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Physical education is one of the most important basic knowledge we should learn in our lives.

We should learn how to become healthy with proper exercise and diet. So this time our group decided to choose this activity for our subject PE02.

We created this activity to inform people in terms of safety. Before going to our chosen barangay, we plan first our lectures and activities for the said program. We provide papers and other materials for writing. We created our visual aids and activity plans for that day. We set the plan last Monday. First, we discuss the lectures about safety and street caution in our community. We discuss the traffic lights, the signs for constructions and street warnings. After that, we proceed to our activity about self safety. We created a game about our selected topic . We explained the different rules and cautions and after that, we perform the game. After a long time, the game ends only on pupil survive the Game and that girl is the winner.

As i relate this to my daily life, i relate this in being independent. As i conquer the life of growing up, preparing food for my self is one of the greatest task I've ever done and teaching children with this skill is one way we can share to contribute in their future.

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