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25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips: Malaysian Edition


My name is Kevin Zahri. I am a fitness author, speaker, TV Host and entreprenuer based in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

I published my first bestselling fitness book entitled Fitness 24/7 and Cergas 24/7 back in 2008. About a year later, I released my first ebook - 24 Questions - which answers the 24 most commonly asked health and fitness questions. Since than I have released over 10 health and fitness ebooks, including the fast selling How to Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks

Personal Trainer & Nutritionist

I have been a personal trainer and nutritionist for over 6 years. I got my certification from A.F.T.A in the USA. If you are interested to meet me for a personal 1:1 session, visit my website for details.

I conduct various health and corporate wellness seminars. Some of my clients include Nestle, Nandos, Bank Negara, Petronas Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia and other clients in both the private and public sector

TV Host
I am a regular TV guest on various talk shows discussing health, diet, nutrition and other wellness topics.

Brand Ambassador
As part of my job, I have been fortunate to represent brands such as Adidas, Nestle and Fitness Concept.

Web Entrepreneur
I love the web. We launched, a Malaysian calorie database, ebooks and are very active in prodiving tips on our website -, Facebook and Twitter 2010

25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips: Malaysian Edition

Fitness 24/7
Ever in search of a health and fitness book that is related to the Asian lifestyle? Asian foods? Fitness 24/7 by Kevin Zahri (Malaysias Fitness Celebrity) is the answer. Fitness 24/7 is build around sound nutritional and fitness advice covering topics like weight gain/loss, building a personalized & balanced diet and full body part training. Price: RM75 (available here online)

How To Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks eBook

This is a detailed step by step guide to help anyone lose 5kg or more in 5 weeks. After completing the ebook you will have a diet plan, exercise regime and control - to help you lose weight. Available online for immediate download. Price: RM20 (click here for details)

Panduan Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu

Ini adalah eBook panduan lengkap untuk membantu anda kurangkan berat 5kg dalam masa 5 minggu. Selepas mengikuti langkahlangkah mudah eBook ini, anda akan mempunyai pelan diet, senaman dan panduan mudah untuk kurangkan 5kg dengan mudah ikuti gaya hidup orang Malaysia! Harga: RM20 (dapatkannya di sini)

Got a Question?
If you would like to purchase any of these books/ebooks or got a questions, feel free to contact us online or via our social media networks -, Facebook and Twitter. 2010

25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips: Malaysian Edition


How This eBook Works
First of all I would like to congratulate you for reading this eBook. Taking care of our health is one of the most fundamental things you owe to yourself. But before we get too excited, there are some things to highlight.

The 7,700 Rule

All calorie or weight loss savings tips are based around the very fact that 7,700 calories make up 1kg of body weight. In other words: Want to lose 1kg? You need to get rid of 7,700 calories. Regardless of your gender or current weight.

Following is an example of how these quick tips work:
Take Your Nasi Lemak With White Rice
This can save you plenty of calories per year. Nasi lemak is packed with calories, mainly from santan (cocunut oil). Compared to white rice (150 calories), a typical serving of nasi lemak carries some 340 calories. Just ask the makcik (seller) to give you white rice instead.
Avg Saving: 190 per meal Meals Per Year: 100 Weight Loss Per Year:

The average calorie saving per meal or drink Frequency of meal per day/week/month or year Potential weight loss per year based on total calories saved.

4.5 kg

Over 1,000 copies sold. Need to Lose Weight ...Fast?

To really help you lose weight, I highly encourage you to check out my How to Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks ebook. It provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to lose weight based on your own personal needs, lifestyle and diet. With or without exercise! It costs just RM20. For details, visit 2010

25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips: Malaysian Edition


25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips 2010

25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips: Malaysian Edition

Avg Saving: 190 per meal Meals Per Year: 100 Weight Loss Per Year:

Take Your Nasi Lemak With White Rice

1 2 3 4 5

This can save you plenty of calories per year. Nasi lemak is packed with calories, mainly from santan (cocunut oil). Compared to white rice (150 calories), a typical serving of nasi lemak carries some 340 calories. Just ask the makcik (seller) to serve you white rice instead.

4.5 kg
Avg Saving: 300 per day Meals Per Year: 730 Weight Loss Per Year:

Stick To Water
Most of us enjoy 2-4 sugar based drinks like orange juice, coffee, soft-drinks etc. All these are packed with sugar. Water, however, contains 0 calories. So say you replace 2 of those 4 drinks with plain water, on average you can save some 300 calories per day.

28.4 kg
Only Drink Half Your Drink
OK lets be fair. Plain water is not very exciting. We all enjoy our favorite drinks. It keeps up happy and yeah we all need a little enjoyment ... but do we need an entire glass? Probably not. Half a serving is the way to go. So stick to half servings for your favorite drink and order another glass of water. This saves you some 60 calories per meal.
Avg Saving: 60 per meal Meals Per Year: 1000 Weight Loss Per Year:

7.8 kg
Avg Saving: 150 per meal Meals Per Year: 730 Weight Loss Per Year:

Half The Rice (Nasi Separuh)

Again, rice is not to blame but rather, its how much we consume. The amount of rice one needs per servings is the size of your close fist (1 first only please). So remember to cut your regular mamak rice servings (300 calories) in half (150 calories).

14.2 kg
Be a Breast Without Skin Man
Let me be the first to admit that I love ... fried chicken. It makes me happy ... but instead of choosing the worst part (i.e. drumstick or wings), I choose the lesser evil - the breast and remove the skin or some of it. Your calorie savings would depend on the recipe etc but generally you can save some 50 calories per meal ... and you get more proteins as well.
Avg Saving: 50 per meal Meals Per Year: 365 Weight Loss Per Year:

2.4 kg

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25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips: Malaysian Edition

Avg Saving: 80 per egg Eggs Per Year: 120 Weight Loss Per Year:

Go Easy On Egg Yolk

6 7 8 9 10

Eggs are good. Egg whites (20 calories) provide essential proteins but most like the yolk for its taste. Unfortunately, the taste and flavor comes from fat (80 calories) ... and yeah making scrambled eggs without the yolk is not an option but try to reduce the yolk servings whenever you can. Example: If you use eggs for your scrambled egg, stick to only one yolk.

1.2 kg
Avg Saving: 50 per meal Meals Per Year: 365 Weight Loss Per Year:

Got Low Fat Milk?

We use milk or dairy based products in drinks, desserts, in cereal etc. From whole milk to skim milk, choices are plenty. Making that switch from whole (160 calories per glass) to low fat milk (110 calories per glass) is the way to go. Better still, opt for skim milk.

2.4 kg
Avg Saving: 180 per meal Drinks Per Week: 2 Weight Loss Per Year:

Next Visit To Starbucks...

Do you like you mochas, lattes or mochacinos? They sure taste yummy but contain lots of calories compared to a normal cup of coffee with skim milk and no sugar (20 calories). In fact, a glass of coffee without sugar or milk contains 0 calories. Compare that to a cafe mocha which packs some 200 calories - if not more.

2.4 kg
Avg Saving: 150 per meal Drinks Per Day: 2 Weight Loss Per Year:

Coke vs Diet Coke vs Soft Drinks

This one is obvious. A typical soft drink (a can) contains some 150 calories - all coming from sugar. Compare that to its dietversion like Diet Coke which contain artificial sugar - 0 calories. Sure it tastes a little weird at first but your taste buds will get used to it. Once you go diet you never go back :)

14.2 kg
Avg Saving: 135 per meal Meals Per Year: 365 Weight Loss Per Year:

One Table Spoon Less Oil

When you compare the calories in fat (9 per gram) to carbs (4 per gram) and protein (4 per gram), fat is the ultimate champion. A single table spoon (15g) of oil (any oil really) contains some 135 calories. So if you can reduce your cooked meals by one tablespoon of oil per meal, you are in business!

6.4 kg

25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips: Malaysian Edition

Avg Saving: 150 per meal Meals Per Week: 3 Weight Loss Per Year:

Cut Your Desserts in Half

11 12 13 14 15

Desserts are yummy and yeah, I am not telling you to totally get rid of them. Instead, just cut them in half. If you are used to getting two scoops (300 calories) of ice cream, opt for a single scoop (150 calories). Or if you order 100g of gummy bears (400 calories), opt for 50g (200 calories). Its all about balance.

3.0 kg
Avg Saving: 100 per meal Meals Per Year: 25 Weight Loss Per Year:

Popcorn? Switch to Non-Caramel

Watching a movie without popcorn is like ... well you get the point. We all do it but try switch your caramel (600 calories for an avg bucket) to plain popcorn (350 calories) and save some 250 calories. It is all in the caramel. Its oh so good but oh so bad for your waistline.

0.8 kg
Avg Saving: 60 per meal Drinks Per Week: 5 Weight Loss Per Year:

Fruit Juices Without Added Sugar

Fruits are healthy but contain sugars as well. Well thats fine but when it comes to fruit juices at the supermarket or restaurants, those come with unwanted added sugars. Look for no added sugar drinks or ask them not to add sugar. This can save you some 15g of sugar or 60 calories per drink.

2.0 kg
Avg Saving: 60 per meal Drink Per Year: 250 Weight Loss Per Year:

So You Think Milo or 100Plus Helps?

Sports drinks have one sole purpose: to help supply your body with energy - through glucose (sugar). If your goal is weight loss, sports drinks are not the way to go. Reduce your sugar intake from these by half and get the rest of your fluids from water. This saves you approximately 60 calories per session.

1.9 kg
Avg Saving: 300 per meal Canai Per Week: 3 Weight Loss Per Year:

Cut Your Roti Canais In Half

Roti canai are a Malaysian (or Indian) delicacy but extremely bad for your weight. A single roti canai contains some 300 calories and most have two per seating. So if you must, stick to a single canai (or none) and replace it with better choice or a piece of chicken for protein. This can save you 300 calories per meal.

6.1 kg

25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips: Malaysian Edition



Well if you follow most of these tips, you can in fact lose much more than just 25kg per year. 2010

25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips

Avg Saving: 40 per meal Drinks Per Day: 2 Weight Loss Per Year:

Take Half of Your Teh Tariks

16 17 18 19 20

Just like tip #3 or #15, we apply this rule to teh tariks. A single glass of teh tarik contains some 80 calories. Drink half a glass and order another glass of mineral water for your thirst and save some 40 calories per serving. Over a year, it adds up.

3.8 kg
Do Not Super Size Your Meals at McD
Fast food is bad enough ... but now and then, everyone hits fast foods chains - me included. That said, there is no need to super size your meals as well. A super sized meal can add some 300 calories to your meal (from sugar in drinks and fries). you dont need that.
Avg Saving: 300 per meal Meals Per Month: 8 Weight Loss Per Year:

3.7 kg
Avg Saving: 70 per fruit Fruits Per Year: 300 Weight Loss Per Year:

Go Easy On Fruits
Fruits are great for mineral, vitamins and contain fibers as well but too much of anything is not good for you. Fruits contain sugars that can make you gain weight just like anything else. Stick to the an apply a day keeps the doctor away rule. 4-5 would probably be too many. An apply contains some 70 calories.

2.7 kg
Avg Saving: 800 per meal Meals Per Year: 30 Weight Loss Per Year:

Two Donuts Will Do

Next time you visit your favorite donut shop ask yourself, do you really need a half dozen donuts? Two donuts is way more than enough. An average donut contains some 200 calories so by sticking to two, instead of six, you can save some 800 calories! Thats crazy.

3.1 kg
Avg Saving: 100 per meal Meals Per Week: 10 Weight Loss Per Year:

Get Yourself a Healthy Office Snack

Snacking while at work is everyones crime. It is easy to get carried away when sitting at the desk. Chocolate bars, nuts and sweet are all packed with calories. Try and replace these with a health meal replacement bars that keep you going and are not as bad for you. This can save you some 100 calories per meal.

6.8 kg

25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips: Malaysian Edition

Avg Saving: 75 per meal Meals Per Year: 60 Weight Loss Per Year:

Go Easy On Dates (Kurma)

21 22 23 24 25

Kurmas are a Malaysian tradition - especially during Ramadhan (fasting month). They taste great but their sweetness comes from sugars ... lots of it. A single kurma contains 25 calories. Avoid your cravings and stick to two dates per seating.

0.6 kg
Stick to No-Added Sugar Soya Milk
Soya milk is a great source of protein but it is extremely difficult to find no sugar added pre-packet soya milk. If you can, it can save you some 20g or 80 calories.
Avg Saving: 80 per meal Drink Per Week: 2 Weight Loss Per Year:

1.1 kg
Go Easy On Cheese
Cheese, although a dairy product, is rather high in calories mainly coming from fats. Try to reduce your cheese intake when you have toasts, pizza, pasta or any other meal. This can save you an average of 75 calories (equivalent of 28g of cheese).
Avg Saving: 75 per meal Meals Per Month: 6 Weight Loss Per Year:

0.7 kg
Go Roasted, Grilled or Steamed Food
In tip #5 we talked about breasts - chicken breasts. Now obviously we can take it up another notch and opt for a grilled chicken breast (140 calories) opposed to a deep fried version (260 calories) and save a further 120 calories. In my books ... grilled, broiled, roasted, cooked or steamed are the way to go!
Avg Saving: 120 per meal Meals Per Week: 7 Weight Loss Per Year:

5.7 kg
Avg Saving: 100 per meal Meals Per Month: 9 Weight Loss Per Year:

Naan Breads Are OK, But Plain Please

Breads in general are good sources of carbohydrates. In Malaysia and India, Naan breads are obviously popular but also loaded with 200-300 calories. If you must, stick to a plain naan (200 calories) and ignore the temptations of adding butter to it as butter Naans contain some 300 calories (all coming from fat).

1.4 kg

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25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips: Malaysian Edition






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