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Egypt (Hailey Redding) North Korea Nuclear Weapons Issue A SOLUTION OF PEACE FOR THE NORTH KOREAN NUCLEAR

WEAPONS ISSUE The General Assembly, Realizing that North Korea has proceeded in making nuclear weapons despite sanctions placed upon them by the United Nations, Noting with regret that The North has repeatedly threatened to destroy peace by war against other countries, Having observed North Koreas regular nuclear weapon tests over the course of the past few years, Alarmed by radiation from testing zones within the borders of our allies, Aware of the cloud of uncertainty from constant threats from the North, Bearing in mind that previously inflicted sanctions have changed nothing, Seeking peace in the name of fixing greater world problems, Taking into consideration a cease to the threats and making of nuclear weapons within North Korea, Expecting North Korea to join in alliances with other countries and put their forces towards a better world, Believing our solutions can strongly influence this issue and work towards peace,

1. Encourages additions and changes to this resolution in the name of peace; 2. Reminds that Egypt wants to resolve this issue with peace and avoiding destruction of any property as much as possible; 3. Calls for further sanctions upon North Korea enforcing that zero items or people in or out of the country including delegates and Kim Jong Un; 5. Requests them to cease creating nuclear weapons and to give up those that are already created:

(A) Enforcing greater sanctions upon them (B) Threatening to use military force to take weapons and all nuclear reactors. (C) Sending in military force to remove Kim Jong Un from power and taking nuclear weapons. 6. Proclaims the use of military force to shut down prison camps and opening the border between North and South Korea allowing escape for any person who wants to leave; 7. Uses military force to merge North and South Korea once again. 8. Recommends the continued use of force until a change is presented by the North.

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