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language development is a complex and unique human quality that no theory is as get whole to completely explaian .

never theories will probably develop from what has already been explored. This could be taken from cognitive to interactioist approach where the reletionship of psychology and the envoironment needs to be explored in great depth.A major concern in understanding language acquisition is how these capacities are picked up by infants from what appears to be very little input. A large of therios of laguage acquisition has been created in order to explain the apperent problem .these theories different but they from the basic of the mystery behind language development among children ,thus this case study exmained the major language development in the children .laguage acquasition from a citical stage in development of childern .so in the examination of these thoriers child faced difficulties to learn 2 .l .language development is more important not only in child r teacher but also for the parents .my objct is to check the child attitude toward l ! l2 so i find he is better to speak in l than l2.

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