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A frase "Ces de Palha" vem do Taosmo Chins e refere-se aos ces de palha confeccionad os para sacrifcios.

Esta frase usada nos versos de Lao Tzu STRAW DOGS -- Heaven and Earth are not humane./ They regard all things as straw dogs. Lao-tzu (c. 604 - c. 531 B.C., "The Way of Lao-tzu." Note: Straw dogs were used in sacrifices and then discarde d. "Bartlett's Familiar Quotations," Seventeenth Edition, edited by Justin Kaplan (Little Brown and Co., Boston, 2002 ) In business, something (an idea, or plan, usually) set up to be knocked down. It 's the dangerous philosophy of presenting one mediocre idea, so that the listener will make the choice of the better idea which follows. It backfires with some frequency, as the listener (out of sheer perversity) will insist on the straw do g. Moral of the story: if you are required to present two or three alternatives, make sure you can live with any of them.

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