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A Nonnet about someone questioning religion.

Faltering Faith Isnt the hand that gladly saves us The very one that destroys us? Why is it when were alone That we not still feel Him? Has He stopped caring? Then why should we? Were loyal To whom? Hm . . . A Cinquain about falling in love Speak Just wait Til the heart speeds And the palms, once dry, soak Your courage to speak fails you But try . . . A Limerick about insanity Straitjacket He sat in a room of white walls With arms strapped to his side, he calls And he laughs through the night Demanding a fight And in his demented state, he falls

A Monostich about humanity Humanity And the world remains disturbed . . . A Sevenling about a girls wish list before she dies The Bucket List There are three things I want: A gown of flowing fabric, To attend the theatre, and to be in it. And to dance as a swan would; to bourree and plie` and tendu Just as you see the dancers do And with that, I can leave in peace.

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