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Special Power of Attorney


I, Mr. --------------------- Nationality BRAZILIAN Passport n -----------, issued on (--/--/20), expiry on
(--/--/20), lawful owner and bearer of n -- Title of Public Debt, emission and responsibilities of the Brazilian
Federal Union, more precisely LTN (Letras do Tesouro Nacional) , as specified below:
LTN (Letras do Tesouro Nacional) Sries -- n ------, Laudo Pericial N -----------, do Conselho
Nacional dos Peritos Judiciais da Repblica Federativa do Brasil. CERT. REP. -------
CODIP/CODIV -------------- - BACEN ------------;
with full legal authority and under penalty of perjury, do hereby APPOINT Mr. --- ------, of Nationality ----Passport N -------------, issued on --------------, expiry on ------------- with address in
----------------------------, , AS MY ATTORNEYIN-FACT to act for me and on my behalf without any
kind of restriction, to do and perform each and every act and thing which may be necessary or
convenient, in any event, in connection with the sale of or loan against LTN (Letras do Tesouro
Nacional) Sries ---, n -----------, CERT. REP. ------------------, to all intend and purposes as I might or
could not do if personally present.
This SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY grants Mr. --------------------------, full power and authorization to:
1. To Sell the LTN Sries ---, n ------, CERT. REP. -------------;
2. If necessary, sign, sale and transfer contract of LTN; receive payments and receipt in full autonomy;
receive the full payment in a bank account in its own name or in the name of Swiss Financial
Technology SA, and distribute the proceeds there from;
3. An e-mail or facsimile of this SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY shall be deemed as legally binding
This SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY enters into force immediately by my signature.
I have hereunder affixed my signature on March ----, 2014.
Brazilian Passport n -----------------Signed by Notary

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