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Describe an image (Class Notes)

1. What is there in this picture? 2. Who is there in this picture? Are there any people or animals in this picture?

3. What are they doing? 4. How do you think they are feeling? 5. How do you feel when you look at this picture?

There Is/Are There are a man and a panda There are two hamburgers and a glass of soft drink on the floor. There is a paper bag. There is a straw in the glass. There is a red cardboard box on the floor and there are few napkins. Present continuous They are sitting on the floor. They are leaning on each other. The man is eating a hamburger, he is dreaming and smiling The panda bear is drinking with the straw Present simple look, seem, is/are They seem happy They are relaxed I think the bear isnt feeling anything They are hungry They look tired Feel, like, think I feel hungry I think it is an unreal/surreal situation I think this picture is beautiful

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