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Internal Combustion Engines are there for almost more than 100 years now.

Its been almost 138 years (to be specific) since the very first inception of the modern four-stroke engine, first suggested by Nikolaus Otto in the year of 1876 with the help of his two colleagues Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. Since then, IC engine came through a long way, receiving some break through innovations along the way. Two types of engines are being extensively used in automobiles now days, those are Diesel and Gasoline spark ignition engine. So, lets look into some of the facts regarding gasoline spark ignition engines. It has seen two transitions in technology since its first introduction to the world. If that is to be shown then it goes as follows: Carburetor Transition One MPFI (Multi Point Fuel Injection) Transition Two GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection)

In carburetor installed engine, air fuel mixture is premixed at a chamber called Carburetor and drawn into the engines combustion chamber. Whereas in MPFI engines, fuel injectors are placed at every inlet port from where, fuel is mixed with air before entering into the engines combustion chamber. Now comes, the latest technology termed GDI technology which is creating some buzz around the world. Fuel is directly injected into the combustion chamber with the help of fuel injector in a similar pattern to that of diesel engine. Though the concept of this model was there in the automobile industries, it is getting more importance in recent world where automobile sectors are facing some serious issues like Global Warming.

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