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The vocabulary of the human body in English and Spanish

Basic Level

ENGLISH arm body ear eye face foot feet finger hair

SPANISH brazo cuerpo oreja ojo cara pie ! dedo pelo

ENGLISH hand head leg mouth neck no!e !tomach tooth teeth

SPANISH mano cabeza pierna boca cuello nariz e!t"mago diente !

Intermediate level ENGLISH ankle back bladder blood bone brain calf cheek che!t chin dimple elbo$ eyebro$ eyela!h eyelid feature! fi!t forehead freckle SPANISH tobillo e!palda #ejiga !angre hue!o cerebro pantorrilla mejilla pecho barbilla hoyuelo codo ceja pe!ta%a p)rpado ra!go! pu%o frente peca hip ja$ kidney knee li#er lung mu!cle !houlder !keleton !kin thigh thumb throat tongue #ein $ai!t $i!dom tooth $ri!t ENGLISH heart SPANISH coraz"n cadera mandibula ri%"n rodilla h&gado pulm"n m'!culo hombro e!(ueleto piel mu!lo pulgar garganta lengua #ena cintura diente de juicio mu%eca

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