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Name: ______________________________________

Class: _______

Date: ____________________

Ji Lis Growth Open Response

How has Ji-Li changed over time? Use relevant and specific evidence from the text as well as your historical
knowledge of the time period to support your answer.
Your open response should be formatted like an MCAS open response.
1 body paragraph
o 3 pieces of evidence
o 3 explanations/analysis
Conclusion Statement


Name: ______________________________________

Class: _______

Date: ____________________

Ji Lis Growth Open Response*

How has Ji-Li changed over time? Use relevant and specific evidence from the text as well as your historical
knowledge of the time period to support your answer.
Your open response should be formatted like an MCAS open response.
1 body paragraph
o Describe the change 1
o Evidence of change 1
o How or why it happened
o Describe change 2
o Evidence of change 2
o How or why it happened
o Describe change 3
o Evidence of change 3
o How or why it happened

Conclusion Statement




Change 1:

Evidence of the change:

How and/or why it happened:

Change 2:

Evidence of the change:

How and/or why it happened:

Change 2:

Evidence of the change:

How and/or why it happened:

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