nectar. +5FIt sa$s to !ood. 2Thou art bad.2 and =ood becomes (0 l. & thou that art heedless of the trust comm tted to thee. (steem th$self su)er or to both #orlds6E? =a n /no#led!e of * fe>s m$ster es? 1e a t$rant? I!nore all e7ce)t =od ? +565 & man of understand n!. o)en th ne e$es. ears. and l )s ?6F If then thou seest not the 3a$ of Truth. lau!h at me? KI ST&RG &C A G&U%= MA% &C M(RB 3H& 'AM( T& TH( SAI%T A*I HA<3IRI (=&D HAB( M(R'G &% HIM?) A%D '&M"*AI%(D THAT H( 3AS &""R(SS(D 1G HIS (%(MI(S.TH( sa nt of Ha4# r #as 0enerated b$ the )eo)les. And " r- -San4ar 0 s ted h s tomb as a ) l!r m.66 3 th ease he bro/e do#n the mounta n barr ers +56And so#ed the seed of Islam n Ind a. The a!e of &mar #as restored b$ h s !odl ness. The fame of the Truth #as e7alted b$ h s #ords. He #as a !uard an of the honour of the Koran. The house of Calsehood fell n ru ns at h s !a:e. +5,5 The dust of the "un4ab #as brou!ht to l fe b$ h s breath. &ur da#n #as made s)lend d b$ h s sun He #as a lo0er. and # thal. a cour er of *o0e8 The secrets of *o0e shone forth from h s bro#. I # ll tell a stor$ of h s )erfect on +5,And enclose a #hole rose-bed n a s n!le bud. A $oun! man. c$)ress-tall. 'ame from the to#n of Mer0 to *ahore. He #ent to see the 0enerable sa nt. That the sun m !ht d s)th s dar/ness. ++55 2I am hammed n.2 he sa d. 2b$ foes; I am as a !lass n the m dst of stones. Do thou teach me. & s re of hea0enl$ ran/. Ho# to lead m$ l fe amon!st enem es?2 The # se D rector. n #hose nature ++5*o0e had all ed beaut$ # th ma4est$. Ans#ered8 2Thou art unread n * fe>s lore. 'areless of ts end and ts be! nn n!. 1e # thout fear of others? Thou art a slee) n! force8 a#a/e? +++5 3hen the stone thou!ht tself to be !lass. It became !lass and !ot nto the #a$ of brea/ n!. If the tra0eller th n/s h mself #ea/. He del 0ers h s soul unto the br !and. Ho# lon! # lt thou re!ard th$self as #ater and cla$9

'reate from th$ cla$ a flam n! S na ? 3h$ be an!r$ # th m !ht$ men9 3h$ com)la n of enem es9 I # ll declare the truth8 th ne enem$ s th$ fr end8 H s e7 stence cro#ns thee # th !lor$. ++@5 3hosoe0er /no#s the states of the Self 'ons ders a )o#erful enem$ to be a bless n! from =od. To the seed of Man the enem$ s -as a ra n-cloud8 He a#a/ens ts )otent al t es. If th$ s) r t be stron!. the stones n th$ #a$ are as #ater8 ++@3hat #rec/s the torrent of the u)s and do#ns of the road9 The s#ord of resolut on s #hetted b$ the stones n the #a$> And )ut to )roof b$ tra0ers n! sta!e after sta!e. 3hat s the use of eat n! and slee) n! l /e a beast9 3hat s the use of be n!. unless thou ha0e stren!th n th$self9 3hen thou ma/>st th$self stron! # th Self. Thou # lt destro$ the #orld at th$ )leasure. If thou #ouldst )ass a#a$. become free of Self If thou #ouldst l 0e. become full of Self ?6, 3ho s death9 To become obl 0 ous to Self. ++A3h$ ma! ne that t s the )art n! of soul and bod$9 Ab de n Self. l /e <ose)h9 Ad0ance from ca)t 0 t$ to em) re? Th n/ of Self and be a man of act on 1e a man of =od. bear m$ster es # th n?2,5 ++D5 I # ll e7)la n the matter b$ means of stor es. I # ll o)en the bud b$ the )o#er of m$ breath. 2>T s better that a lo0er>s secret Should be told b$ the l )s of others.>2 KII


ST&RG &C TH( 1IRD THAT 3AS CAI%T 3ITH THIRSTA 1IRD #as fa nt # th th rst. ++DThe breath n h s bod$ #as hea0 n! l /e #a0es of smo/e. He sa# a d amond n the !arden8 Th rst created a 0 s on of #ater. Dece 0ed b$ the sun br !ht stone The fool sh b rd fanc ed that t #as #ater. ++-5 He !ot no mo sture from the !em8 He )ec/ed t # th h s bea/. but t d d not #et h s )alate. 2& thrall of 0a n des re.2 sa d the d amond. Thou hast shar)ened th$ !reed$ bea/ on me; 1ut lam not a de# dro). I ! 0e no dr n/. ++-I do not l 0e for the sa/e of others. 3ouldst thou hurt me9 Thou art mad? A l e that re0eals the Self s stran!e to thee. MG #ater # ll sh 0er the bea/s of b rds And brea/ the 4e#el of man>s l /e.2,+ ++E5 The b rd #on not h s heart>s # sh from the d amond

And turned a#a$ from the s)ar/l n! stone. D sa))o ntment s#elled n h s breast. The son! n h s throat became a #a l. U)on a rose-t# ! a dro) of de# ++E=leamed l /e the tear n a n !ht n!ale>s e$e8 All ts !l tter #as o# n! to the sun. It #as trembl n! n fear > &f the sunIA restless s/$ born star That had sto))ed for a moment. from des re to be seen; ++F5 &ft dece 0ed b$ bud and flo#er. It had !a ned noth n! from * fe. There t hun!. read$ to dro). * /e a tear on the e$elashes of a lo0er #ho hath lost h s heart. The sorel$ d stressed b rd ho))ed under the rose-bush. ++FThe de#dro) tr c/led nto h s mouth. & thou that #ouldst del 0er th$ soul from enem es. I as/ thee 2Art thou a dro) of #ater or a !em 92 3hen the b rd melted n the f re of th rst. It a))ro)r ated the l fe of another. ++65 The dro) #as not sol d and !em-l /e; The d amond had a be n!. the dro) had none. %e0er for an nstant ne!lect Self-)reser0at on8 1e a d amond. not a de#dro)? 1e mass 0e n nature. l /e mounta ns. ++6And bear on th$ crest a hundred clouds laden # th floods of ra n? Sa0e th$self b$ aff rmat on of Self. 'om)ress th$ qu c/ s l0er nto s l0er ore? "roduce a melod$ from the str n! of Self. KIII ST&RG &C TH( DIAM&%D A%D TH( '&A*%&3 I # ll o)en one more !ate of truth. I # ll tell thee another tale. The coal n the m ne sa d the d amond. & thou entrusted # th s)lendours e0e last n!. 3e are comrades. and our be n! s one; ++,The source of our e7 stence s the same. Get #h le I d e here n the an!u sh of #orthlessness. Thou art set on the cro#ns of em)erors. M$ stuff s so 0 le that I am 0alued less than earth. 3hereas the m rror>s heart s rent b$ th$ beaut$. +@55 M$ dar/ness llum nes the chaf n! d sh. Then m$ substance s nc nerated at last (0er$ one )uts the sole of h s foot on m$ head And co0ers m$ stoc/ of e7 stence # th ashes. M$ fate must needs be de)lored8 +@5Dost thou /no# #hat s the ! st of m$ be n! It s a condensed #a0elet of smo/e. (ndo#ed # th a s n!le s)ar/.,@

1oth n. feature and nature thou art star-l /e. S)lendours r se from e0er$ s de of thee. +@+5 %o# thou become>st the l !ht of a monarch>s e$e. %o# thou adornest the haft of a da!!er.2 2& sa!ac ous fr end?2 sa d the d amond. 2Dar/ earth. #hen hardened. becomes n d !n t$ as a be:el. Ha0 n! been at str fe # th ts en0 ronment. +@+It s r )ened b$ the stru!!le and !ro#s hard l /e a stone. >T s th s r )eness that has endo#ed m$ form # th l !ht. And f lled m$ bossom # th rad ance. 1ecause th$ be n! s mmature. thou hast become abased; 1ecause th$ bod$ s soft. thou art burnt. +@@5 1e 0o d of fear. !r ef. and an7 et$; 1e hard as a stone. be a d amond? 3hosoe0er str 0es hard and !r )s t !ht. The t#o #orlds are llum ned b$ h m. A l ttle earth s the or ! n of the 1lac/ Stone +@@3h ch )uts forth ts head n the KaLaba8 Its ran/ s h !her than S na . It s / ssed b$ the s#arth$ and the fa r. In sol d t$ cons sts the !lor$ of * fe8 3ea/ness s #orthlessness and mmatur t$.2 +@A5 KIB ST&RG &C TH( SH(IKH A%D TH( 1RAHMI% C&**&3(D 1G A '&%B(RSATI&% 1(T3((% =A%=(S A%D HIMA*AGA T& TH( (CC('T THAT TH( '&%TI%UATI&% &C S&'IA* *IC( D("(%D &% CIRM ATTA'HM(%TS T& TH( 'HARA'T(RISTI' TRADITI&%S &C TH( '&MMU%ITG.AT 1enares l 0ed a 0enerable 1rahm n. 3hose head #as dee) n the ocean of 1e n! and %ot-be n!. He had a lar!e /no#led!e of )h loso)h$ 1ut #as #ell-d s)osed to the see/ers after =od. H s m nd #as ea!er to e7)lore ne# )roblems. +@AH s ntellect mo0ed on a le0el # th the "le ades; H s nest #as as h !h as that of the An/a;,A Sun and moon #ere cast. l /e rue. on the flame of h s thou!ht.,D Cor a lon! t me he laboured and s#eated. 1ut )h loso)h$ brou!ht no # ne to h s cu) +@D5 Althou!h he set man$ a snare n the !ardens of learn n!. H s snares ne0er cau!ht a !l m)se of the Ideal b rd; And not# thstand n! that the na ls of h s thou!ht #ere dabbled # th blood. The /not of 1e n! and %ot-be n! rema ned un ted. The s !hs on h s l )s bore # tness to h s des)a r. +@DH s countenance told tales of h s d stract on. &ne da$ he 0 s ted an e7cellent She /h. A man #ho bad n h s breast a heart of !old. The 1rahm n la d the seal of s lence on h s l )s. And lent h s ear to the Sa!e>s d scourse. +@-5 Then sa d the She /h; 2& #anderer n the loft$ s/$?

"led!e th$self to be true. for a l ttle. to the earth; Thou hast lost th$ #a$ n # ldernesses of s)eculat on. Th$ fearless thou!ht hath )assed be$ond Hea0en. 1e reconc led # th -earth. & s/$-tra0eller? +@-Do not. #ander n quest of the essence of the stars; I do not abandon th ne dols. Art thou an unbel e0er; Then be #orth$ of the bad!e of unbel ef ?,& nher tor of anc ent culture. Turn not th$ bac/ on the )ath th$ fathers trod; +@E5 If a )eo)le>s l fe s der 0ed from un t$. Unbel ef too s source of un t$. Thou that art not e0en a )erfect nf del. Art unf t to #orsh ) at the shr ne-of the s) r t. 3e both are far astra$ from the road of de0ot on8 +@EThou art far from A:ar. and I from Abraham.,E &ur Ma4nun hath not fallen nto melanchol$ for h s *a la>s sa/e; I He hath not become )erfect n the madness of lo0e. 3hen the lam) of Self-e7) res. 3hat s the use of hea0en sur0e$ n! ma! nat on 92 +@F5 &nce on a t me. la$ n! hold of the s/ rt of the mounta n. =an!es sa d to H mala$a8 2& thou mantled n sno# s nce the morn of creat on. Thou #hose form s ! rdled # th streams. =od made thee a )artner n the secrets of hea0en. +@F1ut de)r 0ed th$ foot of !raceful !a t. He too/ a#a$ from thee the )o#er to #al/8 3hat a0a ls th s subl m t$ and statel ness9 * fe s)r n!s from )er)etual mo0ement; Mot on const tutes the #a0e>s #hole e7 stence.2 +@65 3hen the mounta n heard th s taunt from the r 0er. He )uffed an!r l$ l /e a sea of f re. And ans#ered8 2Th$ # de #aters are m$ loo/ n!-!lass; 3 th n m$ bosom are a hundred r 0ers l /e thee. Th s !raceful !a t of th ne s an nstrument>. of death8 +@63hoso !oeth from Self s meet to d e. Thou hast no /no#led!e of th ne o#n case. Thou e7ultest n th$ m sfortune8 thou art a fool? & born of the #omb of the re0ol0 n! s/$. A fallen- n ban/ s better than thou? +@,5 Thou hast made th ne e7 stence an offer n! to the ocean. Thou hast thro#n the r ch )urse of th$ l fe to the h !h#a$ man. 1e self-conta ned l /e the rose n the !arden. Do not >!o to the flor st n order to s)read th$ )erfume? To l 0e s to !ro# n th$self +@,And !ather roses from th ne o#n flo#er bed. A!es ha0e !one b$ and m$ foot s fast on earth. Dost thou fanc$ that I am far from m$ !oal9 M$ be n! !re# and reached the s/$. The "le ads san/ to rest under m$ s/ rts; +A55 Th$ be n! 0an shes n the ocean.

1ut on m$ crest the stars bo# the r heads. M ne e$e sees the m$ster es of hea0en. M ne ear s fam l ar # th an!els> # n!s. S nce I !lo#ed # th the heat of unceas n! to l. +A5I amassed rub es. d amonds. and other !ems. I am stone # th n. and n the stone s f re8 3ater cannot )ass o0er m$ f re I2 Art thou a dro). of #ater9 Do not brea/ at. th ne o#n feet. 1ut endea0our to sur!e and #restle # th the sea. +A+5 Des re the #ater of a 4e#el. become a 4e#el? 1e an ear-dro). adorn a beaut$ &h. e7)and th$self? Mo0e s# ftl$? 1e a cloud that shoots l !htn n! and sheds a flood of ra n? *et the ocean sue for th$ storms as a be!!ar. +A+*et t com)la n of the stra tness of ts s/ rts *et t deem tself less -than a #a0e And !l de alon! at th$ feet? KIB ST&RG &C TH( SH(IKH A%D TH( 1RAHMI% C&**&3(D 1G A '&%B(RSATI&% 1(T3((% =A%=(S A%D HIMA*AGA T& TH( (CC('T THAT TH( '&%TI%UATI&% &C S&'IA* *IC( D("(%D &% CIRM ATTA'HM(%TS T& TH( 'HARA'T(RISTI' TRADITI&%S &C TH( '&MMU%ITG.AT 1enares l 0ed a 0enerable 1rahm n. 3hose head #as dee) n the ocean of 1e n! and %ot-be n!. He had a lar!e /no#led!e of )h loso)h$ 1ut #as #ell-d s)osed to the see/ers after =od. H s m nd #as ea!er to e7)lore ne# )roblems. +@AH s ntellect mo0ed on a le0el # th the "le ades; H s nest #as as h !h as that of the An/a;,A Sun and moon #ere cast. l /e rue. on the flame of h s thou!ht.,D Cor a lon! t me he laboured and s#eated. 1ut )h loso)h$ brou!ht no # ne to h s cu) +@D5 Althou!h he set man$ a snare n the !ardens of learn n!. H s snares ne0er cau!ht a !l m)se of the Ideal b rd; And not# thstand n! that the na ls of h s thou!ht #ere dabbled # th blood. The /not of 1e n! and %ot-be n! rema ned un ted. The s !hs on h s l )s bore # tness to h s des)a r. +@DH s countenance told tales of h s d stract on. &ne da$ he 0 s ted an e7cellent She /h. A man #ho bad n h s breast a heart of !old. The 1rahm n la d the seal of s lence on h s l )s. And lent h s ear to the Sa!e>s d scourse. +@-5 Then sa d the She /h; 2& #anderer n the loft$ s/$? "led!e th$self to be true. for a l ttle. to the earth; Thou hast lost th$ #a$ n # ldernesses of s)eculat on. Th$ fearless thou!ht hath )assed be$ond Hea0en. 1e reconc led # th -earth. & s/$-tra0eller? +@-Do not. #ander n quest of the essence of the stars;

I do not abandon th ne dols. Art thou an unbel e0er; Then be #orth$ of the bad!e of unbel ef ?,& nher tor of anc ent culture. Turn not th$ bac/ on the )ath th$ fathers trod; +@E5 If a )eo)le>s l fe s der 0ed from un t$. Unbel ef too s source of un t$. Thou that art not e0en a )erfect nf del. Art unf t to #orsh ) at the shr ne-of the s) r t. 3e both are far astra$ from the road of de0ot on8 +@EThou art far from A:ar. and I from Abraham.,E &ur Ma4nun hath not fallen nto melanchol$ for h s *a la>s sa/e; I He hath not become )erfect n the madness of lo0e. 3hen the lam) of Self-e7) res. 3hat s the use of hea0en sur0e$ n! ma! nat on 92 +@F5 &nce on a t me. la$ n! hold of the s/ rt of the mounta n. =an!es sa d to H mala$a8 2& thou mantled n sno# s nce the morn of creat on. Thou #hose form s ! rdled # th streams. =od made thee a )artner n the secrets of hea0en. +@F1ut de)r 0ed th$ foot of !raceful !a t. He too/ a#a$ from thee the )o#er to #al/8 3hat a0a ls th s subl m t$ and statel ness9 * fe s)r n!s from )er)etual mo0ement; Mot on const tutes the #a0e>s #hole e7 stence.2 +@65 3hen the mounta n heard th s taunt from the r 0er. He )uffed an!r l$ l /e a sea of f re. And ans#ered8 2Th$ # de #aters are m$ loo/ n!-!lass; 3 th n m$ bosom are a hundred r 0ers l /e thee. Th s !raceful !a t of th ne s an nstrument>. of death8 +@63hoso !oeth from Self s meet to d e. Thou hast no /no#led!e of th ne o#n case. Thou e7ultest n th$ m sfortune8 thou art a fool? & born of the #omb of the re0ol0 n! s/$. A fallen- n ban/ s better than thou? +@,5 Thou hast made th ne e7 stence an offer n! to the ocean. Thou hast thro#n the r ch )urse of th$ l fe to the h !h#a$ man. 1e self-conta ned l /e the rose n the !arden. Do not >!o to the flor st n order to s)read th$ )erfume? To l 0e s to !ro# n th$self +@,And !ather roses from th ne o#n flo#er bed. A!es ha0e !one b$ and m$ foot s fast on earth. Dost thou fanc$ that I am far from m$ !oal9 M$ be n! !re# and reached the s/$. The "le ads san/ to rest under m$ s/ rts; +A55 Th$ be n! 0an shes n the ocean. 1ut on m$ crest the stars bo# the r heads. M ne e$e sees the m$ster es of hea0en. M ne ear s fam l ar # th an!els> # n!s. S nce I !lo#ed # th the heat of unceas n! to l. +A5I amassed rub es. d amonds. and other !ems.

I am stone # th n. and n the stone s f re8 3ater cannot )ass o0er m$ f re I2 Art thou a dro). of #ater9 Do not brea/ at. th ne o#n feet. 1ut endea0our to sur!e and #restle # th the sea. +A+5 Des re the #ater of a 4e#el. become a 4e#el? 1e an ear-dro). adorn a beaut$ &h. e7)and th$self? Mo0e s# ftl$? 1e a cloud that shoots l !htn n! and sheds a flood of ra n? *et the ocean sue for th$ storms as a be!!ar. +A+*et t com)la n of the stra tness of ts s/ rts *et t deem tself less -than a #a0e And !l de alon! at th$ feet? KBI "R('("TS 3RITT(% C&R TH( MUS*IMS &C I%DIA 1G MIR %A<AT %AKSH1A%D. 3H& IS =(%(RA**G K%&3% AS 1M1M SHARM>S+5@& TH&U that hast !ro#n from earth. l /e a rose. Thou too art born of the #omb of Self. Do not abandon Self "ers st there n 1e a dro) of #ater and dr n/ u) the ocean +A,5 =lo# n! # th the l !ht of Self as thou art. Ma/e Self stron!. and thou # th endure. Thou !ett>st )rof t from the trade. Thou !a n>st r ches b$ )reser0 n! th s commod t$. Thou art 1e n!. and art thou afra d of not-be n!9 +A,Dear fr end. th$ understand n! s at fault. S nce I am acqua nted # th the harmon$ of * fe. I # ll tell thee #hat s the secret of * fe To s n/ nto th$self l /e the )earl. Then to emer!e from th ne n#ard sol tude; +D55 To collect s)ar/s beneath the ashes. And become a flame and da::le -men>s e$es. =o. burn the house of fort$ $ears> tr bulat on. Mo0e round th$self? 1$ a c rcl n! flame 3hat s * fe but to be freed from mo0 n! round others +D5And to re!ard th$self as the Hol$ Tem)le 9 1eat th$ # n!s and esca)e from the attract on of (arth8 * /e b rds be safe from fa l n!. Unless thou art a b rd.. thou # lt do # sel$ %ot to bu ld th$ nest on the to) of a ca0e. +D+5 & thou that see/est to acqu re /no#led!e. I sa$ o>er to thee the messa!e of the Sa!e of Rum8+5A 2Kno#led!e. f t l e on th$ s/ n. s a sna/e; Kno#led!e. f thou ta/e t to heart. s a fr end.2 Hast thou heard ho# the Master of Rum +D+=a0e lectures on )h loso)h$ at Ale))o9 Cast n the bonds of ntellectual )roofs. Dr ft n! o>er the dar/ and storm$ sea of understand n!; A Moses un llum ned b$ *o0e>s S na .

I!norant of *o0e and of *o0e>s )ass on. +D@5 He d scoursed on Sce)t c sm and %eo)laton sm. And strun! man$ a br ll ant )earl of - meta)h$s cs. He unra0elled the )roblems of the "er )atet cs. The l !ht of h s thou!ht made clear #hate0er #as obscure. Hea)s of boo/s la$ around and n front of h m. +D@And on h s l )s #as the /e$ to all the r m$ster es. Shams- -Tabr :. d rected b$ Kamal.+5D Sou!ht h s #a$ to the colle!e &f <alaudd n Rum And cr ed out. 23hat s all >th s no se and babble 9 3hat are all these s$llo! sms and 4ud!ements and demonstrat ons92 2"eace. & fool?2 e7cla med the Maul0 . 2Do not lau!h at the doctr nes of the sa!es. =et thee out of m$ colle!e? Th s s ar!ument and d scuss on; #hat hast thou to do # th t 9 M$ d scourse s be$ond th$ under stand n!. +DAIt br !htens the !lass of )erce)t on? These #ords ncreased the an!er of Shams- -Tabr : And caused a f re to burst forth from h s soul. The l !htn n! of h s loo/ fell on the earth. And the Slo# of h s breath made the dust s)r n! nto flames. +DD5 The s) r tual f re burned the ntellectual stac/ And clean consumed the l brar$ of the )h loso)her. The Maul0 . be n! a stran!er to *o0e>s m racles And un0ersed n *o0e>s harmon es. 'r ed. 2Ho# d dst thou / ndle th s f re. +DD3h ch hath burned the boo/s of the )h loso)hers 92 The She /h ans#ered. 2& unbel e0 n! Musl m. Th s s 0 s on and ecstas$8 #hat hast thou to do # th t 9 M$ state s be$ond th$ thou!ht. M$ flame s the Alchem st>s el 7 r.2 +D-5 Thou hast dra#n th$ substance from the sno# of )h loso)h$. The cloud of th$ thou!ht sheds noth n! but ha lstones. K ndle a f re n th$ rubble. Coster a flame n th$ earth? The Musl m>s /no#led!e s )erfected b$ s) r tual fer0our. +D-The mean n! of Islam s Renounce #hat shall )ass a#a$. 3hen Abraham esca)ed from the bonda!e of 2that #h ch sets.2+5He sat unhurt n the m dst of flames.+5E Thou hast cast /no#led!e of =od beh nd thee And squandered th$ rel ! on for the sa/e of a loaf. +DE5 Thou art hot n )ursu t of ant mon$. Thou art una#are of the blac/ness of th ne o#n e$e. See/ / the Counta n of * fe from the s#ord>s ed!e. And the R 0er of "arad se from the dra!on>s mouth. Demand the 1lac/ Stone from the door of the house of dols. +DEAnd the mus/-deer>s bladder from a mad do!. 1ut do not see/ the !lo# of *o0e from the /no#led!e of toda$. Do not see/ the nature of Truth from th s nf del>s cu)? *on! ha0e I been runn n! to and fro.


*earn n! the secrets of the %e# Kno#led!e +DF5 Its !ardeners ha0e )ut me to the tr al And ha0e made me nt mate # th the r roses. Roses? Tul )s. rather. that #arn one not to smell them * /e )a)er roses. a m ra!e of )erfume. S nce th s !arden ceased to enthrall me +DF+ ha0e nested on the "arad sal tree. Modern /no#led!e s the !reatest bl nd Idol-#orsh )) n!. dol-sell n!. dol ma/ n!? Shac/led n the )r son of )henomena. It has not o0er lea)ed the l m ts of the sens ble. +D65 It has fallen do#n n cross n! the br d!e of * fe. It has la d the /n fe to ts o#n throat. Its f re s cold as the flame of the tul ); Its flames are fro:en l /e ha l. ts nature rema ns untouched b$ the !lo# of *o0e. +D6It s e0er en!a!ed n 4o$less search. *o0e s the "lato that heals the s c/nesses of the m nd8+5F The m nd>s melanchol$ s cured b$ ts lancet. The-#hole #orld bo#s n adorat on to *o0e. *o0e s the Mahmud that conquers the Somnath of ntellect.+56 +D,5 Modern sc ence lac/s th s old # ne n ts cu). Its n !hts are not loud # th )ass onate )ra$er. Thou hast m s)r :ed th ne o#n c$)ress And deemed tall the c$)ress of others. * /e the reed. thou hast em)t ed th$self of Self. +D,And ! 0en th ne heart to the mus c of others. & thou that be!!>st morsels from an other>s table. 3 tt thou see/ th ne o#n / nd n another>s sho)9 The Musl m>s assembl$-)lace s burned u) b$ the lam)s of stran!ers. H s mosque s consumed b$ the s)ar/s of monast c sm. +-55 3hen the deer fled from the sacred terr tor$ of Mecca. The hunter>s arro# ) erced her s de.+5, The lea0es of the rose are scattered l /e ts scent8 & thou that has fled from the Self. come bac/ to t8 & trustee of the # sdom of the Koran. +-5C nd the lost un t$ a!a n? 3e. #ho /ee) the !ate of the c tadel of Islam. Ha0e become unbel e0ers b$ ne!lect n! the #atch#ord of Islam. The anc ent Saq >s bo#l s shattered. The # ne-)art$ of the H 4a: s bro/en u). +-+5 The Ka>ba s f lled # th our dols. Inf del t$ moc/s at our Islam. &ur She /h hath !ambled Islam a#a$ for lo0e of dols. And made a rosar$ of the :unnar.++5 &ur s) r tual d rectors o#e the r ran/ to the r #h te ha rs +-+And are the lau!h n!-stoc/ of ch ldren n the street; The r hearts bear no m)ress of the Ca th 1ut house the dols of sensual t$. (0er$ lon!-ha red fello# #ears the !arb of a der0 sh

Alas for these traff c/ers n rel ! on? +-@5 Da$ and n !ht the$ are tra0ell n! about # th d sc )les. Insens ble to the !reat needs of Islam. The r e$es are # thout l !ht. l /e the narc ssus. The r breasts de0o d of s) r tual #ealth. "reachers and Suf s. all #orsh ) #orldl ness al /e; +-@The )rest !e of the )ure rel ! on s ru ned. &ur )reacher f 7ed h s e$es on the )a!oda And the muft of the Ca th sold h s 0erd ct. After th s. & fr ends. #hat are #e to do9 &ur !u de turns h s face to#ards the # ne-house. +-A5 KBII TIM( IS A S3&RD=R((% be the hol$ !ra0e of Shaf L .? 3hose 0 ne hath cheered a #hole #orld 9 H s thou!ht )luc/ed a star from hea0ens8 He named t me 2a cutt n! s#ord.2 +++ Ho# shall I sa$ #hat s the secret of th s s#ord 9 +-AIn ts flash n! ed!e there s l fe. Its o#ner s e7alted abo0e ho)e and fear. H s hand s #h ter than the hand of Moses. At one stro/e thereof #ater !ushes from the roc/ And the sea becomes land from dearth of mo sture. +-D5 Moses held th s s#ord n h s hand. Therefore he #rou!ht more than man ma$ contr 0e. He clo0e the Red Sea asunder And made ts #aters l /e dr$ earth. The arm of Al . the conqueror of Kha bar. +-DDre# ts stren!th from th s same s#ord The re0olut on of the s/$ s #orth see n!. The chan!e of da$ and n !ht s #orth obser0 n!.++@ *oo/. I thou enthralled b$ Gesterda$ and Tomorro#. 1ehold another #orld n th ne. on heart? +--5. Thou hast so#n the seed of dar/ness n the cla$. Thou hast ma! ned T me as a l ne. Th$ thou!ht measures len!th of T me 3 th the measure &f n !ht and da$. Thou ma/>st th s l ne a ! rdle on th ne nf del #a st; +--Thou art an ad0ert ser of falsehoods l /e dols. Thou #ert the (l 7 r. and thou hast become a "ec/ of dust; Thou #ert born the consc ence of Truth and thou hast become a l e? Art thou a Musl m ! rdle? Then cast of th s ! rdle? 1e a candle to the feast of the rel ! on of the free? +-E5 Kno# n! not the or ! n of T me. Thou art !norant of e0erlast n! * fe. Ho# lon! # lt thou be a thrall of n !ht and da$9 *earn the m$ster$ of T me from the #ords 2I ha0e a t me # th =od.>++A "henomena ar se from the march of T me. +-E* fe s one of T me>s m$ster es. The cause of T me s not the re0olut on of the sun

T me s e0erlast n!. but the sun does not last for e0er. T me s 4o$ and sorro#. fest 0al and fast. T me s the secret of moonl !ht and sunl !ht.+-F5 Thou hast e7tended T me. l /e S)ace. And d st n!u shed Gesterda$ from Tomorro#. Thou hast fled l /e a scent. from th ne o#n !arden; Thou hast made th$ )r son # th th ne o#n hand. &ur T me #h ch has ne ther r be! nn n! nor end. +-F1lossoms from the flo#er-bed of our. m nd. To /no# ts root qu c/ens the l 0 n! # th ne# l fe8 Its be n! s more s)lend d than the da#n. * fe s of T me. and T me s of * fe8 2Do not abuse T me ?2 #as the command of the "ro)het.++D &h. the memor$ of those da$s #hen T me>s s#ord 3as all ed # th the stren!th of our hands ?++3e so#ed the seed of rel ! on n men>s hearts And un0e led the face of Truth; &ur na ls tore loose the /not of th s #orld. +-6&ur bo# n! n )ra$er ! 0e bless n!s to the earth. Crom the 4ar of Truth #e made ros$ # ne !ush forth. 3e char!ed a!a nst the anc ent ta0erns. & thou n #hose cu) s old # ne A # ne so hot that the !lass s #ell n !h turned to #ater. +-,5 3 lt thou n th$ )r de and arro!ance and self-conce t Taunt us # th our em)t ness9 &ur cu). too. hath !raced the s$m)os um &ur breast hath o#ned a s) r t. The ne# a!e # th all ts !lor es +-,Hath r sen from the dust of our feet. &ur blood hath #atered =od>s har0est. All #orsh ))ers of =od are our debtors. The ta/b r #as our ! ft to the #orld.++E Ka>bas #ere bu lt of our cla$. +E55 1$ means of us =od tau!ht the Koran. Crom our hand He d s)ensed H s bount$. Althou!h cro#n and s !net ha0e )assed from us. Do not loo/ # th contem)t on our be!!arl ness? In th ne e$es #e are !ood for noth n!. +E5Th n/ n! old thou!hts. des) cable. 3e ha0e honour from 2There s no !od but Allah.2 3e are the )rotectors of the un 0erse. Creed from the 0e7at on of to-da$ and tomorro#. 3e ha0e )led!ed oursel0es to lo0e &ne. +E+5 3e are the consc ence h dden n =od>s heart. 3e are the he rs of Moses and Aaron. Sun and moon are st ll br !ht # th our rad ance. * !htn n!-flashes st ll lur/ n our cloud. In our essence D 0 n t$ s m rrored8 +E+The Musl m>s be n! s one of the s !ns of =od.


KBIII A% I%B&'ATI&%& TH&U that art as the soul n the bod$ of the un 0erse. Thou art our soul end thou art e0er flee n! from us. Thou breathest mus c nto * fe>s lute; * fe en0 es Death #hen death s for th$ sa/e +E@5 &ne more br n! comfort to our sad hearts. &nce more d#ell n our breasts? &nce more demand from us the sacr f ce of name and fame. Stren!then our #ea/ lo0e. 3e are oft com)la n n! of dest n$. +E@Thou art of !reat )r ce and #e ha0e nau!ht. A de not th$ fa r face from the em)t$ handed? Sell chea) the lo0e of Salman and 1 lal?++F = 0e us the slee)less e$e and the )ass onate heart. = 0e us a!a n the nature of qu c/ s l0er man +EA5 Sho# unto us one of th$ man fest s !ns. That the nec/s of our enem es ma$ be bo#ed? Ma/e th s chaff a mounta n crested # th f re; 1urn # th out f re all that s not =od? 3hen the )eo)le of Islam let the thread of Un t$ !o from the r hands. +EAThe$ fell nto a hundred ma:es. 3e are d s)ersed l /e stars n the #orld Thou!h of the same fam l$. #e are stran!e to one another. R nd a!a n these scattered lea0es. Re0 0e the la# of lo0e? +ED5 Ta/e us bac/ to ser0e thee as of old. 'omm t th$ cause to them that lo0e thee? 3e are tra0ellers8 ! 0e us res !nat on as our !oal? = 0e us the stron! fa th of Abraham? Ma/e us /no# the mean n! of 2There s no =od.2 +EDMa/e us acqua nted # th the m$ster$ of 2e7ce)t Allah?2++6 I #ho burn l /e a candle for the sa/e of others Teach m$self to #ee) l /e that candle. & =od? a tear that s heart-en/ ndl n!. "ass onful. #run! forth b$ )a n. )eace consum n!. +E-5 Ma$ I so# n the !arden. and ma$ t !ro# nto a f re That #ashes a#a$ the f re-brand from the tul )>s robe? M$ heart s # th $esterda$. m$ e$e s on to-morro#8 Am dst the com)an$ I am alone. 2(0er$ one fanc es he s m$ fr end. +E-1ut none e0er sou!ht the secrets # th n m$ Soul.2 &h. #here n the # de #orld s m$ comrade 9 I am the 1ush of S na 8 #here s m$ Moses9 I am t$rannous. I ha0e done man$ a #ron! to m$self. I ha0e nour shed a flame n m$ bosom. +EE5 A flame that burnt to ashes the #ares of understand n!. 'ast f re on the s/ rt of d scret on. *essened # th madness the )roud reason. And nflamed the 0er$ be n! of /no#led!e8

ts bla:e enthrones the sun n the s/$ +EEAnd l !htn n!s enc rcle t # th adorat on for e0er. M ne e$e fell to #ee) n!. l /e de#. S nce I #as entrusted # th that h dden f re. I tau!ht the candle to burn o)enl$. 3h le I m$self burned unseen b$ the #orld>s e$e. +EF5 As last flames burst forth from e0er$ ha r of me. C re dro))ed from the 0e ns of m$ thou!ht8 M$ n !ht n!ale ) c/ed u) the !ra ns of s)ar/ And created a f re-tem)ered son!. The breast of th s a!e s # thout a heart. +EFMa4nun qu 0ers # th )a n because *a la>s ho#dah s em)t$. It s not eas$ for the candle to throb alone; Ah. s there no moth #orth$ of me9 Ho# lon! shall I #a t for one to share m$ !r ef9 Ho# lon! must I search for a conf dant9 +E65 & Thou #hose face lends l !ht to the moon and the stars. 3 thdra# Th$ f re from the soul? Ta/e bac/ #hat Thou hast )ut n m$ breast. Remo0e the stabb n! rad ance from m$ m rror. &r ! 0e me one old comrade +E6To be the m rror of m ne all-burn n! lo0e? In the sea #a0e tosses s de b$ s de # th #a0e8 (ach hath a )artner n ts emot on. In hea0en star consorts # th star. And the br !ht moon la$s her head on the /nees of % !ht. +E,5 Morn n! touches % !ht>s dar/ s de. And To-da$ thro#s tself a!a nst Tomorro#. &ne r 0er loses ts be n! n another. A #aft of a r d es n )erfume. There s danc n! n e0er$ noo/ of the # lderness. +E,Madman dances # th madman. 1ecause n th ne essence Thou art s n!le. Thou hast e0ol0ed for Th$self a. #hole #orld. I am as the tul ) of the f eld. In the m dst of a com)an$ I am alone. +F55 I be! of Th$ !race a s$m)ath s n! fr end. And ade)t n the m$ster es of m$ nature. A fr end endo#ed # th madness and # sdom. &ne that /no#eth not the )hantom of 0a n th n!s. That I ma$ conf de m$ lament to h s soul +F5And see a!a n m$ face n h s heart. H s ma!e I # ll mould of m ne o#n cla$. I # ll be to h m both dol and #orsh ))er. TH( (%D %&T(S

+. The )resent translat on follo#s the te7t of the second ed t on. @. H s cr t c sm of Haf : called forth an!r$ )rotests from Suf c rcles n #h ch Haf : s 0enerated as a master-h ero)hant. Iqbal made no recantat on. but s nce the )assa!e had ser0ed ts )ur)ose and #as offens 0e to man$ he cancelled t n the second ed t on of the )oem. It #as om tted n m$ translat on. A. The )r nc )les of Islam. re!arded as the deal soc et$. as set forth n the author>s second )oem. the Rumu:- -1eKhud or 2M$ster es of Selflessness.2 He e7)la ns the t tle b$ )o nt n! out that the nd 0 dual #ho loses h mself n the commun t$ reflects both the )ast and the future as n a m rror. so that he transcends mortal t$ and enters nto that l fe of Islam. #h ch s nf n te and e0erlast n!. Amon! the to) cs d scussed are the or ! n of soc et$. the d 0 ne !u dance of man throu!h the )ro)hets. the format on of collect 0e l fe centres. and the 0alue of H stor$ as a factor n ma nta n n! the sense of )ersonal ent t$ n a )eo)le. D. Th s 0 e# #as held b$ the orthodo7 Imam Ahmad bn Hanbal n ts e7treme (anthro)omor)h c) form. -. Koran. ch. @A. 0. +D. -1lessed s =od. the best of those #ho create. E. 'f. h s note on 2Islam and M$st c sm (The %#; (ra. +,+E. ). @-5). F. Here Iqbal adds 8 2Maulana Rum has 0er$ beaut full$ e7)ressed th s dea. The "ro)het. #hen a l ttle bo$. #as once lost n the desert. H s nurse Hal ma #as almost bes de herself # th !r ef but #h le roam n! the desert n search of the bo$ she heard a 0o ce sa$ n!8 NDo not !r e0e he # ll not be lost to thee; %a$. the #hole #orld # ll be lost n h m.L The true nd 0 dual cannot be lost n the #orld; t s the #orld that lost n h m. I !o a ste) further and sa$. )ref 7 n! a ne# half-0erse to a hem st ch of Rum Trans. +. +A@-)8 In h s # ll that #h ch =od # lls becomes lost; NHo# shall a man bel e0e th s sa$ n!9L 6. Transl. +. @6, fo l. ,. Accord n! to the Trad t on. -The true Ca th s bet#een )redest nat on and free# ll.2 +5. Transl. +. EFA follo#. In a note on .&ur "ro)hes>s cr t c sm of contem)orar$ Arab an )oetr$2 (The %e# (ra. +,+E. ). @-+) Iqbal #r tes 8 2The ult mate end of all human act 0 t$ s * fe !lor ous. )o#erful. e7uberant. All human art must be subord nated to th s f nal )ur)ose. and the 0alue of e0er$th n! must be determ ned n reference to ts l fe-$ eld n! ca)ac t$ The h !hest art s that #h ch a#a/ens our dormant # ll-force and bra0es us to face the tr als of l fe manfull$. All that br n!s dro#s ness and ma/es us shut our e$es to Real t$ around. on the master$ of #h ch

alone * fe de)ends. s a messa!e of deca$ and death. There should be no o) um eat n! n Art. The do!ma of Art for the sa/e of Art s a cle0er n0ent on of decadence to cheat us out of l fe and )o#er.2 ++. Ib d. +. -AF foll. +@. Ib d. +. EA+ foll. +A. Transal. +. +-A+ foll +D. Koran. ch. @A. 0. +5@. +-. Transl. +. +-2 foll. +E. Transl. +. A@A foll. +F. Transl. +. DA- foll. +6. Ib d. +. 6+- foll. +,. Transl. +. 6D, foll. @5. Ib d. +. 6,A foll. @+. Man alread$ )ossesses the !erm of 0 ce!erenc$ as =od sa$s n the Koran (ch. @. 0. @6) ; *o? I # ll a))o nt a /hal fa (0 ce!erent) on the earth.2 'f. Transl +.DAD. @@. 3r t n! of 2Musl m Democrac$2 n The %e# (ra. +,+E. ). @-+. Iqbal sa$s8 -2The Democrac$ of (uro)e fear o0ershado#ed b$ soc al st c a! tat on and anarch calO or ! nated ma nl$ n the econom c re!enerat on of (uro)ean soc et es. % et:sche. ho#e0er. abhors th s Lrule of the heard> and. ho)eless of the )lebe an. he bases all h !her culture on the cult 0at on and !ro#th of an Ar stocrac$ of Su)ermen. 1ut s the )lebe an so absolutel$ ho)eless 9 The Democrac$ of Islam d d not !ro# out of the e7tens on of econom c o))ortun t$; t s a s) r tual )r nc )le based on the assum)t on that e0er$ human be n! s a centre of latent )o#er the )oss b l t es of #h ch can be de0elo)ed b$ cult 0at n! a certa n t$)e of character. &ne of the )lebe an mater al Islam has formed men of the noblest t$)e of l fe and )o#er. Is not. then. the Democrac$ of earl$ Islam an e7)er mental refutat on of the deas of % et:sche 92 @A. <amshaPd one of the m$th cal "ers an / n!s. s sa d to ha0e )ossessed a mar0ellous cu) n #h ch the #hole #orld #as d s)la$ed to h m. @D. The Sea of omQn n a Rname ! 0en b$ the Arabs to the "ers an =ulf. @-. The hol$ #ell at Mecca @E. lqbal means to sa$ that he # ll ra se the 0alue of h s )oetr$ b$ )utt n! h s dee)est as) rat ons nto t. The meta)hor refers to the )ract ce of herb-sellers #ho s)r n/e #ater on the r herbs n order to ma/e them hea0 er and fetch moremone$.

@F. <alQluddPn RSmP the !reatest m$st cal )oet of "ers a (A.D. +@5F-++FA). Most of h s l fe #as )assed at lcon um n =alat a. for #h ch reason be n !enerall$ /no#n as 2RSmP. .e. 2the Auatol an.2 @6. Th s refers to the fatuous Masna0 of <aIQl-uddPn RSmP @,. Rue-seed. #h ch s burned for the )ur)ose of fum at on. crac/les n the f re. A5. 23 ne2 s !n f es the m$ster es. of d 0 ne lo0e. A+. Ma4nSn s the &rlando Cur oso of Arab a. A@. KhQnsQr. #h ch l es abolut a hundred m les north #est of IsfahQn. #as the b rth-"lace &f se0eral "ers an )oets. AA Sh r n #as lo0ed b$ the "ers an (m)eror Kbusrau "ar# : CarhQd fell n lo0e # th her and cast h mself do#n a )rec ) ce on bear n! a false runmour of her death. AD. Abraham s sa d to ha0e been cast on a burn n! ) le b$ order of % mrod and m raculousl$ )reser0ed from harm A-. I.e.. so lon! as t rema ns as d st nct nd 0 dual. AE. 'f. Juran ch. +6. 00. ED-65. Kh :r re)resents the m$st c seer #hose act ons are m s4ud!ed b$ )ersons of less ns !ht. AF. I.e.. the reed #as made nto a flute. A6. Cor the sense #h ch Iqbal attaches to the #ord 2lo0e.2 see the Introduct on. ). 770. A,. A )ro)het or sa nt. D5. See note on l ne ,-. Tabr : s an allus on to Sbams- -TabrP: the s) r tual d rector of <alQl-u>ddPn RSmP D+. %a4d. the H !hlands of Arab a. s celebrated n lo0e-remance. I need onl$ ment on * alQ and Ma4nSn. D@. Her father HQt m of Ta . s )ro0erb al n the (ast for h s hos) tal t$.

DA. The stor$ of the )ul) t that #e)t #hen Muhammad descended from t occurs. I th n/. n the Masna0 . DD. 3hen accord n! to Muhammadans bel ef. the sun # ll r se n the #est. D-. A quotat on from the Masna0 . The "ro)het #as bur ed at Med na.

DE. 1Q$a: d of 1 stQn d ed n A.D. 6F-. He refused to eat a #ater-melon. sa$ n! he had no assurance that the "ro)het had e0en tested that fru t. DF. Muhammad used to ret re to a ca0e &n Mount H rQ near Mecca. for )ur)ose of sol tar$ med tat on. D6. *Qt and U::Q #ere !oddesses #orsh ))ed b$ the heathen Arabs- & ne !hborhood D,. CQrQn. name of a mounta n n the of Mccea -5. Koran. ch. @.0. @6. n them #ords. #h ch #ere addressed to the an!els. =od foretold the creat on of AdQm. -+. Th s alludes to a stor$ told of the 'al )h &mar. #ho #h le r d n! a camel dro))ed h s #h ) and ns sted on d smount n! n order to ) c/ t u) h mself. -@. Kh :r s su))osed to ha0e drun/ of the Counta n of l fe. -A. The bubble s com)ared to an n0erted cu). #h ch of course rece 0es noth n!. -D. Allud n! to a #ell-/no#n m racle of the "ro)het (Koran. ch. -D. 0. +). --. She /h Sharafu>dd n of "Qn )at. #ho s better /no#n as 1u Al Jalandar. #as a !reat sa nt. He d ed about A.D. +A@-. -E. Am r Khusrau of Delh . the most celebrated the "ers an )oets of Ind a. -F. These e7)ress ons are borro#ed from the Koran. -6. Juoted from the Masna0 . -,. The d rect nfluence of "laton sm on Musl m thou!ht has been com)arat 0el$ sl !ht. 3hen the Musl ms be!an to stud$ =ree/ )h loso)h$. the$ turned to Ar stotle. The !enu ne #r t n!s of Ar stotle. ho#e0er. #ere not access ble to them. The$ stud ed translat ons of boo/s )ass n! under h s name. #h ch #ere the #or/ of %eo)laton sts. so that #hat the$ bel e0ed to be Ar stotel an doctr ne #as n fact the )h loso)h$ of "lot nus. "roelus. and the later %eo)laton c school. Ind rectl$. therefore. "lato has )rofoundl$ nfluenced the ntellectual and s) r tual de0elo)ment of Islam and ma$ be called. f not the father of Mohammedan m$st c sm. at an$ rate ts )res d n! !en us. E5. I.e.. t s #orthless s! an$ho#. In the (ast a br c/ s )laced beneath or o0er the # ne-4ar. Some Musl m #r ters confuse "lato # th D o!enes the '$n c. #ho s sa d to ha0e l 0ed n a cas/. E+. e.. n h s bod$. E@. Kh :r. accord n! to the le!end. d sco0ered the Counta n of * fe n the *and of Dar/ness.

EA. In th s )assa!e the author assa ls the "ers an and Urdu )oetr$ so much n fa0our # th h s contem)orar es. ED. Arab c odes usuall$ be!an # th a )relude n #h ch the )oet ma/es ment on of h s belo0ed and her name s often SalmQ Here 2the SalmQ of Arab$2 refers to )urel$ Musl m deals n l terature and rel ! on. E-. It s related that a m !norant Hurd came to some students and besou!ht them to nstruct h m n the m$ster es of SSf sm The$ told h m that be must fasten a ro)e to the root of h s house. then t e the loose end to h s feet and sus)end h mself head do#n#ards-. and that he must rema n n th s )osture as lon! as )oss ble. rec t n! cont nuall$ some #ords of ! bber sh #h ch the$ tau!ht h m. The )oor man d d not )erce 0e that he #as be n! moc/ed. He follo#ed the r nstruct ons and )assed the #hole n !ht re)eat n! the #ords ! 0en h m. =od re#arded h s fa th. and s ncer t$ b$ !rant n! h m llum nat on. so that he became a sa nt and could d scourse. learnedl$ on the most abstruse matters of m$st cal theolo!$. After#ards he used to sa$. 2In the e0en n! I #as Kurd but the ne7t morn n! I #as an Arab.2 EE. The rel ! ous la# of Islam EF. The f rst art cle of the Mohammedan creed. E6. I.e.. den es e0er$ ob4ect of #orsh ) e7ce)t Allah E,. * /e Abraham #hen he #as about to sacr f c Isaace. of (as Musl ms !enerall$ bel e0e) Ishmael. F5. The lesser ) l!r ma!e (umra) n not obl !ator$ l /e the !reater ) l!r ma!e (ha 4) F+. The or ! nal quotes )art of a 0erse n the Koran (ch. A. 0. 6E). #here t s sa d. 2Ge shall ne0er atta n unto r !hteousness unt l $e. ! 0e n a ms of that #h ch $e lo0e.2 F@. 2T.. o0ercome the lusts of the flash. FA. Here Iqbal nter)rets n h s o#n #a$ the SSf doctr ne of the InsQn al-/Qm l or "erfect Man. #h ch teaches that e0er$ man s )otent all$ a m crocosm and that #hen be has become s) r tuall$ )erfect. all the D 0 ne attr butes are d s)la$ed b$ h m. so that as sa nt )ro)het he s the =od-man. the re)resentat 0e and 0 ce!erent of =od on earth. FD. e. h s a))earance mar/s the end of an e)och. F-. Koran ch. @. 0. @,. The Ideal Man s the f nal cause of creat on. FE. Koran. ch. +F. 0. +. referr n! to the Ascens on on the "ro)het FF. Cor the #h te hand (of Moses) of Koran. ch. F. 0. +5-. ch. @E. 0. A@. and (7odus. ch. D. 0.E. F6. These four l 0es ma$ allude to <esus. re!arded as a t$)e of the "erfect Man.

F,. Murta:Q. 2he. #hom =od s )leased.2 s a name of Al 1S TurQb means l terall$ 2father of earth.2 65. A m racle attr buted to Al . 6+. The fortress of Kha bar. a 0 lla!e n the H 4Q:. #as ca)tured b$ the Musl m n A.D. E@6. Al "erformed !reat feats of 0alour on th s occas on. 6@. A r 0er of "arad se. 6A. Accord n! to the Trad t on of the "ro)het. 2I am the c t$ of Kno#led!e and Al s ts !ate.2 6D. See note on +.@+A. 6-. The burn n! )$re on #h ch Abraham #as thro#n lost ts beat and #as transformed nto a rose-!arden. 6E. The 2trust2 #h ch =od offered to Man and #h ch Man acce)ted. after t had been refused b$ Hea0en and (arth (Koran. ch. AA. 0. F@). s the d 0 ne 0 ce!erenc$. .e.. the dut$ of d s)la$ n! the d 0 ne attr butes. 6F A )arod$ of the 0erse n the Masna0 quoted abo0e. See +.E5A. 66. Ha4# r author of the oldest "ers an treat se on SSf sm. #as a nat 0e of =ha:na n Af!han stan. He d ed at *ahore about A D. +5F@ " r- -San4ar s the reno#ned sa nt. Mu> nudd n. head of the 'h sht order of der0 shes. #ho d ed n A D. +@A- at A4m r.. 6,. These l nes correct the SSf doctr ne that means of "ass n! a#a$ from nd 0 dual t$ the m$st c atta ns to e0erlast n! l fe n =od. ,5. .e.. alle!or call$. Th s 0erse occurs n the Masna0 . ,+. .e.. t he s#allo# a d amond. he # ll d e. ,@. These. t#o l nes nd cate the ! st of the coal>s be n! ,A. A m$ster ous b rd. of #h ch noth n! s /no#n e7ce)t ts same. ,D. Rue-seed s burned for the )ur)ose of fum !at on. ,-. 2The bad!e of unbel ef2; here the or ! nal has sunnQr (H#0Q) o0) .e. the sacred thread #orn b$ Horoastr ans and other non-Musl ms. ,E. A:ar. the father of Abraham. #as an dolater. ,F. see Introduct on "- 7 7. note +. ,6. .e.. that l fe &f the true Musl m d s)la$s to +++E+2 / nd the deal real sed.

,,. A celebrated Musl m sa nt #ho d ed at *ahore n A.D. +EA-. +55. Shah <ahan. +5+. Koran. ch. -5 0. @,. +5@. Th s a))ears to be a )seudon$m assumed b$ the author. +5A. <alaludd n Rum . +5D. 1QbQ Kamaludd n <und Cor Shams- -Tabr : and h s relat on to <alQludd n Rum see m$ Selected "oems from D 0Qn- -Shams- -Tabr : ('ambr d!e). +5-. Abraham refused to #orsh ) the sun. moon and stars. stars. sa$ n!. 2I lo0e not them that set2 (Koran. E. E. 0. FE). +5E. See ). ,+. note. +5F. In the Masna0 *o0e s called >.the )h$s c an of our )r de and self-conce t. our "lato. and our =alen. +56. The famous dol of Somnath #as destro$ed b$ Sultan MahmSd of =ha:na +5,. The ) l!r ms are forb dden to / ll !ame ++5. See ). +5. note. +++. Counder &f one of the four !reat Mohammadan school of la#. ++@. .e. turn $ou attent on to the nature and mean n! of T me. ++A. The "ro)het sa d. 2I ha0e a t me # th =od of such sort that ne ther an!el nor )ro)het s $ )eer.2 mean n! ( f #e nter)ret h s #ords accord n! to the sense &f th s )assa!e) that he felt h mself to be t meless. ++D. The "ro)het s re)orted to ha0e sa d. 2Do not abuse T me. for T me s =od.2 ++-. The !lor ous da$s #hen Islam f rst set out to con0ert and conquer the #orld. ++E. The ta/b r s the cr$ 2Allah-o-A/bar2 2Allah s most !reat.2 ++F. Salman #as a "ers an. 1 lal #as Ab$ss an an. 1oth had been sla0es and #ere de0oted henchmen of the "ro)het ++6. .e.. aff rmat on of the D 0 ne Un t$.

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