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Decision-Making Ethics

Electronic Arts, better known as EA, has an ingrained set of 6 core values as it pertains to the company and how they handle business. These values supply a blueprint for the company's growth and help govern relationships surrounding EA from employees to partners to consumers. EA firmly believes that these principles, better known as EA Actions, demonstrate a clear vision and should be used in daily operations to guide decision!making. Electronic Arts has ethical procedures and policies that stem from their "lobal #ode of #onduct. This #ode of #onduct provides the ethical framework for which all decisions are based upon. The foundation for the "lobal #ode of #onduct is cultivated from the EA Actions that were mentioned above. These actions are as follows$ EA A#T%&'( Think #onsumers )irst .e .old #reate /uality and %nnovation Act with %ntegrity .e Accountable *earn and "row *isten and respond + ,eliver beyond their e-pectations + .uild lifetime customers "o big + Take the right risks + .ack our bets + *ead ,eliver products and services that surpass e-pectations + .e relentless about improving 0uality + Take creative risks ,o the right thing + Trust others and support their decisions + .e transparent ,eliver on commitments + Always do what we say + 1lay our positions + ,eliver and reward results 2ork hard, play hard + ,evelop yourself and others + 3easure your improvement + (hare knowledge generously

As said, these actions help create a basis for the #ode of #onduct, so they are mirrored in many of the company's policies. Electronic Arts has policies in place that provide a set of standards for all business conduct and presents everyone with a moral structure to guide them in 4udgment to the challenging choices that arise. According to (trategy )ormulation and ,ecision Analysis in 3odule 5, Electronic Arts follows a framework that is closely associated with The 6irtue Approach. The 6irtue approach assumes

that there are certain ideals that everyone should strive to achieve. The approach 4ustifies in asking whether a decision made is reflective of the individual that we are or want to become. 1ertaining to Electronic Arts, their EA Actions fall in line with this avenue of moral decision making because they help pilot individuals to behave and act in manners that evolve potential. )or e-ample, with the EA Action of Act with %ntegrity they want to pride their employees to do what is right and trust one another in all business decisions. .e Accountable is another action that illustrates this virtuous strategy because it is closely related to the virtue of self!control. 1ossessing the ability to head one's behavior, emotions, and desires to be able to achieve whatever goal is at hand. 6irtues are in some instance are like a habit. 2hen you encompass certain ones they become second nature and an individual is inclined to behave consistently with moral values. At any given moment you never know what choices you will be confronted with and everyone is accountable for the choices they make. Electronic Arts is a business that has principles in place to help everyone advance and progress to their highest potential.

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