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“If you are willing to sacrifice yourself for all things, then you can be trusted with the world.” ~ Shiba FRPG, and Way of the For the second printing of Way othe Phoens we fe hear about things le realy wanted o see Those wo fect eal iid "Chis Bigg. Ray Colina, Wecbrinth, tncien Cristofar, ‘avid J Dolph, Tim Eis, “i Gadi, Deva -Sanvo" Henry, Thomas Treron G Michel Jab Ron James Shosuro "anc, Katee, Rob o David V Krieger, tek KunLiu David E Toewen, Stewart Richard Maddy Jan Medal, Andre Calg Mere. Moyer, Wayne Ose James Ojeste Seat M. Chris Payne, Dicer Percy, Ramin Peta, Devon E Sanders, iMarast, John Stepp, Matin Seen, ay "engu Fx & [ifwe'e left your jou. woke very sorry © = We teed not (o miss from the 25 MB of email you sent us) ‘Special thanks goto ‘Gearin, who went way and beyond the call, {nhs contribution. WritTEN By Patrick KAPERA & REE SOESBEE ADDITIONAL MaTERIAL bY JEFF ALEXANDER, Ryan Dancey, MARCELO Figueroa, Scott Gearin, Ross Isaacs, JENNIFER Maur, Jim PINTO. DJ. TRINDLE, Ros Vaux. JOHN Wick, & Davin WILLIAMS Game System sy Davin WILLIAMS AND JOHN WICK Cover ARTWORK: CARL FRANK Interior ARTWORK: Cris Dornaus & BEN PECK Maps: Jerr LAHREN Artwork Prepress: BRENDON GooDyEAR, STEVE HoucH Art Director: KC Lancaster Ling Epiror: DJ. TRINDLE Epitine: DJ. TRINDLE, REE SOESBEE InteRIOR Layout: Steve HouGH 2np PRINTING CORRECTIONS: Ros Vaux Ryan gave us the kick-start we needed, and provided constant inspiration, even from afar. Marcelo wrote “Dueling Shugenjas” (Insert banjo busic here, please. Jim wrote numerous battles and ancestors, and reminded us not to put his name in capitals (which we did anyway ~ sorry, Jim). 050272/092495 Jennifer again gave definition to the undefinable. Her treatise on Void Magic shaped the shadow. ‘Scott provided enthusiasm and raucous cheers, as wel as a battle or two. Ross gave us thousands of ineredible ideas about the monks, and defined Shinseism in Rokugan. DJ. wrote the spell creation rules and kept our ramblings coherent. Dave made rules suggestions and boiled Chapter Three until it was nice and tender. Ben committed ‘artistic seppuku’ by completing nearly al the artwork inthe book outside of Chapter Four, in just three short weeks. We love you, Ben, and we hope your wife is speaking to you again. Cris ollowed through with the ‘legacy of Chapter Four’ making all of the Who’ Who characters come to life, and giving them the personality we almost managed to put in the text. Also, she didn't Jaugh at us when we told her the art deadline. Ree would like to thank the members of Anathema, for their kindness to a poor, errant, Southern Belle. Also, again, @ great thank you to the thousands of players who deluge her with questions, ‘comments, and most of all enthusiasm and imagination for a small Empire which exists somewhere just within our reach Patrick would like to thank conspiracy theorists and horror story writers everywhere ~ for their inspirational “documentaries” and well-crafted stories. Without all of you, he wouldn't be where he is today, and the Henshin and Ishi wouldn' exist. Lovecraft, Carpenter, Poe and Barker, Gentlemen, al! AY Ur Lilet TOR yIA

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