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Fall 2013


Student Admissions Ambassadors Formal

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Welcome to SAA! Fall Retreat Big/Lil Service POM Case ASAP Homecoming

By: Annette Putnam

What better way to kick off Thanksgiving break than with dancing, great food, and great friends? Fortunately for SAA, Formal 2013 provided all that and so much more! Smiles and socializing filled the room at Fox Ridge Golf Course Friday, November 22. For first-time goer Paul Andersen, it was a memorable way to get to know other members outside of tours and meetings. I got to know a lot of other members on a much more personal level than I had before and it was great to have a fun night together dancing and eating delicious food. Nick Stanford and Colby Campbell made sure all the hits were played while members and their dates danced the night away. Youll just have to wait until next year if you missed out on this amazing night of bonding and fun.

Hard to Say Goodbye Page 10-11 SAA in Pictures Page 12


By: Daniel Vorwerk

FALL 2013

Welcome to SAA!

Andrew Sladky Sophomore Biology

Chloe Sadler Sophomore Business Teaching

Emily Bachmeier Emily Prilipp Dylan Keller Junior Sophomore Senior Math & Biology Education Elem. Education Politics & Law

Jordy Brown Junior Elem. Education

Justin Niday Sophomore Economics

Morgan Nibe Junior Global Studies

Nick Stanford Junior Anthropology

Olivia Ferguson Sophomore Comm. Disorders

Pat Chizek Junior Biology

Paul Anderson Sophomore Finance & Accounting

Rachel Carmen Junior Comm. Disorders

Shelby Huster Senior Psychology

FALL 2013

By: Jake Lewis


Fall Retreat
Every SAA retreat is full of craziness like you wouldnt imagine, and this years fall retreat was no different. Ambassadors laughed, cried, and were sure to make fun of Paul Sapp along the way. At the start of the retreat, members got their groove on and played Sarah Kortes favorite game, Ride the Pony. Standing in a circle and singing a song, players got to take turns dancing around the middle of the circle. The madness continued with Fruit Basket Upset & then it was finally time for supper. After all of the laughter, the Ambassadors took a break and relaxed. Members were split into two separate groups and given a ball of string. Taking turns asking each other questions, members wrapped the purple string around their wrists, throwing the ball across the circle towards other members. After creating a web of string connecting everyone, the Ambassadors were reminded of the importance of the safety net of trust that everyone provides for each other. Then the groups got back together to answer some questions with a purpose. While the stories and memories of this part of the retreat are best left untold, it is safe to say that the SAA family grew closer together during the retreat. The insanity of the last part of the retreat can be summarized in three words: Ships and Sailors. Beached whales, bunk beds, and rowboats are some of the crazy aspects of this game. It is safe to say that this was the loudest part of the retreat, with Ambassadors screaming, laughing, and pushing each other out of the way to stay in the game. Finally, the Big and Little pairs were announced at the end of the retreat with an interesting matching game. From popular pairs like SpongeBob and Patrick to eclectic pairs like the Titanic and an iceberg, the Ambassadors had to ask questions to determine who their character was and find their accompanying pair. With all of the fun and laughter, the Ambassadors had an excellent time bonding and getting to know each other better. Memories like these are what truly develop the SAA family.


By: Stacey Howes

FALL 2013

To those we pass by while giving one of our fabulous tours, we may look like an organization thats all work and no play: and they couldnt be more wrong! We all know that getting involved on campus is the best way to meet people and there couldnt be a better group of them than those that you will find in the Student Admissions Ambassadors. Walking into a room full of fifty new people can be a scary situation, but the members are quick to make every member feel welcome. At the beginning of the year, every new member is partnered up with a returning member who will be their Big Sibling for the group. This semester, the matches were made by the Vice President of Membership, Jake Lewis, and couldnt have been made more perfect. Prior to every meeting, there is a new challenge to complete, including things such as getting food, completing a traditions challenge, or participating in homecoming. The couples are encouraged to take pictures of their adventures and submit them for the biweekly prize. Part of the fun of the group was allowing the competitive spirit to get the best of us and we battled to complete the most interesting task. This is one the treasured aspects of SAA that I am sure will be upheld for many of years. The laughs, competitions, and friendships truly make us one big family!

FALL 2013

By: Sam Bonnecroy


The Student Admissions Ambassadors have a longstanding tradition of volunteering. Serving others is something were extremely passionate about, and this semester we had two opportunities to give back to UNI and the community.

Homecoming was such an exciting week, and it was evident all around campus! SAA and the International Student Promoters put on their plastic gloves, split up into groups, and speedily cleaned up trash, bottles, cans, and other various discarded items! There were even other students that volunteered to help, which was greatly appreciated! It turned out to be a very fun experience as always, and what better way to really get to know each than a campus wide clean up!

Later in the semester, a small group of members from SAA went to volunteer at the Cedar Bend Humane Society. Chad, Annette, Sarah K., and Sam were able to experience kennel staffing first hand by walking dogs and giving baths. The dogs they took care of were going to an event the very next day, so it was important they looked and smelled nice! The staff at Cedar Bend was extremely appreciative, but the four were happy enough just being able to spend time with some beautiful animals!


By: Daniel Vorwerk

FALL 2013

Panther of the Month

Sara Rockow
The August Panther of the Month is Sara Rockow for being the reason one of my residents is at UNI. During a game of Hot Seat my resident was asked why she chose UNI. She answered with a story about her tour guide, named Sara. The story went, It was a cold, cold rainy day on the campus of the University of Northern Iowa and the wind was roaring (as usual), but try as they might these conditions couldn't dampen the panther pride of our ambassador, Sara...who at this point we had confirmed to be Sara Rockow... This resident was so impressed by Sara's upbeat attitude and love for the university that despite the dreary conditions she knew UNI was the place she wanted to be! I was so proud to tell her that Sara was one of my friends!!!

Courtney Gross
The September Panther of the Month is Courtney Gross. There is not one thing that I do not love about this person and I think everyone can agree that at the core, this ambassador has an amazing, loving, humble, giving spirit. No matter what may be going on in life, this ambassador is the representation of joy, she is always looking at the positives in life and reminding others through her actions of how each day is a gift. She does this through engaging in purposeful conversations with others where she shows genuine interest in their well being. She goes out of her way to make time for others and is selfless in her time, constantly serving others at work, in the community and at the University. This ambassador is the embodiment of an amazing panther and ambassador of UNI, because she is a lover, motivator, and leaves other inspired and knowing that they are valued and important. I am sure thankful to know her and I think that many can agree.

Megan Britt
The October Co-Panther of the Month is Megan Britt! This ambassador deserves POM for being one of the best friends a girl could ask for! From all the crazy adventures of our freshmen year to the support you provide me now, I am so thankful that you are my friend! I am always so proud to tell people that you are my friend. Whether it be the freshmen from your orientation group, your residents, or people you have given tours to there are a lot of people on this campus who look up to you and think the world of you! Keep on doing what you do, because you are making a big difference at UNI!

FALL 2013

By: Daniel Vorwerk


Panther of the Month

Erin Maltby
The October Co-Panther of the Month is Erin Maltby! This panther deserves POM because her dedication to whatever she puts her mind to is inspiring. Not only is she talented beyond belief but she is also so kind and caring. This ambassador is extremely genuine and intentional with her conversations and she has such a beautiful heart. Whatever you put your mind to you will achieve and exceed at and I know you are going to positively impact the lives of so many college students with your future career just like you have made an impact on so many of our lives. Thanks for all that you do for our organization!

Dylan Keller
The November Panther of the Month is Dylan Keller! This ambassador has risen above and beyond this semester, and I normally see his hand shoot up when we absolutely need it. He has great energy and truly cares about this university. That being said, he does it all with a smile. SAA should be extremely proud to have such an intelligent and kind team member to help represent us. Thanks for all you do!

Walter Abrego
The December Panther of the Month is Walter Abrego! I would like to nominate this ambassador for Panther of the Month to thank him for his dedication and commitment to SAA throughout the past semester. He has been the first person to volunteer for anything and everything over the past few months, from preview days to Saturday visits to special tours, and he is at the top of the list of volunteers for the semester. When another ambassador could no longer do their regular weekly tour, he stepped in and covered for him the entire rest of the semester. He even did a tour in Spanish earlier this week, which is one of the coolest things I've ever heard. The best part is -- he does all this with a smile, and always stays humble. This group is so unbelievably fortunate to have someone like Walter, and I am so thankful to serve UNI next to someone so dedicated, humble, and truly wonderful.


By: Joann Chenoweth

FALL 2013

On August 5th, 2013 the SAA executive team along with our fearless leader, Paul Sapp, embarked on a journey to the 40th Annual Case Asap Network Convention in the balmy city of New Orleans, Louisiana. Armed with a killer presentation and an informational video, the exec team was ready to take on the CASE ASAP Conference, but were we ready for the extreme heat? Probably not. The moment the executive team stepped out of the airport we were hit by an overwhelming wave of heat and humidity. One exciting taxi ride and long walk later the exec team arrived at an authentic Cajun Restaurant for dinner. The food was delicious. Jake Lewis even pulled out a straw to make sure none of the bread pudding sauce was left unconsumed. The quality of the food in NOLA made the extreme heat just a little more bearable. The execs and Paul did not go to New Orleans just to experience the heat and enjoy the delightful cuisine. We were there to attend and present at the CASE ASAP Conference. This conference connects hundreds of student leaders and advisors from around the nation for three days of learning and sharing of different organizations best practices. This year's executive team of, Erin Maltby (President), Susan Johnson (Vice President of Admissions), Jake Lewis (Vice President of Membership Development), Sarah Korte (Vice President of Community Outreach), and Me (Joann Chenoweth (Vice President of Public Relations)) gave a presentation highlighting the overall operations of UNIs Student Admissions Ambassador Organization. Everything from the new member selection to the Apple Polishers event was covered in the presentation. The audience members were impressed with the high caliber of a program that is SAA. Many people were extremely complimentary afterwards. While at the conference the executive team was also able to network and learn from other student leaders. The execs left the conference with a few new ideas and an overarching feeling of pride for SAA and UNI.

FALL 2013

By: Andrew Rubenbauer


The Student Admissions Ambassadors had more than their fill of moments theyd never forget throughout the entirety of the week. By teaming up with sister organization Connecting Alumni to Students, SAA took off full speed to take on the festivities of the week. Besides having a good time, winning Pride Cry crown was at the top of our to do list. Weeks of planning went into SAAs success during Homecoming Week. The Pride Committee worked long hours coordinating the entire groups involvement in the festivities. The committee promoted Homecoming events; arranged teams; designed the Maucker Mural; wrote, choreographed, and led Pride Cry rehearsals; the list goes on! Events during the week ranged from the Homecoming Royalty Competition, the Amazing Race Traditions Challenge, Casino Night, and Magician & Illusionist Mike Super, all leading up to the Homecoming Pep Rally in Lang Hall. The physically agonizing and laughter-filled weeks of rehearsal had paid off. SAA and CATS found their way to the stage to perform their Pride Cry routine. SAA has made it to the Final Round for many years, but the group has been stuck in a dry spell. With second place followed by second place, the tension and anticipation was high. Would this be the year when everything changed? Could the streak end forever? The ambassadors took the stage. With pig tails, plaid shirts, and pretty epic beards, EadieMarie Schettler shouted, 5, 6, 7, 8 and the group performed their UNI-fied version of ZZ Tops Sharp Dressed Man. The hall filled with laughter, whoops, and hollers as the group waltzed, air guitared, and jumped their way through their routine. It came to no surprise to the viewing audience that SAA and CATS had finally taken home the Pride Cry crown they deserved. Twitter feeds, Facebook timelines, and Instagram profiles exploded with videos, pictures, and statuses from the event.


By: Pat Chizek

FALL 2013

Hard to Say Goodbye

1. What are your plans after the semester ends? 2. What has been your favorite SAA memory? 3. If you could give 1 piece of advice to current members, what would it be?

Annette Putnam
1. I will be finishing up my last semester of classes during the spring semester..and missing SAA! 2. It's so hard to pick just one! I loved meeting 4 semesters' worth of amazing members, but showing off the university never got old. 3. Don't overburden yourself so that SAA starts to feel like a job. It'll show. Make sure you look forward to that panel, tour, or lunch bunch!

Mary Mysnyk
1. I will be student teaching in Chennai, India next semester at an American International school. 2. My favorite SAA memory is meeting all the wonderful people in this group, especially my "Little", Emily. We got to do so many fun things together such as floating down the river, volunteering at a haunted house, and going to productions at Gallagher! I will miss you all! 3. Learn as much as you can from the people in SAA because they are some of the most quality people you will ever meet :)

Rebekah Zimmerman
1. I leave for the Philippines right after finals for my internship for Lyhs. I will be working with an organization called servant partners and I'll be living and working in the slums sharing Jesus with people. I will get back from the Philippines in April, graduate in May and Lord only knows what is after that because I sure don't! 2. On a peek day earlier this semester, I was with a dad and his son for the majority of the day and I really connected with them. I got to see their excitement and wonder for UNI and his future grow. It is memories like this that I will always treasure and be grateful that I got to be part of such a group. 3. Live in the moment and with adventure. Always find something to be grateful for and never forget to remind others of how valuable, significant and treasured they are.

FALL 2013

By: Pat Chizek


Hard to Say Goodbye

Emily Huckfelt
1. I will be interning at Prairie Lakes Church in Cedar Falls with Student Ministries, walking in May, and then off to new adventures! Hopefully Tyler and I will be finding full time jobs with PLC in Fort Dodge or Cedar Falls. 2. Sarah Korte and I getting our acceptance letters about ten minutes apart our freshman year! We pranked my roommate and talked about nothing else for the next week. All of my expectations were not let down! 3. Be intentional with your time in SAA. College itself is a short window of time, but the your time in SAA is even shorter, and more impactful. Each person in SAA has something to share that can change your life, be it little or big. Every interaction is important.

Audrey Smith
1. My plan for after the semester ends is to spend some quality time with my family. After the winter break is over I will start student teaching in Epworth for my first eight weeks and in Cascade for my second eight weeks. In June I will start my Master's program at UNI. Woot Woot!! 2. My favorite SAA memory was the excitement of Saturday Visit days. Everyone was so excited to share their love for UNI with the perspective students. 3. My advice for current members is to cherish and foster the friendships you make in SAA. The group is full of genuine and authentic people who want to love you, so let them : )

Sam Bonnecroy
1. My plan next semester is to finish my last classes, work full-time, and take the EMT class. 2. My favorite memory of SAA was 2 years ago cleaning up the highway. We found some hilarious stuff and even got to play with a snake! 3. A piece of advice I would give to the current members is cherish the relationships with the other members. You'll be amazed by the impact they will have on your life.

SAA in Pictures

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