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Gauza asko daude esateko lau egun hauetaz.

Gauza asko idatziko dira, eta egundoko analisi politiko asko egingo dira ziurrenik. Baina zer gertatu da benetan lau egun hauetan? Gezi Parkeko erresistentziak hiritar arrunten biltzeko eta ekiteko gaitasun kolektiboa piztu du. Txinparta baten kontua izan zen... erresistentziaren gorputza ikusi genuen guregana zetorrela Bosforoko zubitik, Istiklal kaletik beldurrik gabe indartzen ikusi genuen; haren gorputzadarrak ikusi genituen pertsona bakoitzean, gehiegizko gas negar-eragileak jota, eta oraindik batak besteari laguntzeko borrokatzen; dendarietan ikusi genuen, janaria doan ematen, herritarrengan zaurituei euren ateak irekitzen, mediku bolondresetan eta protesta modura gau osoz euren eltzeak leihoan uzten zituzten amonengan. Poliziak benetako gerra bat hasi du gure kontra; zuten gas-negar eragile guztia xahutu dute, metro geltokietan harrapatu gaituzte eta gomazko pilotekin tiro egin digute - baina ezin izan dute gorputz hau hautsi. Erresistentziaren gorputza txinparta bakar batekin hasi zen sutan, eta jarraitu besterik ezin du egin. Eta orain gure esperientzia guztiak memoria kolektiboaren parte dira, bere zainetatik doa linfa bezala, eta horrela beti gogoratuko dugu faktu soil bat: gure patua aukera dezakegu gure ekimen kolektibo propioaren bidez. Gure bizitza aldarrikatu dezakegu - eta non bizi nahi dugun. Gezin hasitako egunak gure indarra eta ausardia elikatu zituen bere irmotasunarekin, sormenarekin, determinazioarekin eta konfiantzarekin. Segituan erresistentzia Gezi Parketik Taksim Plazara loratu zen, eta Taksimetik Istanbul osora, eta gero herrialde guztira. Gezi Parkeagatik borroka hiria bizitzeko gure modua erabakitzea eragozten zigun edozerren kontrako amorru bihurtu zen. Amorru eta elkartasun erakustaldi horren ondoren ezer ez da berdina izango. Gutako inor ez da lehengo bera izango. Orain ikusi dugulako guregan lehen ikusi ez genuen zerbait. Eta ez ikusi bakarrik: guztion artean sortu dugu. Gure gorputz propioak ikusi digutu txinparta batekin pizten, eta erresistentzia kolektiboaren gorputzari bizitza ematen. Gezi Parkeko borrokak gazte matxinada eragin zuen. Leku bat eta esanahi bat eman zizkien AKP gobernuen pean bizi izan diren bat edo bi belaunaldiei, Recep Tayyip Erdoan autoritarismoarekin lotzen zuten haiei. Burgesamendu plan handien aitzakipean Tarlaba tik kaleratuak izan ziren familien semealabak dira, produkzio kostuak jaisteko eta fabrikak pribatizatzeko euren lanak galdu zituzten langileak dira. Datorren edozein borroka orain indartua izango da belaunaldi hauekin. Gezi Parkeko eta Taksim Plazako borrokak definizio berri bat eman dio espazio publikoak esan nahi zuenari. Taksimeko borrokak AKPren hegemonia hautsi du hiritarrentzat plaza batek izan beharko lukeen esanahian, Taksimen esanahia orain erresistentziak izatea nahi duena da: gure plaza publikoa. Txinparta soil batek piztu dezakeen erresistentzia ikusi dugu, eta orain badakigu guztiz gai garela txinparta berriak eta erresistentzia berriak pizteko. Gure ondasun komunak kentzearen aurkako gure indar kolektiboa sentitu dezakegu, erresistentziak nola sentitzen duen dastatu baitugu. Ez genuke orain gauden lekutik atzera egin beharko. Izan ere, badakigu txinparta bat baino gehiago daramatzagula, borroka bat baino gehiago dugula, eta momentu bakarreko gauza dela txinparta soil batek su hartzen duenekoa. Hau hasiera besterik ez da - borroka aurrera doa!



Many words are about to be spent on these four days. Lots of things will be written, and many grandiose political analysis are surely on their way. But what has really happened these four days? he resistance for !ezi "ark ignited the collecti#e capacity to organize and act of us common citizens. $t was a matter of a spark.... we saw the #ery body of the resistance as it walked towards us along the Bosphorus bridge, we saw it endure without fear along $stiklal street% we saw its limbs in each people, chocked by an e&cess of teargas, would still struggle to help one another% we saw it in the shopkeepers gi#ing us food for free, in residents opening their houses to the wounded, in the #olunteering doctors and in the grandmothers banging their pots at windows all night long against oppression. he police waged a #eritable war against us% they ran out of their tear gas stocks, they trapped us in metro stations and shot us with rubber bullets ' but they could not break this body. he body of the resistance was set on fire by a single spark, and could only go on. (nd now all of our e&periences are part of a collecti#e memory which will run through its #eins like lymph, so that we may always remember one simple fact) we can choose our own fate through our own collecti#e action. *e can reclaim our life ' and where we want to li#e it. he +ourney which started in !ezi nurtured our strength and courage with its tenacity, creati#ity, determination, and self'confidence. $n no time, the resistance blossomed from !ezi park to aksim ,-uare, and from aksim to all $stanbul and then the rest of the country. he struggle for !ezi park became the place where to #oice all our rage against anything pre#enting us from deciding for our own way to li#e the city. (fter this display of rage and solidarity nothing will be the same again. .o one of us will be the same. Because now we ha#e seen something about oursel#es we had ne#er seen before. *e did not +ust see it) we made it all together. *e saw our own bodies ignite to a spark, and set the body of collecti#e resistance to life. he struggle for !ezi park triggered a youth riot. $t assigned a place and a meaning to one or two generations who li#ed through (/" go#ernments and who e-uate 0ecep ayyip 1rdo2an with authoritarianism. hese are the children of the families e#icted from arlaba3 in the name of grand gentrification plans, these are the workers who lost their +obs in the name of cutting production costs and pri#atizing factories. (ny struggle to come is now going to be enriched by these generations. he struggle for !ezi "ark and aksim ,-uare ha#e gi#en a new definition of what public space means. he struggle for aksim has shattered (/"4s hegemony in deciding what a s-uare is supposed to mean for us citizens, because aksim is now what the 0esistance wants it to mean) our public s-uare. *e ha#e seen the resistance that a single spark can ignite, and we know now that we are fully capable of lighting new sparks and new resistances. *e can sense our collecti#e might against the dispossession of our commons because we got a taste of what resistance feels like. *e shall not step back from where we are now. Because we know that we carry more than one spark, more than one struggle, and that it is only a matter of moments before a single spark turns into a fire. his is only the beginning ' the struggle goes on5 Mtereklerimiz

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