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Team Leader Responsibilities/information: Sign-up sheet completed by Wednesday, March 26 Recognize and learn the pattern of the triangle

(attached) Largest number in the middle Largest to smallest from there on until the corners (1) Rows will be numbered 1-25 for practice purposes. The day of the actual event we will be calling by letters of the alphabet You will know your letter the day of the event Your spot outside will be clearly labeled. Present to a LIFE class (ask a LIFE Coach) Ms. Martin will make the presentation Presentations will take place on Tuesday, April 15 When can I recruit? During LIFE (in your own class) During Lunch/Seminar Before/After School In between classes (no excuse to be late to class) On Thursday, April 17 You have a designated duty at the beginning of the day. You will be given the letter identifying your group You must gather your group members and if unable to locate and/or find replacement, must report to Ms. Martin by 10:00 AM. Adhere to schedule of events (attached)

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