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MT 1, LT 1 Notebook Guide

Guiding Principles of the Constitution Section 4.4 (pages 70-74) Principle Brief Explanation Example from the Constitition

Popular Sovereignty

a governments power comes from the people Popular sovereignty is a basic idea of and the people elect their own person. democracy. Popular sovereignty means that the people are the ultimate source of the authority of their government. there are no written limitson the governments power and laws must treat all citizens as equally as possible.
power which is divided between different groups or branches and one branch can check, or limit, the power of the other branches.
counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated, typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals or groups.
is a precept stating that a government's power over its citizens has limitations. That a government's authority over individual's rights and liberties is prescribed, restricted, and limited by law or by the constitution.
Separation of powers means that the power of the federal government is literally"separated" or distributed among its three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial. Read more: n#ixzz2rizDndPC

Limited Government

Separation of Powers

Checks and Balances

a system in which the different parts of an organization (such as a government) have powers that affect and control the other parts so that no part can become too
Federalism was a political system arising out of discontent with the Articles of Confederation which gave little practical authority to the federal government.
Judicial review is one of the main characteristics of government in the federal republic of the United States and other countries with democratically elected legislatures.


power is divided between different levels of government which are national, state, and local. each level has its own powers and responsibilities.
judges and courts cannot be influencedby any other groups or branches of government and courts have the power to interpret laws and review the actions of other branches of government.

Judicial Review

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