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Caesars Lesson 17

archy - government
O Monarchy a government ruled by one

person (n)
O monarquia

O Oligarchy a government ruled by a few

people (n) O Anarchy lawless lack of government (n)

bio - life
O Biology study of living things (n)
O biologia

O Biography book about someones life (n) O Biomorphic resembles the form of things

found in nature (adj)

O Bonus Biome natural system of plants

and animals (n)

auto - self
O Autograph writing your own name (n/v)
O Autocracy a government where the ruler

makes all the decisions by themselves (n)

O autocracia

O Autobiography a story of the life of the

author (n) O Bonus autocrat a ruler with absolute power (n)

chron - time
O Chronic lasts a long time (adj)
O cronico

O Chronological time ordered from past to

present (adj) O Synchronize set to the same time (v)

dec - ten
O Decade a period of ten years (n)
O decada

O Decimal a number system based on

tens (n) O Decimate create mass destruction or complete ruin (v)

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