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Where did you start to cook who thought you, the personal experiences with food Food as a way

y of life and health Business

When we think of cooking what is prepared is what gets to our heads first, food!!! Food it is one of the basic necessities in life it can be shared among people and easily be turned in to a social event you can easily associate with the other person where ever in the wold they may be if you talk about topics like food and of course the weather

When we talk about the activity of cooking what we wanted to raise today is: Women in leadership are also women of everyday life. Having that in mind, who do you owe it to when it comes to your everyday meals and your knowledge and skill of preparing them? What is your most found of memory when you think about cooking and how has it helped you in your personal growth as well as professional? carrier? Please share personal experiences after the slides are over , thank you!!

Lalibela cookery school

Creative cooks

The Lalibela Cookery School programme includes: Information about local food produces. Demonstrations of food preparation, including making injera. Preparation of traditional dishes, under the supervision of a chef. Cooking dishes in a traditional kitchen. Dining on prepared dishes in the Blue Lal cookery school. Presentation of certificate of completion.
Webaddress: /?page_id=187 We posted this here so that it is not only about business travels and meeting deadlines we should occupy ourselves with when we travel. Out side of our works we can take up cooking as a hobby and practice it when we have the opportunity.

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