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A COMMUNICATION Write questions for these answers. (10 points) Where do you live 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ? I live in Liverpool. ? No, I didnt. tonight? Im having a party at home. ? Sometimes, but I dont like it very much. ? Its just round the corner, on the left. ? Not very good. People eat too many sweets. ? No, you cant! ? Thank you very much! Youre very helpful! ? Only at the weekend! ? Its cold and wet and windy! ? Good idea!

B GRAMMAR Underline the correct answer. (10 points) Is there 1. 2. 3. 4. Is that your sister? Whats Do you like carrots? No, I never eat Can you play the piano? Yes, Its very hot in this room! a) Why you not 5. a) Had 6. 7. You b) Were b) Why not I c) Why dont you . bag on the table? a) some name? b) a c) an c) your b) their c) I can c) they

a) his . a) I do

b) her a) them b) I am

open the window?

there a lot of people at the concert? No, not really. c) Did use that! Its dangerous! a) must b) arent c) mustnt

Our town is boring! Theres a) no b) any c) not

shopping centre!


Who a) do you see b) did see you

at the party last night? Tom. c) did you see she went to bed. rain. a) so b) because b) does not c) but c) isnt going to


She was very tired,

10. Take your coat! Its OK, it

a) is not

Team Up! 1

E En nd d-o of f-y ye ea ar rt te es st t

Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM 2004

C VOCABULARY Write a word for these definitions. (10 points) You have ten of these on your hands: f ingers 1. You cook an omelette in a f 2. A big, grey animal that lives in Africa: e 3. A place where you can go fishing: l 4. Part of your body that you can feel but not see: h 5. The person who cuts your hair is a h 6. This is how you feel when you get a present: p 7. The time of year when it snows is w 8. Food you can have for breakfast: t 9. The word you write at the beginning of a letter: D 10. Another word for autumn is: f p

D WRITING Write a paragraph about a recent holiday. (10 points) Include information about: the place, the weather, the people, your activities there, your impressions.

Team Up! 1

E En nd d-o of f-y ye ea ar rt te es st t

Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM 2004

E READING Read the text. Write True or False after the sentences. (10 points) One day last winter, three friends went walking in the mountains. A painter, a teacher, and a computer programmer, they often went on excursions together, but this was their first trip to the mountains. The weather was cold and snowy but sunny, and they walked for about 20 kilometres before they stopped for lunch. They had a lot of food and hot drinks with them, and they ate, chatted, took photos and fell asleep under a tree. When they woke up, it was dark and very cold. They were worried, because they didnt have much food, had no mobile phones, and didnt really know where they were. They talked and talked, and suddenly the teacher remembered a story from a book, and they made a kind of small house of snow, and sat inside together, trying to keep warm. They didnt sleep much because in the middle of the night, they heard animals outside making a noise. In the morning, it was very, very cold, and they couldnt feel their hands or feet. They moved around constantly, but it was impossible to walk. After six long hours, the police found them, put them in a helicopter, and took them to hospital. The police were very angry with them because the mountains were dangerous in winter and the men had no appropriate equipment. The men said sorry and thank you to the police and the doctors, and now when they go walking in the mountains, they always take the correct equipment. The three friends went climbing in the mountains. 1. The men had a good time before they fell asleep. 2. This was their first excursion together. 3. The weather during the day was good. 4. They stopped for lunch before walking 20 kilometres. 5. They didnt talk very much during the day. 6. They spent a very uncomfortable night. 7. They walked home again the next day. 8. The police werent very pleased with the men. 9. The men had a lot of equipment with them. 10. The men learned something important that day. F LISTENING Listen to the conversation and then underline the correct answer. (10 points) Jamie slept well / badly last night. 1. Jamies sister / brother had a party yesterday. 2. Jamie often / never eats too much. 3. Jamie and Ed are going to their History / Geography class. 4. Jamie loves / hates history classes. 5. Ed / Jamie watched a film on TV last night. 6. The man and woman in the film met in a hotel / restaurant. 7. The detective put on a womans / waiters clothes. 8. The detective did his job very well / badly. 9. The vegetarian was angry because he got a main course / hamburger. 10. In the end, the man with the secrets / the detective spent a lot of money. False

Team Up! 1

E En nd d-o of f-y ye ea ar rt te es st t

Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM 2004

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