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50 oraciones con el those 1-those cats are playing--1-los gatos estn jugando 2-those people are fighting in the

street --2-las personas estn luchando en la calle 3-those students are making noise --3-los estudiantes estn haciendo ruido 4-those people are troublesome with the government --4-esas personas son molestos con el gobierno 5-those children are being chased by dogs--5-esos nios estn siendo perseguidos por perros
Those stars are in the sky. Aquellas estrellas estn en el cielo. Those boys are my friends. Aquellos nios son mis amigos.

Those pictures are not mine.-- Esas fotos no son mas. Are you keeping those keys?-- Mantiene usted esas llaves? Those packs of gold cost 20$-- Estos packs de oro cuestan 20 $ You must not touch those stones.-- No hay que tocar esas piedras. Those erasers are theirs.-- Estos borradores son de ellos. those are dolls-- esas son las muecas Those are umbrellas-- Esos son los paraguas Those are cars.-- Esos son los coches.
Those pencils are blue / Aquellos lpices son azules Those flowers are on the balcony / Esas flores estn en el balcn Those buses are red / Aquellos autobuses son rojos Those are six big boxes / Aquellas son seis cajas grandes Those things are cool-- Esas cosas son cheveres Those are your pens.-- Esos son sus plumas. those are my parents-- esos son mis padres those birds are White-- Esos aves son de color blanco those are my books--- esos son mis libros Those pictures are not mine.-- Esas fotos no son mas. Those packs of gold cost 20$--Esos packs de oro cuestan 2 0 $ Those erasers are theirs.-- Esos borradores son suyos. Those apples are big.-- Esas manzanas son grandes. Those are my notebook-- Esos son mi cuaderno those are my friends - Esos son mis amigos those are good people - Esas son buenas personas those are unforgettable moments - Esos son momentos inolvidables I saw those movies on Friday - Vi esas peliculas el viernes those movies are classic of the 80s - Esas peliculas son clasicos de los 80s

those books are math and science - Esos libros son las matematicas y la ciencia those are good friends - Esos son buenos amigos those are not real beings - Esos no son seres reales those are past stories - Esas son historias pasadas those are friends of my cousin - Esos son amigos de mi primo those shirts are great - Esas camisas son grandes I hate those shoes-- Odio esos zapatos Those dogs were running-- Esos perros corran Those apples are red-- Esas manzanas son rojas We are no longer those of yesterday-- Ya no somos los de ayer Those boys are handsome-- Esos chicos son guapos Those baby cats are very cute-- Esos gatos del beb son muy lindos Those candies are sweet-- Estos caramelos son dulces Those were the days i loved-- Aquellos eran los das me encant Those who hunt elves are bad-- Los que cazan elfos son malos Those books are fantasy ones-- Esos libros son los de fantasa

50 ORACIONES CON EL THERE WERE There were books in the table -- Haba libros en la mesa There was a man in the street -- Haba un hombre en la calle There were five girls in my class -- Haba cinco chicas de mi clase There was a tv in the store -- Haba una televisin en la tienda There were plenty of apples in my kitchen -- Haba un montn de manzanas en la cocina There were a beautiful picture in the gallery-- Haba una hermosa imagen de la galera There were two cars in the garage - Haba dos coches en el garaje There were a nice movie in the cinema-- Haba una buena pelcula en el cine There were many people in the mall-- Haba mucha gente en el centro comercial There were four cats in the backyard-- Haba cuatro gatos en el patio trasero There were many trees in the park-- Haba muchos rboles en el parque There were many computers -- Haba muchos ordenadores

There were many buildings-- Haba muchos edificios There were many trees in the park.-- Haba muchos rboles en el parque. There were benches to sit on.-- Haba bancos para sentarse - There were many people in the mall-- Haba mucha gente en el centro comercial 2- There were four cat's in the backyard--2 - Haba cuatro gato est en el patio trasero 4- There were many computers-- Haba muchas computadoras 5- There were many buildings--- 5 - Haba muchos edificios

there was a dog on the street// habia un perro en la calle. there was a tree in the forest// habia un arbol en el bosque. there were some pens// habian unos lapiz. there were not any cars// no habian nigunos carros.
There were books in the table.-- Haba libros en la mesa. There were five girls in my class.-- Haba cinco chicas de mi clase. There were plenty of apples in my kitchen.-- Haba un montn de manzanas en mi cocina. There were two cars in the garage.--- Haba dos coches en el garaje. *There were many trees in the park--* Haba muchos rboles en el parque *There were lots frees in that park--* Haba un montn libera en ese parque *There were many banks in the city--* Haba muchos bancos en la ciudad there were three apples on the table, now there are two! - habia tres manzanas en la mesa, ahora hay dos! there were so many people at the party, it was great! - habia tanta gente en la fiesta, estuco genial! there were a lot of girls at Susana's party - habia muchas chicas en la fiesta de Susana There were two clowns at the party - Habia dos payasos en la fiesta

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