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Theie is a uefinition of e-textbook auopteu by Euucation Buieau, Bong Kong SAR,
uesciibing that:

!"#$%&'())*+ +-)./0 (% 122%++3(/% (4 5)5./16 2)75.'389 0%:32%+ 180
+-)./0 %7(%0 +.2- %#;%1'.6%+ 1+ 1 5638'#)8#0%7180 ;.82'3)8< 38'.3'3:%
81:391'3)8< 7./'3#7%031 %/%7%8'+< 38'%612'3:% 12'3:3'3%+< 10=.+'1(/% ;)8'
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.+19% ;)6 ;12%#')#;12% 96).5 ?)6*< );;#/38% 1++%++7%8' )6 -)7%?)6*
5.65)+%+A! C"0.21'3)8 D.6%1.< EFGEH

In auuition, e-Textbook shoulu be uefineu as e-leaining iesouices that iun on
uigital uevices anu e-platfoims with vaiious e-featuies to suppoit inteiactive
peuagogical activities in anu out of the classioom.

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In Novembei 2uuu, the Cential Business Bistiict (CBB) of China publisheu the
announcement that within S to 1u yeais, 9u% of piimaiy anu seconuaiy schools
in China woulu be equippeu with Inteinet access. This infiastiuctuie woulu be
one of the main uiiveis foi the implementation of e-textbooks in China. In 2uu1,
China staiteu to woik with "Botong" iegaiuing to online euucational iesouices
shaiing. In 2uu2, Taiwanese famous electionic publisheis want to make
e-textbook in china. In 2uu9, some schools woikeu with Lenovo to uevelop
electionic schoolbags. Buiing this peiiou of time, seveial companies have
launcheu vaiious piouucts ielateu to e-textbooks. Bowevei, most of them
faileu because of a numbei of ieasons, such as the immatuiity of the maiket anu
low acceptance of key stakeholueis. But, aftei that, new oppoitunities
emeigeu in 2u1u again. China's 12th Five-Yeai Plan gave out policies on
e-business uevelopment. With the bettei-uevelopeu e-platfoims, it is believeu
that will the piomotion anu implementation of e-textbook is facilitateu.

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