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This short quiz is just to see what you already know about world religions. Put the letter of the correct religion to the left of each statement. It s okay to lea!e a question blank. ". Islam %. &induism ______ ). ______ .. ______ /. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 5. ______ 9. ______ ;. ______ =. ______ )>. ______ )). ______ ).. ______ )/. ______ )2. ______ )3. #. #uddhism '. (udaism $. $hristianity

*ollowers of this religion ha!e a belief in reincarnation. +hen you ha!e reached ,Nir!ana- you ha!e reached the highest le!el of enlightenment. This religion di!ides Indian society into a caste system. The founder of this religion was 0iddhartha 1autama. The holy book of this religion is called the Torah. *ollowers are called (ews or &ebrews. The founder of this religion was 4ohammad. Three di!isions of this religion are $atholic6 Protestant6 and 'astern 7rthodo8. There is no founder of this religion. *ollowers can worshi: many gods. The holy book of this religion is called the <oran6 a book of re!elations by "llah. *ollowers of this religion are called 4uslims. The founder of this religion was (esus of Nazareth. *ollowers of this religion belie!e in reincarnation. ,<arma- determines what the soul is reincarnated as. This religion has the most followers. This religion is the foundation for two other religions on this list. The laws and :olitics of the 4iddle 'ast are hea!ily influenced by this religion. *ollowers of this religion belie!e they are 1od s chosen :eo:le.

Label each symbol with the religion it re:resents

);. )5. )=. )9. .>.

7n the back6 you can com:lete the following sentence: ?it s o:tional@

0omething I wonder about religion isAB

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