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Cyril C.

Abocado Theology III (Church and Sacraments) Final Reflection Paper

Before I enrolled in Theology 3, my knowledge about the Catholic Church was very limited. I came from a family that does not have a rigid routine of attending churchs activities and thus I have acquired that habit somehow. I am glad that Theo III with the help of Sir Dy has helped me to uncover certain mysteries and questions that I have about the church. I have learned that Church is not really a place but people--- people who believe in Jesus and who wants to celebrate together His glory and commemorate the important stages of Jesus life. Indeed, the Church has a deeper meaning and goals aside from its daily mass. It aims to assemble people and build the family of the Lord in one community. The Church also has a long history that defines what it is right now. It has undergone changes. It has undergone its own evolution. It is good to know that before, the Church was a community where helping, sharing and caring was a must. It was indeed an ideal community. However, todays church is already more and more institutionalized. Today more and more people define church as a place; it is no longer a we but it. The deeper meaning has been covered perhaps by this busy and modern world. Many have forgotten the essentials and just settled for what is offered. I can imagine the church before; they were hugging each other after the mass and yes, they know each other very well. Today, when we go to church we see perfect strangers. Weve lost the interactive way of the Church. The only interaction that we do is when we turn around and say peace be with you which, often is done in an awkward and instant way. Too fast to really build a rapport. Too fast to really know and make each other feel that we are family. The Church has grown--- perhaps too large for the Church leaders to really supervise everyone. Another thing that marked my mind through this course is that Church leaders arent perfect. They also have loops and holes. They have flaws and they make mistakes-- because theyre only human like the rest of us. We can never expect the church to soar to greater heights by just relying on them. We have to do it all together because we are one. We should be all in this together.

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