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Kingdom Animalia - Phylum Nematoda

--Unsegmented worms --Pseudocoelom ("false coelom") -- body cavity contains organs

Digestive tract with 2 openings: mouth & anus Feeding Free-living -

predators Parasites - humans and animals

Reproduction: Sexual reproduction, Separate sexes

Roundworms & Disease

Trichinosis (trichinella worm) - cysts within the muscles are consumed (undercooked food) -- worm grows in intestine -- forms cysts in the muscles of the new host -- symptom: terrible pain in muscles

Filarial Worms - found in Tropical regions of Asia

-- usually transmitted by mosquitoes -- causes elephantiasis

Ascarid Worms (common roundworm) - lives in intestine - eggs are passed Most roundworms infectout in the feces
dogs, but occasionally they find their way into human hosts

Hookworms - burrow into the skin from soil - mature in the intestines --hooks used to attach and suck blood

Research on C. elegans first organism to have DNA completely sequenced It is a very simple, free living roundworm

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