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Common CausE 145 Warerman Suet Site 4008 Providence Rhode Island 029065 el 401.861.2322 Fs 401.331.9676 von Cammon Cause org Honorable M. Teresa Paiva Weed President of the Senate State House, Room 318 Providence, RI 02903 October 19, 2009 Dear President Paiva Weed: Common Cause Rhode Island respectfully asks that the Rhode Island Senate operate under its regular rules when it returns from recess on October 27, 2009. It as important as ever that the public be able to follow the proceedings, and particularly in the case of any new legislation, attend hearings and provide testimony. By reinstating all of its rules the Senate will insure that the public and members receive notice, have access to copies of the legislation under consideration, and face agendas that provide adequate time for deliberation. Since June 23, 2009 ten (10) rules of the Senate have been suspended. Our specific concern is with the continued suspension of rules 4.10-1 (Public Bills), 4.10-2 (Committee Amendments), 6.2 (Committee Agenda—Posting), and 7.6 (Calendar). These rules require that bills be available to members for their examination (4.10-1 and 4.10-2) prior to votes being taken on those bills. Without adequate notice the public, as well as members of the Senate, may be faced with legislation they have been unable to examine and evaluate. Furthermore, some of the suspended rules require that advance notice be given to the public prior to committee hearings (6.2), and to Senators in advance of floor votes (7.6). Without time being taken, the hectic efforts to pass large amounts of legislation undermine public confidence that the legislature is being deliberative in its work. Common Cause has long been concerned by the suspension of some rules, and the flurry of activity that occurs at the end of the typical session. Without these rules in place representatives cannot properly deliberate and debate issues before the House. Likewise, citizens cannot know which bills are going to be considered, and therefore the ability of constituents to express their preferences to their elected representatives is stymied We sincerely believe that the House can reinstate all of its rules and finish its business in a timely fashion, while continuing to honor the democratic principles of openness and transparency. Thank you for your attention to this request. NT te Git, Executive Director

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