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The Newsletter of the Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra Inc D9710


Volume 17 No 34

Guest Speaker Steve Stavros

Meeting 783 - 13 Mar 14

Pres Paul welcomed everyone to meeting 783 and asked Mez Mulvaney to read the Charge to Australia and invited Liz Mulvaney to toast Rotary International and the Rotary Club of Hannans in Kalgoorlie, which in the past was an all-male Club but has since moved into the 21st century!! Pres Paul welcomed our Vera to this evenings meeting and thanked Alex for sitting closer to the Pres so he doesnt feel so lonely.

Me and all my friends.

Why am I stuck in the naughty corneragain

Pres Paul also welcomed our Club guest. Steve Stavros, who is a very good friend of Sue Jarvis and a great sponsor of the Club and our activities. Steve has also sponsored numerous raffles by donating prizes and his generosity extends to other clubs as well. Steve will talk to us about new initiatives to engage the whole community in an attempt to revive interest in Queanbeyan. He is also hoping to involve Jerrabomberra.


Details for this evenings meeting: David Bailey, Lynne and Kerry McPherson, and Anton Pemmer.

Pres Paul gave our guest the option of speaking before or after dinner. Steve felt that a few wines and a feed would make for a more conducive audience, so on with Rotary business first.

Jerraganda business:
From the Desk of the President:
Pres Paul advised that he did not have much to report, which was met with groans and moans from his adoring Club members. The Board met for a record breaking meeting which finished within 23 mins. Pres Paul did advise that Terry wasn't there and he was in Sydney, which obviously accounted for a lot! Pres Paul also advised that as he is working away from home at the moment and not getting involved in Rotary as much. QBN West Rotary Club celebrated their 40

anniversary and Peter Jarvis, originally a member of their Club before he had a hand in

creating our Club and Sue represented Pres Paul. This weekend Pres Paul is joining with the Tumut Rotary Club as part of a visioning session.

Reports: Secretary

NTR. Other than the fact that he made it to Vietnam and is well and truly into selfies!

Its all about me Glenda!!!

Could just about be anywhere!

Look mum, no hands!!

Reports: Treasurer


Reports: Community:
Sue Jarvis needed to report that her 2IC, Jan, is doing most of the work. There are two large BBQ's coming up, in particular the South Care Open Day, which will need all hands on deck. Jan is also trying to get on the Bunnings BBQ List with little success at this stage. Remember, we also have the Anzac Day BBQ coming up as well.

Reports: Club Service:

Queanbeyan Twilight Tour: Attendance sheet has been sent around and it looks like we have a full quota. Paul advised that it is best to pay on the night. Bowls Night: Rotary numbers are good. Chris Hunter advised that there will only be 7 or 8 from school as a lot are away on camp, buy will confirm definite numbers. Paul advised that the issue of grants through DSS was discussed at the Board meeting. The change of Govt has cast a little doubt on the process and Paul is awaiting advice. One thought was for a new BBQ trailer, however a new one far exceeds the grant total and the original idea of refurbishing will likely be the result. Paul asked if any Club members had suggestions: Gazebos. One of our Gazebo's was so badly damaged at the Relay for Life it is irreparable and another one was damaged however was fixed using parts of the badly damaged one. Consideration was given for the need to purchase a higher quality and embossed Gazebo. Combination of pull up banners or tear drop flags. Possibly getting membership stands. Marquee's which we can lend out. Music Festival: In Anton's absence, Paul talked about the Music Festival and the request for our Club to provide meals over the weekend. Unfortunately the official launch is on 15 Mar 14 and the earliest that we can get someone to come to the Club and brief us on the requirment is 10 Apr 14, and consequently we are not able to commit until we have detail.

Reports: International


Reports: Youth and New Generations


General Business:
Markets: Very successful, almost sold out of bags. QBN West 40th Anniversary: Peter Jarvis advised that he and Sue went along to the event. The Club sent around photos and unfortunately, Peter didnt recognise anyone in any of them. Kevin Granger spoke of introducing two new clubs, Jerra and Bungendore. Sue Jarvis raised her concern about a couple of issues: Market Access: There was conflicting information regards allowing customers to drive into the markets to pick up large items. Sue checked with Tamara, and they are able to park in front of the toilets to collect larger items. Pet Access: Dogs are allowed through the gate but not into the markets. Owners need to ensure they tether their pets behind the ATMs. RYLA Talk: Jon Wells advised that Tsmara Penda has resigned from the Bendigo bank and will be moving to SA. As Tsmara was unwell when Amy came to talk to the Club, she would like to come and talk about her experience prior to leaving. Mega Swim: Unfortunately, this year the Mega Swim which will be conducted over the weekend, 3 - 4 May, clashes with District Assembly to be held in Bega. The Mega Swim organising committee comprises of Paul Robey, Bruce Miller and Peter Jarvis. Pres Paul advised that he will be attending the Mega Swim, but voiced his concern that it also clashes with Whiskey Tasting Extravaganza in Canberra on 3 May; between 5pm - 8pm. I think we can work with that Pres Paul!

GUEST SPEAKER - Steve Stavros

Steve started by giving us a little background. He has lived here 30 years, is married and living in Canberra, never saw a neighbour to the left or right of his house. Canberra was a very transient town. Steve went to spk to the Chamber of Commerce in QBN and walked down the street the next day and people were calling out to him and saying hello. Thus the decision to move to QBN. He was involved with council for 8 yrs over two terms. Sue Jarvis was the main reason he joined the council and taught him to readjust his opinion of human nature. Progress is very slow, the Council works on monthly cycles and half yearly cycles. One of the main problems is that there are a lot of distractions with political conflicts. Public servants dont cope with the change of govt and Counsellors rely very heavily on council staff. It is not a career. Do your time and move on and let young blood in. The death of Rita May Wright changed Steve's mind. Rita walked down the main street and she was hit by a cement truck and Steve saw her walker lying on the street. He went to see the mayor and advised him that something needed to be done. QBN is dying and going backwards. Riverside plaza has a cluster of old people who have nowhere to go. Young kids dont like the centres as they were not encouraged to be there when they were kids. Steve talked of the bypass which is going to be built in the next 5 years and possibly get funding for it. Bullshit, he has heard that for the last 20 years. The Mayor advised that he wants to bring people onto council to work to fix the problem. In Steve's eyes, they will be another group of people who will come up with ideas, and will be knocked down by council. Steve said he would join if he had autonomy. Mayor agreed. Community is business, without community, business doesnt exist, and without business, community doesnt exist. First thing, big trucks and heavy traffic need to be removed from the main street. This won't happen until the bypass. Steve disagrees, and said that speed is the problem and he wants to reduce the speed in the main street. Need a brief to find out what the townspeople want and how they will achieve this. One of our members asked if there could be a local directory of what is available in QBN. QBN Age is a dying product, maybe once a month produce a free paper for QBN residents. Emphasizing the Heritage value? Council would tackle any plans that were put forward if the property is heritage. Need to be functional. This will be taken over by the VP of tourism. Steve finished by saying that we need to get the experts in to have a look at what we need to do. Peter Jarvis thanked Steve for his caring presentation and presented him with a book to sign and donate to the Jerra Public school library. The book is The Important Things.

I love this book!

OK, you can present it to the School.

Market Mistress:
Our Market Mistress was away this week, but Pres Paul felt that there was a pretty good chance she will have emailed herself to remind both herself and David that they are on the markets and if not, Sue Roger, who filled in for Liz at the last minute, will make sure and remind them to take bags.

******************************************************************************************************************** Joker

Steve Stavros drew the winning ticket which was won by Colin, who drew the Ace of Spades. Yay, we live another week!!!! Takings for this week: $44.00

********************************************************************************************************************** SGT Fines:

So Paul Robey told me that when he was at PETS, it was suggested that it is a good idea to fine the Guest Speaker to make them feel at home. So the SGT dutifully fined Steve for wearing a tie, only for Steve to advise that he didnt have any money on him. Sue Jarvis paid for not telling Steve we are a tie free club and Paul Robey will pay next week for his great idea which resulted in embarrassment all round. Takings for this week: $54.40

Heads and Tails:

Our fill in Attendance Officer is a very quick learner. Bruce advised that attendance tonight was 73.9% but if you read it in a mirror, it is 93.7, port and baileys are a sure thing

Farmers Market Corner:

From the Pen ofAnne Davis
Hi M-R, here is the goss: A glorious day to be at the Capital Region Farmers Markets. Lots of sun shine and happy people even the car parking duty was okay! Can definitely recommend the fresh figs that are in season, though the stall holder thought I was over the top when I went back to buy my third bucket of the yummies. Activities at the Rotary table: - After a water sodden stall holder reported a burst water tap, Tamara headed off to deal with it; - A strange man in a white outfit thought it was perfectly okay to set up his truck to sell mangos in the car park - he was quickly dealt with by the Hall he-men; - A fabulous black handbag was found, and retrieved sometime after by a grateful lady - The ATM server was down for about an hour which did miff some people; - A few dogs (with owners) were wandering around, but all were happy to be tied up on the nearby grass (the dogs were tied up the owners were allowed to spend their money); - We took out 3 boxes of bags and there are still 4 slabs (is that really the appropriate collective??) of water in the shed;

And finally, the Markets Mistress would appreciate any marketeer who brings home fresh figs Thankyou, Anne Davis, an absolutely sterling job!!!

Market Takings for last week:

15 Mar 14

Anne Davis David Bailey Sue Roger

Tables $105.00

Bags $100.00

Water $32.00

Total $237.00

Comments: Figs, figs, figs

Reminders: Markets this week Cathy & Colin Hobbs, Liz Mulvaney. Markets next week Chris Hunter, Ian Wholohan & Chilli Chilman Pres Paul thanked everyone for their attendance. Meeting closed at: 8.30

Members Contributions:


20 Mar 14 Maxwell Fraval on Wellness

27 Mar 14

Lawn Bowls - Rotarians Vs Teachers

03 Apr 14

QBN Moonlight Tour

Social & Special Events

27 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 1-4 Jun 14 28 Jun 14 Kokoda BBQ Southcare Open Day Rotary International Conf - Sydney Changeover dinner.

Farmers Market
22 Mar 14 29 Mar 14 Cathy & Colin Hobbs, Liz Mulvaney Chris Hunter, Ian Wholohan & Chilli Chilman

St Benedict's Roster
24 Mar 13 28 Apr 13 Peter and Sue Jarvis David Stevens and Jan Pettigrew

Club Officers 2012-2013 President President Elect Vice President Secretary Treasurer Club Service Director Community Service Director International and Foundation Director Youth and New Generations Director Paul Roger Paul Robey Chris Hunter Glenn Wahlert David Bailey Paul Robey Sue Jarvis Terry Spencer Lynne McPherson

Club Service Members Director Sergeant Welfare Program & Fellowship Attendance & Meals Officer Communications and PR Welfare & Historian Jerraganda Editor Club Service Projects Paul Robey Mez Mulvaney Sue Roger Ian Wholohan David Stevens Chris Hunter Sue Roger Mez Mulvaney Colin Hobbs

Community Service Members Director BBQs Epic Markets Fairs Ball Bowel Care Projects Sue Jarvis Jan Pettigrew Anne Davis TBA Sue Jarvis & Jon Wells Kerry McPherson Bruce Miller

International Members Director Polio Plus RAWCS Foundation GSE/Friendship Exchange Shelter Boxes Terry Spencer Pam Spencer David Bailey George McIver Robert Chilman Cathy Hobbs

Youth Service Members Director Local Programs District Programs National Programs International Programs Vocational Service Lynne McPherson Glenda Wahlert TBA Lynne McPherson TBA Peter Jarvis

Chartered Meets Apologies

Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra PO Box 8 Jerrabomberra NSW 2619 Email: 18 Nov 1998 Thursday 6.30 8.30 Jerrabomberra Public School David Stevens by 12 Noon Tue T: 0413519894 E: Mez Mulvaney 0419121128

Bulletin Contributions


Alex Alexander David Bailey, PP, PHF Robert Chilman Anne Davis, PP Cathy Hobbs Colin Hobbs, PP Chris Hunter, OAM, PP Peter Jarvis, PHF,PP Sue Jarvis, PHF Lynne McPherson Kerry McPherson Bruce Miller Liz Mulvaney, PHF Mez Mulvaney, OAM, PHF Anton Pemmer, PHF, PP Paul Robey Jan Pettigrew, PHF, PP Paul Roger PHF, President Sue Roger Pam Spencer, PHF, PP Terry Spencer, PHF, PP David Stevens, PHF, PP Glenda Wahlert, PP Glenn Wahlert Jon Wells Ian Wholohan

Vera Alexander Vickie Berry

Alex Alexander Robert Cooke

In 1998 the Rotary Clubs of Queanbeyan and Queanbeyan West Rotary decided to sponsor a new Rotary Club based in Jerrabomberra. Bill Lilley, John Snedden and Peter Jarvis from Queanbeyan West took on the joint roll of mentor (Peter Jarvis went on to become our Charter President). Advertising for potential members began in March 1998. After a successful campaign, the Club was chartered on 18 November 1998 with 20 members. We are an unusual club as we have a very high proportion of female Members. Initial meetings were held at the Jerrabomberra General Storethe venue was very good until we grew in numbers. We then moved to the Jerrabomberra Community Centre for a few years. We now meet at the Jerrabomberra Public School Staff Room, on Thursdays (6.15 for 6.30 pm). As at 26 Jan 2014 the Club has 26 members 11 female and 15 male. Included in this are seven married couples. We also have 4 supporters of the Rotary Club. (Charter) President Peter Jarvis ran competitions to select a name for our Club bulletin and a design for the Club banner. There were some good and (very) bad suggestions. Pam Spencer suggested the winning bulletin name; Jerraganda. The banner design by David Stevens was eventually selected. The design incorporates a goose and the windmill associated with the original entrance to the estate.

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

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