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Tank Calibration ---------------Note: Initially, connect the fuel level sensor to the PC by using the "universal service adapter"

and open the installed "Service DUT-E" software. Click on the "Diagnostic Section" on the LHS. (1) Measure the capacity of the fuel tank (2) Calculate the 10 % of the measured tank volume (3) Take fuel equal to 10 % of the tank capacity. For example, if the tank capac ity is 100 Liters, take 10 liters. (4) Start filling the taken fuel into tank slowly (5) Check if the readings in the "diagnostics section" of the "Service DUT-E" so ftware are changing as the fuel is being poured into the fuel tank. (6) When the readings start to change stop poruing the fuel into the tank. (7) Wait for few seconds so that the readings are steady. (8) Now note the value of fuel level (mm) from the "diagnostics section" of the "Service DUT-E" software (9) Determined the volume of fuel poured into the tank by measuring the left ove r fuel of the 10% quantity. (10) Then go to the "calibration table" section of the "Service DUT-E" software. (11) Now click on the last row of the table and then click on the"add" button be low the table. Note: By default there are 2 rows which cannot be deleted from the table. T hey are rows for the minimum and maximum values (12) Insert the fuel level (mm) and the volume of fuel (L) poured into the tank to the table. (13) Fill the remaining of the 10 % of the fuel into the tank (14) Note the fuel level for 10 % of the fuel quantity and follow the steps 10 t o 12 again (15) Take another 10 % of fuel quantity and repeat the steps 8, 10, 11, 12. (16) Repeat step 15 eight times (17) Now take the last 10 % of the fuel quantity and start filling slowly into t he tank up to the maximum level. If the tank gets filled before the fuel gets po ured compleately stop the filling (18) Measure the remaining amount of fuel to be filled to get the actual qauntit y of fuel in the tank at present. (19) Repeat 8 and 10 (20) Set the value of "fuel quantity(L)" obtained from step 18 (fuel level when

the tank is filled fully) into the last row of the calibraiton table, which is t he upper limit of fuel level. Refer note on "step 11" (21) Click on "Save Profile" >> "To Sensor". OnE pop-up window "Profile saved" w ill appear confirming that the settings have been saved to the sensor.

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