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Export Policy 2009-12

Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Commerce Bangladesh Secretariat Dhaka

Export Policy 2009-2012


S! "o 1 2

Chapters Preface Chapter One


Page No 1-2 3-5

Title, Objectives, Strategies, Application and Scope

3 4 5 6 $ 8 ! 1&

Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter "o#r Chapter "i e Chapter Six Chapter Se en %nnex-1 %nnex-2

eneral Provisions !or Export Steps toward Export Di ersification eneral Export "acilities Prod#ct-Speci!ic Export "acilities Export o! Services Ot$er Steps to%ards Export Pro&otion 'ist o! Export-Pro$ibited Prod#cts 'ist o! Prod#cts #nder (onditional Export

6-8 !-11 12-18 1!-23 24 25 26 2$

The Export Po'ic( 2&&!-12 has )een p#)'ished )oth in *en+a'i and En+'ish ,an+#a+es- .f there is an( inconsistenc( )etween the two ersions/ the *en+a'i text wi'' pre ai'-

$%port Policy &''()*&

Trade and Co00erce is one of the pri0e dri in+ forces of socio-econo0ic de e'op0entThe o)1ecti es of the trade-'ed +rowth strate+( of the 2o ern0ent inc'#de red#cin+ the po ert( 'e e' to a ha'f )( 2&15 thro#+h +eneration of e0p'o(0ent and inco0e- 3or'd trade is persistent'( witnessin+ chan+es and de e'op0ents ca#sed )( +'o)a'i4ation and e o' in+ free 0ar5et econo0(- The Export Po'ic( pri0ari'( ai0s at 0a5in+ the econo0ic acti ities d(na0ic and o#tward 'oo5in+ to he'p *an+'adesh s#r i e in the rapid'( chan+in+ and co0petiti e +'o)a' tradin+ s(ste0- This ca''s for increasin+ in o' e0ent of wo0en in trade 3

expansion acti ities )( red#cin+ discri0ination )etween 0en and wo0en/ which wi'' p'a( a positi e ro'e in the econo0ic de e'op0ent of the co#ntr( thro#+h stren+thenin+ o#r econo0ic fo#ndation- .t wi'' he'p o#r exporters and prod#cers +et e6#ipped with 0ore stren+th and co0petiti eness needed to face the cha''en+es of the chan+in+ +'o)a' trade- .n this )ac5drop/ the +o ern0ent is faci'itatin+ expansion of trade and ta5in+ necessar( steps to 0oderni4e and si0p'if( the co#ntr(7s trade po'ic( in accordance with 3TO o)'i+ations and #pho'din+ co#ntr(7s interest8ecent'( press#re fro0 the )#(ers is 0o#ntin+ for i0pro e0ent of 6#a'it( of prod#cts/ export of prod#cts free fro0 an( ha4ardo#s and toxic s#)stances/ inc'#din+ f#'fi''0ent of other standards and co0p'iance-re'ated conditions- Co0prehensi e efforts are )ein+ 0ade for increasin+ prod#cti it( and i0pro in+ 6#a'it( of prod#cts thro#+h f#'fi''0ent of ario#s co0p'iance conditions- *esides/ o#r export 0ar5et is inf'#enced )( wor'd econo0ic d(na0ics ca#sed )( +'o)a'i4ation- Therefore/ d(na0ics of +'o)a' econo0( and internationa' trade ha e to )e 0onitored/ and *an+'adesh 9issions a)road wi'' ha e to p'a( 0ore proacti e and effecti e ro'e in this re+ard- Si0#'taneo#s'(/ efforts wi'' )e 0ade to hone the s5i''s of the exporters on the r#'es and re+#'ations of internationa' tradeThere is no den(in+ the fact that the present tradin+ s(ste0/ especia''( the export in )#siness is experiencin+ increased #se of 0odern techno'o+( and this/ in t#rn/ is he'pin+ the exporters )eco0e 0ore co0petiti e- On the other hand/ the o)1ecti es of red#cin+ cost of doin+ )#siness a'on+side enhance0ent of the efficienc( of exporters thro#+h increased #se of 0odern techno'o+( in the export sector co#'d )e attained- The +o ern0ent is fir0'( co00itted to ens#rin+ the 0axi0#0 #se of e-Co00erce and 0odern techno'o+( to acco0p'ish this o)1ecti e- 9ost i0portant'(/ the +o ern0ent is attachin+ 0ore i0portance on con ertin+ o#r co0parati e ad anta+es into co0petiti e ad anta+es thro#+h proper and efficient #ti'i4ation of 0anpower.n order to s#stain o#r c#rrent export +rowth/ we need to a#+0ent the prod#ction capacit( of 'oca' export-oriented ind#stries/ +i e 0ore e0phasis on protection of en iron0ent of the factories inc'#din+ exec#tion of co0p'iance re6#ire0ents/ i0pro e the 6#a'it( of the prod#cts/ and a)o e a'' stren+then o#r efforts to di ersif( prod#cts and their 0ar5ets- %'' these o)1ecti es can )e attained on'( when we can #ti'i4e o#r cheap 'a)or to con ert its co0parati e ad anta+e into co0petiti e ad anta+e- .n doin+ so/ 'a)or-intensi e exportoriented ind#stries wi'' )e enco#ra+ed/ 0assi e trainin+ pro+ra0s wi'' )e or+ani4ed to enhance the s5i''s of wor5ers and ario#s incenti es wi'' )e do'ed o#t to enco#ra+e and di ersif( exports- *esides/ 'oan faci'ities at red#ced interests wi'' )e arran+ed/ infrastr#ct#ra' de e'op0ent acti ities wi'' )e +eared #p and esta)'ish0ent of )ac5ward and forward-'in5a+e ind#stries wi'' )e enco#ra+ed- %'so/ steps wi'' )e ta5en to de e'op #ti'it( ser ices/ insta'' state-of-the art 'a)oratories for contro''in+ the 6#a'it( of exports/ set #p prod#ct-)ased ind#stria' 4ones or c'#sters/ ens#re eas( a ai'a)i'it( of raw 0ateria's for exports/ disse0inate #pdated infor0ation to the prod#cers on 0ar5ets and techno'o+( on a re+#'ar )asis/ and ens#re o era'' de e'op0ent of the Chitta+on+ and 9on+'a Ports inc'#din+ f#rther si0p'ification of proced#res for re'easin+ +oodsThe Export Po'ic( 2&&!-12 has #nderscored the need for expandin+ export/ increasin+ the prod#cti it( of export-oriented ind#stries and faci'itatin+ the o era'' de e'op0ent of the export sector thro#+h capacit( )#i'din+ of 'oca' export-oriented ind#stries- "i e *#siness Pro0otion Co#nci's are a'read( in p'ace #nder p#)'ic-pri ate partnership to enhance the capacit( and awareness of the exporters and 0iti+ate the s#pp'( constrains pa in+ the wa(

for enhanced #ninterr#pted s#pp'( of export prod#cts- The scope of these co#nci's wi'' )e +rad#a''( expanded- Export statistics of the 'ast few (ears re ea' that export earnin+s ha e witnessed +rowths of 15-6!:/ 15-8$: and 1&-23: d#rin+ export (ears 2&&6-&$/ 2&&$-&8 and 2&&8-&! respecti e'(- The ;Export Po'ic( 2&&!-12< has )een for0#'ated on the )asis of reco00endations of a Cons#'tati e Co00ittee co0prisin+ of representati es fro0 the 0ain ind#stries=trade associations/ cha0)ers/ research or+ani4ations/ respecti e 9inistries/ Di isions and or+ani4ations so to ens#re the s#staina)i'it( of the export +rowth d#rin+ the po'ic( period- .t is expected that this Export Po'ic( wi'' p'a( the pioneerin+ ro'e in e0p'o(0ent +eneration and po ert( a''e iation thro#+h )#r+eonin+ +rowth of o#r export-

Chapter +ne ,itle- ob#ectives- strategies- application and scope

*' ** ,itle This Po'ic( sha'' )e ca''ed the Export Po'ic( 2&&!-12+b#ectives


>pdatin+ and 'i)era'i4in+ the trade re+i0e in accordance with the needs and re6#ire0ents of the 3or'd Trade Or+ani4ation and +'o)a'i4ation? 1-1-2 Enco#ra+in+ 'a)or-intensi e @especia''( fe0a'e 'a)orA export-oriented prod#ction? 1-1-3 Ens#rin+ a ai'a)i'it( of raw 0ateria's for 0an#fact#rin+ export +oods? 1-1-4 .ncreasin+ prod#cti it( and di ersit( of prod#cts? 1-1-5 .0pro in+ the 6#a'it( of prod#cts? enco#ra+in+ the #se of 0odern/ appropriate and en iron0ent-friend'( techno'o+(/ prod#cin+ hi+h-end prod#cts/ and i0pro in+ the desi+n of the prod#cts? 1-1-6 Enhancin+ efficienc( and d(na0is0 )( #sin+ e-Co00erce and e-2o ernance? 1-1-$ .nitiatin+ new strate+ies for the expansion of the 0ar5ets for export prod#cts/ 0a5in+ proper #ti'i4ation of co0p#ter techno'o+( and enco#ra+in+ a'' 0odern techno'o+ies inc'#din+ e-Co00erce? 1-1-8 %ssistin+ the de e'op0ent of necessar( infrastr#ct#re/ partic#'ar'( for )ac5ward and forward 'in5a+es in order to enco#ra+e the prod#ction of exporta)'e +oods? 1-1-! Pro idin+ a''-o#t s#pport to new exporters as we'' as to existin+ exporters? 1-1-1& %ssistin+ the de e'op0ent of a s5i''ed 'a)or-force thro#+h proper trainin+ for 0ana+in+ internationa' trade? and 1-1-11 Pro idin+ ade6#ate +#idance to trade )odies/ )#siness or+ani4ations/ )#siness peop'e and re'ated indi id#a's in #nderstandin+ the chan+in+ internationa' tradin+ s(ste0/ etc*& 1-2-1 .mplementation Strategy .ncreasin+ the instit#tiona' s5i''s and efficienc( of the Export Pro0otion *#rea# @EP*A/ pro idin+ assistance in capacit( )#i'din+ of the C#sto0s %#thorities/ sea and 'and port a#thorities/ Depart0ent of "isheries/ *ST./ Tea *oard and different trade )odies? 9oderni4in+ *an+'adesh "orei+n 9issions a)road )( stren+thenin+ econo0ic dip'o0ac(? Stren+thenin+ and expandin+ the ;Prod#ct )ased *#siness Pro0otion Co#nci'< acti ities thro#+h 1oint initiati es of p#)'ic and pri ate sectors to enco#ra+e the prod#ction and export of potentia' +oods? Pro idin+ assistance to prod#cers and exporters in co''ectin+ 0ar5et inte''i+ence infor0ation on the de0ands for co00odities a)road/ expandin+ 0ar5ets/ attainin+ co0petiti e and hi+her price/ etcExtendin+ s#pport to export faci'itatin+ a+encies )( introd#cin+ a#to0ation and e2o ernance for enhancin+ wor5-efficienc( and ens#rin+ transparenc( and acco#nta)i'it(? Pro idin+ assistance for #pdatin+ and 0oderni4in+ the o er a'' trade s(ste0 )( ens#rin+ the )est #se of a'' 0odern techno'o+ies inc'#din+ e-Co00erce for 0a5in+ the export prod#cts 0ore co0petiti e thro#+h red#cin+ cost of )#siness/ increasin+ prod#ction/ expandin+ 0ar5et and shortenin+ 'ead ti0e?

1-2-2 1-2-3 1-2-4 1-2-5 1-2-6


Disse0inatin+ 'atest infor0ation to the exporters on export 0ar5ets and techno'o+( to faci'itate di ersification of exports? 1-2-8 Creatin+ trainin+ opport#nities and esta)'ishin+ sector-specific trainin+ instit#tes for wor5ers/ staff and 0ana+e0ent personne' to increase prod#cti it(? 1-2-! Enco#ra+in+ pro0otion of export thro#+h increased instit#tiona' faci'ities inc'#din+ tradin+ and export ho#ses? 1-2-1& Pro idin+ assistance in esta)'ishin+ internationa''( accredited certification s(ste0 to ens#re the 6#a'it( of the prod#cts? 6

1-2-11 Enco#ra+in+ the esta)'ish0ent of prod#ct-wise desi+n centers for i0pro e0ent of prod#ct desi+ns? 1-2-12 %ssistin+ prod#cers in #sin+ 0odern techno'o+( for prod#ction? 1-2-13 Pro idin+ s#pports to the exporters to +et ac6#ainted with the wor5in+ proced#res of si+nificant'( s#ccessf#' exportin+ co#ntries? 1-2-14 Pro idin+ ario#s financia' and tax s#)sidies or incenti es inc'#din+ 'ow-interest 'oans to exporters? 1-2-15 8ed#cin+ 'ead ti0e in export )( 0eans of i0pro e0ent of port 0ana+e0ent and infrastr#ct#re/ si0p'ification of proced#res for re'easin+ +oods/ and i0pro e0ent of the transport s(ste0? 1-2-16 Sendin+ trade 0issions a)road and pro idin+ s#pport to exporters to ho'd sin+'e co#ntr( fairs a)road as we'' as to participate in different internationa' trade fairs to fa0i'iari4e and 0ar5et the prod#cts? 1-2-1$ Ta5in+ a'' necessar( initiati es for achie in+ d#t(-free 0ar5et access to de e'oped and de e'opin+ co#ntries inc'#din+ >nited States for expandin+ 0ar5ets for *an+'adeshi prod#cts and ser ices a)road? 1-2-18 Ta5in+ specia' initiati es to enhance exports of prod#cts and ser ices to So#th %sia/ 9idd'e East and other %sian and %frican co#ntries? 1-2-1! %wardin+ C.P stat#s and Bationa' Export Troph( e er( (ear to the )est exporters of different sectors in reco+nition of prod#cin+ new prod#cts/ di ersif(in+ of prod#cts/ enhancin+ exports/ etc? 1-2-2& 8e iewin+ co#ntr(7s export sit#ation at 'east once ann#a''( and pro idin+ necessar( directions )( the ;Bationa' Co00ittee on Export<? 1-2-21 9onitorin+ and e a'#atin+ the pro+ress of the i0p'e0entation of the decisions of the ;Bationa' Co00ittee on Export/ )( the tas5 force esta)'ished for this p#rpose? and 1-2-22 .dentif(in+ the pro)'e0s re'ated to export and reco00endin+ possi)'e re0edies )( the Export 9onitorin+ Co00ittee headed )( the Cice-Chair0an of the Export Pro0otion *#rea# and represented )( the pri ate sector inc'#din+ "*CC.? */ 1-3-1 1-3-2 1-3-3 1-3-4 1-3-5 1-3-6 0pplication and Scope >n'ess otherwise stated/ the Export Po'ic( 2&&!-12 sha'' )e app'ica)'e to exports of a'' t(pes of +oods and ser ices fro0 *an+'adeshThe Export Po'ic( 2&&!-12 sha'' )e effecti e fro0 the date of its p#)'ication in the *an+'adesh 2a4ette/ and sha'' re0ain in force #nti' D#ne 3&/ 2&12- Eowe er/ this Export Po'ic( sha'' re0ain effecti e #nti' the next Export Po'ic( is iss#edThis po'ic( sha'' )e app'ica)'e to a'' p'aces in *an+'adesh except the Export Processin+ Fones @EPFsA%n( tax= tariff re'ated decision dec'ared in the Bationa' *#d+et or )( the Bationa' *oard of 8e en#e sha'' pre ai' o er the Export Po'ic(3hate er is stated in this po'ic(/ an( specific decision re'ated to export iss#ed )( the +o ern0ent thro#+h an( other order sha'' pre ai' o er this po'ic( e en if the order is inconsistent with an( section of this po'ic(The 2o ern0ent wi'' re iew the Export Po'ic( at 'east once a (ear/ and 0a5e an( 0odification/ expansion or a0end0ent/ if necessar(-

Chapter ,1o
General Provisions for $%port
&' Rules and Regulations to be follo1ed for $%port of Products The conditions stip#'ated in this Po'ic( or in other re'ated 'aws/ and the r#'es and re+#'ations re'ated to forei+n c#rrenc( exchan+e iss#ed fro0 ti0e to ti0e )( the *an+'adesh *an5 ha e to )e fo''owed in case of export of +oods fro0 *an+'adesh*esides/ re'e ant doc#0ents within the scope of the a)o e-0entioned conditions and r#'es and re+#'ations ha e to )e fo''owedControl of $%port of Products2 >nder this Po'ic(/ export of prod#cts wi'' )e contro''ed in the fo''owin+ wa(s s#ch asG$%port Prohibited Products2 >n'ess otherwise stated/ prod#cts prohi)ited #nder this Export Po'ic( cannot )e exported- %nnex -1 reads the 'ist of export prohi)ited prod#ctsProducts under Conditional $%port G Prod#cts which are exporta)'e #nder so0e conditions can )e exported on'( after f#'fi''in+ those conditions- S#ch prod#cts ha e )een 'isted in %nnex-2$%portable Products2 >n'ess otherwise stated/ a'' other prod#cts except the prod#cts en'isted in %nnex-1 and %nnex-2/ i-e- export prohi)ited prod#cts and the prod#cts whose export is contin+ent #pon certain conditions sha'' )e free'( exporta)'eBothin+ in this po'ic( sha'' )e app'ica)'e to the fo''owin+G

2-1 2-1-1




2-2-1-1 Store/ e6#ip0ent or spare parts of ships/ ehic'es or aircrafts )o#nd for +oin+ a)road/ and prod#cts dec'ared as their 5itchen ite0s/ or the )a++a+e acco0panied )( the sai'ors or the crews and passen+ers of those ships/ ehic'es or aircrafts2-2-1-2- Export of sa0p'es s#)1ect to f#'fi''0ent of the fo''owin+ conditionsG aA The prod#ct is not export prohi)ited? )A % 0axi0#0 of >SH 5/&&& worth of prod#cts @except 0edicineA )ased on "O* price @free on )oardA per exporter per (ear? cA Prod#cts sent as sa0p'es free of cost? pro ided that in case of 0edicine the 0axi0#0 sha'' )e @1A >SH 3&/&&& if there is no export ,=C @'etter of creditA/ or @2A 5: of the tota' a'#e of the ,=C or >SH 5&&&/ whiche er is 'ess- *an+'adesh *an5 can increase these 'i0its exa0inin+ each case/ if necessar(dA "or 1&&: export-oriented +ar0ent ind#stries/ a 0axi0#0 of >SH $/5&& worth of sa0p'es of read( 0ade +ar0ents per (ear? eA The dia0ond processin+ far0s ha in+ )ond 'icenses iss#ed fro0 the C#sto0s )ond Co00issionerate or dia0ond prod#cin+= dia0ond-st#dded 1ewe'er( processin+ far0s re+istered as prod#cers with C%T Co00issionerate/ #nder Bationa' *oard of 8e en#e can send a)road c#t and po'ished dia0ond=dia0ondst#dded 1ewe'er( worth of >SH 5&/&&& ann#a''( with a iew to participatin+ in 8

internationa' trade fair or showcasin+ for export 0ar5et de e'op0ent- .n this case the sa0p'es 0#st )e )ro#+ht )ac5 to the co#ntr( after the show- Eowe er/ if the sa0p'es are so'd/ a'' sa'e proceeds 0#st )e repatriated thro#+h 'e+a' )an5in+ channe' and the a0o#nt of the proceeds sha'' not )e 'ess than the a'#e of the sa0p'es? fA Pro0otiona' 0ateria's @)roch#re/ poster/ 'eaf'et/ )anner etc-A of an( price or wei+ht? +A 2ift parce' worth of >SH 1/&&& or e6#i a'ent in *an+'adeshi Ta5a? hA *onafide )a++a+e of tra e'ers tra e'in+ o#tside *an+'adesh? and iA 8e'ief 0ateria's exported )( the 2o ern0ent2-2-2 ;Sa0p'e< 0eans 'i0ited a0o#nt of +oods which are easi'( identifia)'e and which do not ha e an( co00ercia' a'#e-

2-2-3- ;2ift parce'< 0eans +ift 0ateria's sent thro#+h co#rier ser ice&/ 0uthority to rela% e%port control2- The 2o ern0ent showin+ appropriate reasons can a#thori4e the export of prohi)ited +oods 'isted in %nnex-1- 9oreo er/ the 2o ern0ent can a#thori4e/ #nder specia' considerations/ export/ export-c#0i0port or re-export of certain prod#cts$ntre)p4t and Re)e%port2- Entre-pIt trade and re-export sha'' ha e to )e cond#cted #nder the proced#res stip#'ated in the P#)'ic Botice Bo- 42 @2&&32&&6A=i0port dated D#ne 28/ 2&&5 @14 %shar 1412 *an+'aA iss#ed )( the Office of the Chief Contro''er of .0port and Export Entre-pIt trade 0eans the export of an i0ported prod#ct at a price at 'east 5: hi+her than the i0port price- Bo chan+e whatsoe er in the 6#a'it(/ 6#antit(/ shape or an( other aspect is necessar( in this respect- Prod#cts #nder entre-pIt trade sha'' not co0e o#t of the port )o#ndar(- Eowe er/ the prod#cts can )e )ro#+ht o#t of the port )o#ndar( #nder specia' a#thori4ation;.0port price< #nder entre-pIt trade sha'' refer to the CJ" price of the i0ported prod#ct as dec'ared at the port of *an+'adesh;8e-export< 0eans the export of an i0ported prod#ct within a specific period of ti0e with a a'#e addition of at 'east 1&: to the i0ported price )( chan+in+ the 6#a'it( or shape or )oth of the prod#ct )( 0eans of 'oca' reprocessin+.0port price in this case sha'' refer to the CJ" price of the i0ported prod#ct as dec'ared at the port of *an+'adesh$%port opportunities 1ithout !6C2- Exports witho#t ,=C can )e done thro#+h )#(in+ contract/ a+ree0ent/ p#rchase order or ad ance pa(0ent s#)1ect to the s#)0ission of EKP "or0 and Shippin+ *i''- .n case of %d ance Cash Pa(0ent/ export witho#t ,=C wi'' )e a''owed on consi+n0ent )asis-



2-4-2 2-4-3 2-4-4 &5

2-5-1 &7 2-6-1

;*#(in+ Contract< 0eans a si+ned a+ree0ent )etween an exporter and an i0porter for the p#rpose of exportin+ a prod#ct$%port)cum).mport C('inder and .SO tan5s can )e exported on a te0porar( )asis on'( for the p#rpose of repairin+/ rep'ace0ent or refi''in+ of the i0ported prod#cts- Eowe er/ an .nde0nit( *ond sha'' ha e to )e s#)0itted to the C#sto0s %#thorities at the ti0e of export statin+ that the prod#cts wi'' )e i0ported )ac5 after co0p'etion of the necessar( wor5s*an+'adeshi exporters wi'' )e a#thori4ed to export rep'ace0ent prod#cts in case the exported prod#ct is fo#nd fa#'t( as per the sa'es a+ree0ent- Eowe er/ the exporter sha'' ha e to s#)0it the fo''owin+ papers to the C#sto0s %#thoritiesG aA Cop( of the Sa'es %+ree0ent? )A ,etter fro0 the )#(er with detai's of the fa#'t( prod#cts? and cA %n( other condition to )e 0et accordin+ to the C#sto0s ,aw% person tra e'in+ to a forei+n co#ntr( can )rin+ his or her ehic'e a'on+ with hi0se'f or herse'f if a#thori4ed #nder the carnet de passage )( the C#sto0s %#thorities or an( other appropriate a#thorit(/ or a#thori4ed a+ainst the inde0nit( )ond s#)0itted to the C#sto0s %#thorities with the condition to re-i0portRe)e%portation of 8rustrated CargoG- % fr#strated car+o can )e re-exported in co0p'iance with the r#'es and re+#'ations of the C#sto0s %ct 1!6!The constr#ction/ en+ineerin+ and e'ectrica' co0pan( sha'' )e a''owed te0porari'( to export-c#0-i0port 0achiner( for doin+ wor5 as per contract #nder the fo''owin+ conditionsG aA 8e'e ant copies of a+ree0ent and award ha e to )e s#)0itted to the C#sto0s %#thorities? and )A %n inde0nit( )ond has to )e s#)0itted statin+ that the 0achiner( sha'' )e ret#rned after the co0p'etion of the tas5Pre)shipment +bligations2- >n'ess other conditions app'(/ certificate is not o)'i+ator( for export of an( prod#ctpre-ship0ent



2-6-4 2-6-5

&9 &:

;uality Control Certificate2- .n case of export of prod#cts for which 6#a'it( contro' certificate is o)'i+ator(/ the exporter sha'' ha e to s#)0it/ to the C#sto0s %#thorities/ a 6#a'it( contro' certificate iss#ed )( the appropriate a#thorit(-

Chapter ,hree Steps to1ard $%port Diversification

/* 3-1-1 8ormation of Product and Service specific Business Promotion Councils2 9inistr( of Co00erce has for0ed Se era' sector= prod#ct and ser ice specific *#siness Pro0otion Co#nci's as a 1oint initiati e of the +o ern0ent and the pri ate sector within the scope of the Co0pan( %ct 1!!4 for di ersif(in+ export/ i0pro in+ and ens#rin+ the 6#a'it( of prod#cts/ ac6#irin+ appropriate techno'o+ies/ f#'fi''in+ co0p'iance re6#ire0ents/ 0ar5etin+ of prod#cts etc- Becessar( initiati es wi'' )e ta5en #nder the Export Po'ic( 2&&!-12 to stren+then and or+ani4e the acti ities of 1&

these Co#nci's as we'' as to enco#ra+e the for0ation of 0ore s#ch Co#nci'sDe e'op0ent pro1ects wi'' )e initiated in cooperation with the de e'op0ent partners/ i if necessar(/ to acce'erate prod#ct=ser ice=sector-)ased de e'op0ent acti itiesS#ch initiati es of the 9inistr( of Co00erce wi'' co0p'e0ent the export pro0otion and export di ersification acti ities of the Export Pro0otion *#rea#/& 3-2-1 Classification of Product and Service Sectors So0e prod#cts sectors wi'' )e identified as ;hi+hest priorit( sectors< whi'e so0e others wi'' )e identified as ;specia' de e'op0ent sectors< dependin+ on the 'e e' of prod#ction and s#pp'(/ potentia' contri)#tion to the export sector/ de0and in the internationa' 0ar5et and a)o e a'' the capacit( to contri)#te to the socio-econo0ic de e'op0ent- The +o ern0ent wi'' re+#'ar'( 0odif( this 'ist/ and pro ide specia' pri i'e+es to enco#ra+e the export of these prod#cts<ighest Priority Sectors Ei+hest priorit( sectors wi'' refer to those prod#ct-sectors which ha e specia' export potentia's/ )#t s#ch potentia's co#'d not )e #ti'i4ed proper'( d#e to certain constraints/ and 0ore s#ccess is attaina)'e if ade6#ate s#pport is rendered to the0These areG 1A %+ro-prod#cts and a+ro-processed prod#cts? 2A ,i+ht en+ineerin+ prod#cts @inc'#din+ a#to-parts and )ic(c'esA? 3A "ootwear and 'eather prod#cts? 4A Phar0ace#tica' prod#cts? 5A Software and .CT prod#cts? 6A Eo0e texti'e? $A The Sea-)o#nd Ship *#i'din+ .nd#stries? and 8A Toi'etries Prod#ctsBenefits and 8acilities to be provided to the <ighest Priority Sectors Pro1ect 'oans at red#ced interest rates on a priorit( )asis? .nco0e Tax exe0ptions? Possi)'e financia' )enefits or s#)sidies consistent with 3TO %+ree0ent on %+ric#'t#re/ and %+ree0ent on S#)sidies and Co#nter ai'in+ 9eas#res/ inc'#din+ concessionar( rates for #ti'it( ser ices s#ch as e'ectricit(/ water and +as? Export 'oans with soft ter0s and at red#ced interest rates? %ir transport faci'ities at concessionar( rates ? D#t( draw-)ac5= )ond faci'ities? "aci'ities for settin+ #p of )ac5ward 'in5a+e ind#stries inc'#din+ infrastr#ct#ra' de e'op0ent so as to red#ce cost of prod#ction ?

3-3 3-3-1

3-4 3-4-1 3-4-2 3-4-3

3-4-4 3-4-5 3-4-6 3-4-$


3-4-8 3-4-!

Expansion of instit#tiona' and technica' faci'ities to i0pro e and contro' 6#a'it( of prod#cts? %ssistance in prod#ction and 0ar5etin+?

3-4-1& %ssistance in searchin+ for forei+n 0ar5et? and 3-4-11 Becessar( initiati es to attract forei+n in est0ents/5 3-5-1 Special Development Sectors Prod#ct sectors which ha e export potentia's )#t whose prod#ction/ s#pp'( and export )ase are not conso'idated wi'' )e inc'#ded in specia' de e'op0ent sectors to stren+then their export )ase- The fo''owin+ prod#ct sectors wi'' )e inc'#ded in the specia' de e'op0ent sectorsG a)cdef+hi15'/7 3-6-1 3-6-2 3-6-3 3-6-4 3-6-5 3-6-6 3-6-$ 3-6-8 3-6-! cr#shed and finished 'eather prod#ction? fro4en fish prod#ction and processin+? handicrafts? e'ectric and e'ectronic prod#cts? fresh f'ower and fo'ia+e? 1#te and 1#te prod#cts? hand-wo en texti'es fro0 hi''( areas @pahari taat )ostroA? #nc#t dia0ond? prod#cin+ her)a' p'ants/ 0edicine and 0edicina' prod#cts? cera0ic prod#cts and 0e'a0ine? p'astic prod#cts? and f#rnit#re ind#stries-

Benefits and 8acilities to be Rendered to the Special Priority Sectors Pro1ect 'oans at nor0a' interest rates on a priorit( )asis? Consideration for export 'oans with soft ter0s and at red#ced interest rates? S#)sidies consistent with 3TO %+ree0ent on %+ric#'t#re/ and %+ree0ent on S#)sidies and Co#nter ai'in+ 9eas#res? Ship0ent of prod#cts at red#ced air fare? D#t( draw-)ac5= )ond faci'ities? "aci'ities for settin+ #p of )ac5ward 'in5a+e ind#stries inc'#din+ infrastr#ct#ra' de e'op0ent so as to red#ce prod#ction cost? Expansion of technica' faci'ities to i0pro e the 6#a'it( of prod#cts? %ssistance in 0ar5etin+ of prod#ct? %ssistance in searchin+ for forei+n 0ar5ets?


3-6-1& Possi)'e financia' )enefits for #ti'it( ser ices s#ch as e'ectricit(/ water and +as? and 3-6-11 Becessar( initiati es to attract forei+n in est0ents @"D.A/9 3-$-1 .nter)Sector Pro#ect for Product Diversification .nter-sector pro1ects wi'' )e initiated with an o)1ecti e to faci'itate di ersification of prod#cts- >nder the pro1ects/ iss#es s#ch as )ond s(ste0/ d#t( draw-)ac5/ s#)sidies etc- wi'' )e re iewed to 5eep export price at a co0petiti e 'e e'- Si0i'ar'(/ the pro1ect wi'' assess and ta5e necessar( steps re+ardin+ iss#es s#ch as prod#ct de e'op0ent and 0ar5et expansion/ trade cooperation and infrastr#ct#ra' constraints hinderin+ export trade- % pro1ect wi'' a'so )e initiated to ac6#ire 0odern techno'o+( pro0otin+ expansion of export trade-


Chapter 8our General $%port 8acilities 3* 4-1-1 =se of 8oreign $%change $arned from $%port Exporters can retain a certain a0o#nt of their export earnin+ in their forei+n c#rrenc( acco#nt #nder retention 6#ota/ the a0o#nt of the retention to )e fixed )( *an+'adesh *an5 fro0 ti0e to ti0e- Exporters can #se this forei+n c#rrenc( for rea' )#siness p#rposes s#ch as )#siness-re'ated forei+n trips/ participation in export fairs and se0inars a)road/ i0portin+ raw 0ateria's/ e6#ip0ent or spare parts/ and settin+ #p offices a)road-

4-2 $%port Promotion 8und ) There sha'' )e an Export Pro0otion "#nd @EP"A with EP*The fo''owin+ faci'ities wi'' )e a ai'a)'e fro0 this f#ndG 4-2-1 4-2-2 4-2-3 4-2-4 4-2-5 Pro idin+ ent#re capita' at 'ower interest rates and with soft ter0s for prod#ction of +oods? %ssistin+ the prod#cers= exporters to recei e forei+n technica' assistance/ ser ice and techno'o+( for de e'op0ent and di ersification of prod#cts? S#pportin+ exporters to send 0ar5etin+ 0issions a)road and participate in internationa' trade fairs? %ssistin+ exporters /if possi)'e / to set #p sa'es and disp'a( centers as we'' as wareho#se faci'ities a)road? S#pportin+ exporters to participate in trainin+ pro+ra0s a)road on prod#ct de e'op0ent and 0ar5etin+/ so as to ena)'e the0 to i0pro e their technica' and 0ar5etin+ s5i''s? and Pro idin+ assistance in other acti ities re'ated to de e'op0ent and expansion of prod#cts and ser ices+ther 8inancial 8acilities The possi)i'it( of pro idin+ tax exe0ption and s#)sid( in ser ice sectors s#ch as e'ectricit(/ water and +as/ instead of cash )enefits/ wi'' )e exa0ined? .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to de e'op necessar( infrastr#ct#re to ens#re #ninterr#pted s#pp'( of e'ectricit(/ +as and water for a'' export-oriented ind#stries on priorit( )asis? 9eas#res wi'' )e ta5en to fix the e'ectricit(/ water and +as char+es for ind#stria' #se at a reasona)'e 'e e'? and .n accordance with the pro isions of 3TO/ cash incenti es 0a( )e pro ided to potentia' export-oriented e0er+in+ sectors @i-e- the sectors which are capa)'e of 0a5in+ prod#cts ha in+ de0and in internationa' 0ar5etA-


3/ 4-3-1 4-3-2

4-3-3 4-3-4


33 4-4-1 4-4-2 4-4-3 35 4-5-1

8unding for $%port %rran+e0ents wi'' )e 0ade for i0port of raw 0ateria's and re'ated inp#ts #nder the Export Pro0otion "#nd @EP"A? Possi)i'it( to pro ide faci'ities for )ac5-to-)ac5 ,etter of Credit for other export ite0s )esides read(0ade +ar0ents wi'' )e re iewed? ,oans at 'ower interest rates and with soft ter0s wi'' )e 0ade a ai'a)'e for i0port of capita' 0achiner( and raw 0ateria's to pro0ote export$%port Credit Co00ercia' )an5s wi'' consider/ on a priorit( )asis/ pro idin+ the exporters credit of !& percent of the a0o#nt 0entioned in the irre oca)'e 'etter of credit or in the confir0ed contract? .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to introd#ce on'ine )an5in+ s(ste0 to ens#re pro0pt disposa' of export re'ated 0atters and pro0ote transparenc( in the )an5in+ sector? *an+'adesh *an5 wi'' ta5e necessar( steps to ens#re #nre0ittin+ f'ow of nor0a' credit for the export sector? *an5s wi'' fix the exporters7 cash credit 'i0it )ased on the achie e0ents of export earnin+ of pre io#s (ears? Co00ercia' )an5s wi'' not i0pose o erd#e interest in case of the prod#cts exported on the )asis of site-pa(0ent #nder irre oca)'e 'etter of credit pro ided that the exporter s#)0its necessar( export doc#0ents? *an+'adesh *an5 0a( open #p an ;Export Credit Ce''< for export financin+ for the de e'op0ent of this sector- Si0i'ar'(/ co00ercia' )an5s wi'' set #p ;Specia' Credit >nit< for export financin+? There sha'' )e a hi+h'( e0powered ;Export Credit 9onitorin+ Co00ittee< #nder the 'eadership of *an+'adesh *an5 to fix the de0and of export credit/ and re iew and 0onitor the f'ow of credit ? *an5s wi'' ta5e necessar( steps to fix ser ice char+es at a reasona)'e 'e e'? .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en / if necessar(/ to esta)'ish= stren+then )an5in+ faci'ities in order to expand trade re'ations with 8#ssia/ other C.S co#ntries/ 9(an0ar and north-eastern states of .ndia?

4-5-2 4-5-3 4-5-4 4-5-5



4-5-8 4-5-!

4-5-1& >nder the Export Credit 2#arantee Sche0e @EC2SA/ initiati es wi'' )e ta5en to co0pensate those exporters who ha e inc#rred 'osses for reasons )e(ond their contro'? 4-5-11 %#thori4ed dea'ers wi'' )e a)'e to open interna' )ac5-to-)ac5 ,=C in fa or of 'oca' raw 0ateria's s#pp'iers #nder the 0aster 'etter of credit? and


4-5-12 .n case of export/ rate of interest/ ,C co00ission/ 0isce''aneo#s ser ice char+es/ )an5 +#arantee co00ission etc wi'' )e 5ept as 0ini0#0 as to )e directed )( *an+'adesh *an537 4-6-1 $%emption from .nsurance Premium Pro isions wi'' )e 0ade a ai'a)'e for fire and shippin+ ins#rance pre0i#0s at exe0pted rates for export-oriented ind#stries in the non-traditiona' sectors- >nder this s(ste0/ the exporter 0a( )e exe0pted fro0 pa(in+ pre0i#0 after ship0ent is 0ade.ncentives for $%port of "on)traditional .ndustrial Products2 .ncenti es wi'' )e +i en to the export of non-traditiona' and new ind#stria' prod#cts ha in+ at 'east 4&: a'#e addition d#rin+ the first two (ears /and at 'east 5&: a'#e addition thenceforth? "ire and shippin+ ins#rance wi'' )e fixed at a concessionar( rate for export-oriented ind#striesBond 8acilities for $%port +riented .ndustries2 The Bationa' *oard of 8e en#e wi'' consider the possi)i'it( of pro idin+ )onded wareho#se faci'ities to i0port-dependent export ind#stries- Especia''(/ the *oard wi'' exa0ine whether )onded wareho#se faci'ities can )e extended to a'' exportoriented ind#stries- *esides/ pro idin+ of additiona' )onded wareho#se faci'ities to tradin+ ho#ses and export ho#ses #nder certain conditions wi'' )e exa0ined.nitiating brand names to fetch higher price 1ill be encouraged Providing alternative incentives- instead of duty bond or duty dra1)back to e%port)oriented local te%tiles and readymade garment industries

39 4-$-1

4-$-2 3: 4-8-1

3( 3 *'

4-1&-1 2o ern0ent 0a( pro ide s#)sidies @cash incenti esA as a'ternati e incenti es instead of d#t( )ond or d#t( draw-)ac5 to export-oriented 'oca' texti'es and read(0ade +ar0ent ind#stries the rate of incenti e to )e decided )( the +o ern0entThis incenti e 0a( )e extended to other sectors too3 ** $asing >0, return on $%port)facilitating Services

4-11-1 Si0p'ified proced#res wi'' )e p#t in p'ace for the withdrawa' of paid C%T on export faci'itatin+ ser ices s#ch as CJ" ser ices/ te'ephone/ te'ex/ fax/ e'ectricit(/ ins#rance pre0i#0 and shippin+ a+ent co00ission= )i''3 *& General 8acilities for $%port)+riented .ndustries2

4-12-1 .nd#stries exportin+ at 'east 8&: of their prod#ction wi'' )e considered as exportoriented ind#stries and the( wi'' )e entit'ed to recei e )an5 'oans and other financia' )enefits? and 16

4-12-2 .nd#stries exportin+ at 'east 8&: of their prod#ction wi'' )e per0itted to se'' their re0ainin+ 2&: prod#cts in the do0estic 0ar5et s#)1ect to d#e pa(0ent of d#ties and taxes? 4-12-3 Exporters wi'' )e assisted in order to )e 0ore co0p'iant? 4-12-4 %ssistance wi'' )e pro ided for esta)'ishin+ Eff'#ent Treat0ent P'ants@ ETPA? 4-12-5 D#t( free i0port of spare parts #p to1& : of tota' capita' 0achiner( wi'' )e a''owed e er( two (ears for export oriented ind#stries? 4-12-6 Connection of #ti'it( ser ices inc'#din+ e'ectricit( and +as wi'' )e pro ided on priorit( )asis in export-oriented ind#stries3 */ Reduced 0ir fare for the e%port of specially privileged products including 8ruits and >egetables2

4-13-1 *i0an *an+'adesh %ir'ines wi'' consider 0eas#res for red#ced air fare for the export of fr#its and e+eta)'es/ orna0enta' p'ants etc3 *3 ?ithdra1al of Royalty for the $%pansion of Cargo 8acilities of 8oreign 0irlines for $%port Purposes2

4-14-1 Bo ro(a't( is app'ied for transportin+ e+eta)'es- .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to pro ide si0i'ar incenti es for specia''( pri i'e+ed prod#cts inc'#din+ fr#its? and 4-14-2 .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en for enhancin+ the space in forei+n air'ines7 car+o ser ices/ and transportin+ fr#its/ e+eta)'es etc- at a reasona)'e fare3 *5 >enture Capital 8acilities for Small and Medium $nterprises2

4-15-1 %+ric#'t#ra' far0s with at 'east fi e acre si4e wi'' )e pro ided with ent#re capita' faci'ities to enco#ra+e prod#ction and export of e+eta)'es/ fr#its/ fresh f'owers/ orchids etc-? 4-15-2 Esta)'ish0ent of coo' chains wi'' )e enco#ra+ed to pre ent 6#ic5 p#trefaction of the prod#cts- .n this re+ard/ i0port of reefer ans and reefer containers wi'' )e enco#ra+ed? 4-15-3 .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to introd#ce S9E credit 2#arantee Sche0e for increasin+ export in export-oriented ind#stries3 *7 Research and Development

4-16-1 The Bationa' *oard of 8e en#e wi'' consider the possi)i'it( of per0ittin+ d#t(-free i0port of 0achiner( and e6#ip0ent )( the exportin+ instit#tions for research and de e'op0ent p#rposes - 8esearch instit#tes 0a( )e pro ided this faci'it( )ased on reco00endations fro0 the Export Pro0otion *#rea#3 *9 $ncouragement and 8acilities for $%ports Based on Sub)Contracting2


4-1$-1 %n instit#tion can spend/ )efore ac6#irin+ the act#a' wor5 order/ a 0axi0#0 of >SH 1&/&&& for co00#nication/ sendin+ representati es/ tra e'in+ a)road/ p#rchase of tender doc#0ents etc- %n a#thori4ation fro0 *an+'adesh *an5 wi'' )e re6#ired if 0ore forei+n c#rrenc( expendit#re is needed? 4-1$-2 Per0ission wi'' )e +i en for esta)'ishin+ offices and recr#itin+ officia's a)road? and 4-1$-3 .ndi id#a' professiona' +#arantee= ins#rance wi'' )e pro ided )( Sadharan *i0a Corporation in fa o#r of pro1ect specia'ists3 *: .ssue of Multiple $ntry >isa

4-18-1 .n estors and i0porters of *an+'adeshi prod#cts wi'' )e iss#ed 0#'tip'e entr( isas"or this p#rpose/ 9inistr( of Co00erce 0a( send reco00endations to the co00ercia' officia's of *an+'adesh 9issions a)road and to the 9inistr( of "orei+n %ffairs3 *( 8oreign ,rade Related ,raining

4-1!-1 *an+'adesh "orei+n Trade .nstit#te has )een esta)'ished for pro idin+ trainin+ on forei+n trade- %de6#ate n#0)ers of wor5shops and se0inars wi'' )e arran+ed on different trade re'ated iss#es/ especia''( on 3TO iss#es thro#+h this .nstit#te3 &' 0rrangement of .nternational ,rade 8airs and Single Country $%hibitionsand Participation in other Market Promotion 0ctivities 0broad2

4-2&-1 Enco#ra+in+ faci'ities wi'' )e pro ided for participatin+ in internationa' trade fairs/ sin+'e co#ntr( exhi)itions and other 0ar5et pro0otion acti ities in different co#ntries/ and or+ani4in+ sin+'e trade fairs a)road #nder 1oint initiati es of the +o ern0ent and the pri ate sector3 &* Strengthening $%port Related ,raining2

4-21-1 The Export Pro0otion *#rea# wi'' or+ani4e trainin+s/ se0inars and wor5shops in different parts of the co#ntr( to infor0 the exporters of the r#'es and re+#'ations re+ardin+ exports3 && Setting up of Permanent 8air Comple% and ?orld ,rade Center2

4-22-1 .n order to expand export trade/ initiati es ha e a'read( )een ta5en to esta)'ish Permanent 8air Comple%es and 3or'd Trade Centers in Dha5a and Chitta+on+The process wi'' )e acce'erated? and 4-22-2 %ssistance wi'' )e pro ided fro0 the 3or'd Trade Centers to expand and inte+rate export trade thro#+h 0ar5et in esti+ation and de e'op0ent of 0ar5etin+ s5i''s3 &/ Both regular and product)specific trade fairs of international standard 1ill be organi@ed in Bangladesh in order to invite foreign buyers- familiarise e%port products among them and thus connect buyers and sellers Shipment of Products2

3 &3


4-24-1 .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to si0p'if( ship0ent= transportation of prod#cts2o ern0ent wi'' pro ide necessar( s#pport if an( exporter wants to charter an aircraft? 4-24-2 The )est #se of 0odern techno'o+( and a#to0ation s(ste0 inc'#din+ one stop ser ice wi'' )e ens#red in order to expedite c#sto0s re'ated ser ices for re'easin+ i0ports and exports3 &5 Direct 0ir)Booking System2

4-25-1 To ens#re that fresh e+eta)'es and other perisha)'e ite0s fro0 the northern part of the co#ntr( reach their destinations easi'( witho#t 'osin+ their 6#a'it(/ direct air )oo5in+ faci'ities for these prod#cts fro0 8a1shahi and S(edp#r airports wi'' contin#e 3 &7 $ncouragement of .ncreased =se of !ocal Ra1 Materials2

4-26-1 *onded wareho#se faci'ities wi'' )e +rad#a''( red#ced in order to enco#ra+e the increased #se of 'oca' raw 0ateria's )( co0posite 5nit= hosier( texti'es and c'othin+ 0an#fact#rin+ #nits3 &9 $stablishment of Management .nformation System AM.SB2

4-2$-1 %n 9.S wi'' )e insta''ed in the 9inistr( of Co00erce- %'' officia's of the 9inistr( ha e a'read( )een pro ided with co0p#ters and internet faci'ities- The 9inistr( of Co00erce has ta5en initiati es to p#t in p'ace a Bationa' Trade Porta' to )e connected to a'' )#siness and trade re'ated we)sites 3 &: 8acilities for Deemed $%ports2

4-28-1 Dee0ed exporters/ 'i5e direct exporters/ wi'' en1o( a'' export faci'ities inc'#din+ d#t(-draw-)ac5- ,oca' raw 0ateria's #sed for prod#cin+ exports and 'oca' raw 0ateria's #sed in ind#stries= pro1ects f#nded )( forei+n in est0ents wi'' )e considered as Ldee0ed export<? and 4-28-2 .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to consider direct sa'es in forei+n c#rrenc( witho#t tender as ;dee0ed export</ and a#+0ent their faci'ities3 &( Miscellaneous matters 4-2!-1 % Trade "aci'itation Center wi'' )e instit#ted in Dha5a? 4-2!-2 Esta)'ish0ent of specia' t(pes of wareho#se/ tradin+ ho#se/ export ho#se and trade center wi'' )e enco#ra+ed? 4-2!-3 .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to enhance the capacit( and efficienc( of Export Pro0otion *#rea# in order to expedite sett'e0ent of export re'ated trade disp#tes? 4-2!-4 Prod#ct and Ser ice specific De e'op0ent .nstit#tes wi'' )e esta)'ished? 4-2!-5 .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to a''ow exporters to recr#it forei+n a+encies witho#t prior a#thori4ation fro0 *an+'adesh *an5?


4-2!-6 Steps wi'' )e wi'' )e ta5en to identif( the )enefits for the 'east de e'oped co#ntries as pro ided )( the 3TO/ and 0a5e the sta5eho'ders aware of the )enefits? 4-2!-$ Exportin+ instit#tions wi'' )e enco#ra+ed to ac6#ire .SO !&&& as we'' as en iron0enta' re+#'ations-re'ated .SO 14&&& for 6#a'it( ass#rance? 4-2!-8 Codes with detai's of exporta)'e prod#cts wi'' )e prepared in order to #se the Ear0onised Code )ein+ fo''owed )( 3TO for ,=C for0s re'ated to i0port and export? 4-2!-! "inancia' and re en#e re'ated incenti es and faci'ities wi'' )e re iewed fro0 ti0e to ti0e and #pdated when needed? and 4-2!-1& Specia' transportation )( rai'wa(s/ roads/ and water wa(s wi'' )e arran+ed for interna' 0o e0ents in order to export the a+ro prod#cts and a+ro-processed prod#cts-


5* 5-1-1 5-1-2 5-1-3 5-1-4

5-1-5 5-1-6 5-1-$

5-1-8 5-1-!

5& 5-2-1 5-2-2 5-2-3 5-2-4 5-2-5 5-2-6

Chapter 8ive Product)Specific $%port 8acilities Readymade Garments .ndustry Steps wi'' )e ta5en to red#ce the L'ead ti0e< for export of read(0ade +ar0ents )( 0eans of i0pro e0ent of port 0ana+e0ent/ si0p'ification of proced#res for re'easin+ +oods/ reso' in+ e'ectricit( pro)'e0s etc? .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to set #p ;+ar0ents i''a+es< at ario#s p'aces with ade6#ate infrastr#ct#ra' and #ti'it( faci'ities? Steps wi'' )e ta5en to esta)'ish waste water treat0ent p'ants in +ar0ents i''a+es? %ssistance wi'' )e pro ided to i0pro e the wor5in+ en iron0ent in the read(0ade +ar0ents factories to red#ce ris5s of accident and to f#'fi'' the co0p'iance re6#ire0ents at the factor( 'e e'- *esides/ initiati es wi'' )e ta5en to for0#'ate an inte+rated and reasona)'e co0p'iance re+#'ation with the he'p of a'' sta5eho'ders? .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to pro ide trainin+s of different ten#res to the wor5ers and staff of the +ar0ents ind#stries to increase their prod#cti it( and faci'itate di ersification of prod#cts? E0phasis wi'' )e +i en on di ersification of prod#cts )( i0pro in+ s5i''s of/ wor5ers and staff/ and disse0inatin+ infor0ation to the entreprene#rs on prod#cts 0ar5ets and techno'o+(? Steps wi'' )e ta5en to send 0ar5etin+ 0issions a)road/ arran+e sin+'e co#ntr( texti'es and read(0ade +ar0ents fairs a)road/ and or+ani4e and participate in internationa' trade fairs at ho0e and a)road so as to expand and conso'idate the 0ar5ets for read(0ade +ar0ents? Esta)'ish0ent of )ac5ward and forward 'in5a+e ind#stries wi'' )e enco#ra+ed? and S#)1ect to the s#)0ission of )an5 +#arantee of e6#i a'ent a0o#nt of d#t( for i0ported raw 0ateria's/ the enterprises witho#t )ond 'icense wi'' )e a''owed to prod#ce exporta)'e hand-wo en sweaters fro0 nat#ra' and artificia' woo' o#tside the )ond areas8ro@en 8ish .ndustry C#'ti ation of shri0p for increasin+ the prod#ction of shri0p 0aintainin+ eco'o+ica' )a'ance wi'' )e enco#ra+ed? Cent#re capita' wi'' )e pro ided for prod#cin+/ processin+ and exportin+ a'#e added prod#cts in the fro4en food sector? .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to esta)'ish ;Sea' of 6#a'it( or+ani4ation< or si0i'ar or+ani4ations #nder p#)'ic-pri ate partnership to ens#re the 6#a'it( of shri0p and shri0p prod#cts? Becessar( steps wi'' )e ta5en to esta)'ish %ccredited Testin+ ,a)orator( of hi+h 6#a'it( #nder p#)'ic and pri ate or 1oint initiati es to ens#re hi+h 6#a'it( of prod#cts and SPS @Sanitar( and ph(to-sanitar(A re'ated standards? Settin+ #p of 'a)oratories in the pri ate sector wi'' )e a''owed and steps wi'' )e ta5en for research and re0edia' 0eas#res to i0pro e the 6#a'it( of shri0ps and protect the0 fro0 diseases.0port of indispensa)'e 0achiner( for 6#a'it( contro' wi'' )e enco#ra+ed so as to stren+then the efforts for contro''in+ the 6#a'it( of fro4en food- Depart0ent of "isheries and *CS.8 wi'' ta5e initiati es to i0pro e their accredited testin+ 'a)oratories? .n order to red#ce the ris5 of exportin+ conta0inated fro4en food/ a specia' s#per ision or tracea)i'it( s(ste0 wi'' )e de e'oped for a'' the steps fro0 hatchin+ to prod#ction of fish/ processin+ and pac5a+in+?




Steps wi'' )e ta5en to send 0ar5etin+ 0issions a)road/ or+ani4e sin+'e co#ntr( fro4en food fairs/ arran+e and participate in internationa' trade fairs at ho0e and a)road so as to expand and conso'idate the 0ar5ets for fro4en food? 5-2-! %'' possi)'e steps wi'' )e ta5en to i0p'e0ent the ;Cision-2&15< for0#'ated )( *an+'adesh "ro4en "ood and Exporters %ssociation @*""E%A? 5-2-1& % 0onitorin+ ce'' wi'' )e for0ed to contro' the 6#a'it( of exporta)'e shri0ps? 5-2-11 %ssistance wi'' )e pro ided to di ersif( fish and fro4en fish prod#cts? and 5-2-12 C#sto0s %#thorities wi'' ens#re/ )efore the re'ease of the +oods/ whether the i0ported fish-feed is #sa)'e or whether there is an( conta0inated or prohi)ited s#)stance in it- The Depart0ent for "isheries or the 9inistr( of "isheries and ,i estoc5 wi'' send the #pdated 'ist of prohi)ited s#)stances to the C#sto0s %#thorities fro0 ti0e to ti0e5/ <andicrafts Made from Bamboo- Cane and Coconut 8ibre 5-3-5 5-3-6 Steps wi'' )e ta5en to set #p artisans i''a+es in Dha5a and other p'aces? Co00ercia' prod#ction of )a0)oos/ cane and wood wi'' )e enco#ra+ed in order to ens#re eas( a ai'a)i'it( of raw 0ateria's for handicrafts? 5-3-$ Export of a'#e added prod#cts 0ade fro0 )a0)oos/ cane/ water h(acinth and cocon#t fi)re wi'' )e enco#ra+ed? 5-3-8 S#pport wi'' )e +i en for desi+n de e'op0ent to )rin+ no e't( and di ersit( to handicraft prod#cts- *S.C can ta5e initiati es to esta)'ish a Desi+n Center? 5-3-! Steps wi'' )e ta5en to send 0ar5etin+ 0issions a)road/ or+ani4e sin+'e co#ntr( handicrafts fairs/ arran+e and participate in internationa' trade fairs at ho0e and a)road to expand and conso'idate the 0ar5ets for handicraft prod#cts? and 5-3-1& *an+'acraft wi'' ta5e necessar( steps to i0pro e the 6#a'it( of handicraft prod#cts53 ,ea .ndustry 5-4-1 .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to )rin+ fa''ow 'and within the tea states #nder c#'ti ation? 5-4-2 Steps wi'' )e ta5en to reha)i'itate sic5 tea +ardens? 5-4-3 9eas#res wi'' )e ta5en to pro ide +as connection in the tea estates to )rin+ a)o#t price co0petiti eness? 5-4-4 %'' co-operation wi'' )e extended to exporta)'e the co0p'etion of 'easin+ proced#res for tea estates awaitin+ co0p'etion of s#ch proced#res? 5-4-5 *an5s wi'' )e enco#ra+ed to pro ide 'oans with soft ter0s for 0oderni4ation of tea factories so as to i0pro e the 6#a'it( of tea and increase its prod#ction to he'p its s#r i a' in the internationa' 0ar5et? 5-4-6 "or a''e iatin+ po ert(/ credit as we'' as other faci'ities wi'' )e pro ided to tea prod#cers of s0a'' far0s? 5-4-$ .0ported pac5a+in+ 0ateria's wi'' )e a''owed d#t( draw-)ac5=)ond faci'ities on "O* price to enco#ra+e the export of pac5et tea- 9oreo er/ pro isions wi'' )e 0ade to a''ow d#t(-free i0port of pac5a+in+ 0ateria's thro#+h )an5 +#arantee? 5-4-8 Steps wi'' )e ta5en to send 0ar5etin+ 0issions a)road/ and participate in internationa' trade fairs at ho0e and a)road so as to expand and conso'idate the 0ar5ets for tea? and 5-4-! The possi)i'it( of pop#'ari4in+ )rand na0e for 0ar5etin+ *an+'adeshi tea wi'' )e re iewed- Esta)'ished )randin+ and distri)#tion a+encies wi'' )e contacted in this re+ard55 5-5-1 Cute .ndustry %n inte+rated ;p'an of action< wi'' )e ta5en for de e'op0ent and di ersification of 1#te prod#cts to enhance the prod#cti it( of the 1#te ind#str( )( stren+thenin+


5-5-2 5-5-3 5-5-4 5-5-5 57 5-6-1 5-6-2 5-6-3 5-6-4

research acti ities and #nderta5in+ certain acti ities s#ch as *98E for so0e 1#te factoriesO)stac'es i0pedin+ export of 1#te and 1#te prod#cts to different co#ntries wi'' )e identified and necessar( re0edia' 0eas#res wi'' )e ta5en to address those.nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to pop#'ari4e/ thro#+h *an+'adeshi 9issions a)road/ the #se of 1#te )( e0phasi4in+ the en iron0ent-friend'( attri)#tes of 1#te? Co-operation wi'' )e extend to entreprene#rs for participation in internationa' fairs and exhi)itions to pro0ote 0ar5ets? and 2o ern0ent s#pport wi'' )e pro ided in esta)'ishin+ desi+n de e'op0ent centres to )rin+ a)o#t di ersit( to 1#te prod#cts!eather .ndustry Sic5 'eather ind#stries wi'' )e a''owed credit resched#'in+ faci'ities thro#+h po'ic( s#pport? .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to increase export thro#+h enhancin+ co0petiti eness of 'eather and 'eather prod#cts in the internationa' 0ar5et )( ta5in+ 0eas#res for i0pro in+ prod#cti it( and de e'op0ent of prod#cts-? ,oca' prod#ction of i0port-s#)stit#te che0ica's for 'eather processin+/ co0ponents for footwear and accessories for 'eather ind#str( wi'' )e enco#ra+ed- "orei+n or 1oint ent#re in est0ent in this re+ard wi'' )e we'co0ed? To red#ce 'osses at co''ection/ preser ation and processin+ 'e e's/ awareness )#i'din+ initiati es and p#)'icit( wi'' )e stren+thened re+ardin+ s5innin+ of ani0a's/ preser ation/ transportation of hides etc- .n this case/ arran+e0ents for separate trainin+ co#rses and wor5shops for )#tchers and 'eather traders wi'' contin#e.nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en thro#+h the ,eather Sector *#siness Pro0otion Co#nci' in o' in+ the ind#stria' entreprene#rs and exporters for the o era'' de e'op0ent of this sector? "orei+n and 1oint ent#re in est0ents wi'' )e enco#ra+ed in 'eather prod#cts and footwear ind#str(? Existin+ )ond faci'ities wi'' )e f#rther si0p'ified and #pdated for 1&&: exportoriented 'eather ind#stries? Existin+ d#t( and tax draw-)ac5 proced#res wi'' )e si0p'ified? %n inte+rated ;p'an of action< wi'' )e ta5en for de e'op0ent and di ersification of 'eather prod#cts to enhance the prod#cti it( of the 'eather ind#str( )( stren+thenin+ research acti ities and #nderta5in+ certain acti ities s#ch as *98E for sic5 'eather ind#stries%ssistance wi'' )e pro ided to the entreprene#rs for participation in internationa' fairs and exhi)itions to pro0ote 0ar5ets? .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to esta)'ish s'a#+hter ho#ses in the 0a1or cities of the co#ntr( with the he'p of 0#nicipa'ities? %'' possi)'e cooperation wi'' )e extended for transferrin+ the factories to the Tanner( Ci''a+e )ein+ de e'oped in Sa ar? .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to esta)'ish a centra'i4ed waste 0ana+e0ent p'ant in the Tanner( Ci''a+e in Sa ar/ and insta''ation of c'ean techno'o+( wi'' )e enco#ra+ed? 9odern che0ica' 'a)oratories and ser ice centers wi'' )e set #p to ens#re the 6#a'it( of 'eather and 'eather prod#cts? Steps wi'' )e ta5en to i0part 'oca' and forei+n trainin+s to o erco0e the 0ana+e0ent crisis in the 'eather ind#str(? Catt'e far0in+ and i0port of raw hide d#rin+ 'ean season wi'' )e enco#ra+ed to ens#re eas( a ai'a)i'it( of raw hide?

5-6-5 5-6-6 5-6-$ 5-6-8 5-6-!

5-6-1& 5-6-11 5-6-12 5-6-13 5-6-14 5-6-15 5-6-16


5-6-1$ ,ess #se of nitro+en and sodi#0 ch'orate in the 'eather ind#str( wi'' )e enco#ra+ed? 5-6-18 Co-operation wi'' )e extended to i0pro e the )#siness re'ations )etween tanner( owners and a+ents to enhance the capacit( of the sa'es ne+otiation and 0ar5etin+? 5-6-1! Tanner( owners wi'' )e assisted in preparin+ p'ans to prod#ce finished 'eather fro0 cr#st 'eather whi'e transferrin+ factor( #nits fro0 Ea1ari)a+ to Sa ar Tanner( Ci''a+e? 5-6-2& .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to 0a5e the desi+n de e'op0ent center 0ore effecti e to )rin+ di ersit( to footwear and 'eather prod#cts? 5-6-21 Steps wi'' )e ta5en to 0oderni4e the ,eather Techno'o+( Co''e+e inc'#din+ esta)'ish0ent of desi+n and fashion instit#tes for de e'op0ent and i0pro e0ent of export-oriented 'eather prod#cts? 5-6-22 Becessar( arran+e0ents wi'' )e ta5en to esta)'ish )ac5ward= forward 'in5a+e ind#stries for prod#ction of spare parts #sed in 0an#fact#rin+ 'eather prod#cts inc'#din+ footwear? and 5-6-23 Becessar( 0eas#res wi'' )e ta5en to ens#re eas( a ai'a)i'it( of che0ica's and other 0ateria's for the 'eather ind#str(59 5-$-1 5-$-2 5-$-3 Pottery Steps wi'' )e ta5en to enco#ra+e prod#ction of traditiona' potteries in different p'aces of the co#ntr(? .n order to )ein+ no e't( and di ersit( in potteries/ assistance wi'' )e pro ided for de e'op0ent of desi+ns and patterns/ and the desi+n centre of *.SC.C wi'' )e #p+raded? and 9an#fact#rers of potteries wi'' )e trained #nder "ine %rts .nstit#te to de e'op potteries-

5: +ther Sectors 5-8-1 Contract far0in+ wi'' )e enco#ra+ed for prod#ction of exporta)'e e+eta)'es? 5-8-2 2o ern0ent Khas (Government owned) 'and/ if a ai'a)'e/ wi'' )e a''otted to interested exporters for the prod#ction of e+eta)'es and fr#its- *esides/ esta)'ish0ent of export i''a+es wi'' )e enco#ra+ed? 5-8-3 Prod#ction of 0odern and scientific pac5a+in+ 0ateria's necessar( for the export of e+eta)'es/ fo'ia+e and fr#its wi'' )e enco#ra+ed? 5-8-4 C#'ti ation/ prod#ction and export of potatoes wi'' )e enco#ra+ed? 5-8-5 Prod#cers and exporters of e+eta)'es/ f'owers-fo'ia+e and fr#its wi'' )e i0parted trainin+s? 5-8-6 Efforts wi'' )e 0ade to co00ercia'i4e the a+ric#'t#ra' sector )( assistin+ prod#ction/ processin+/ 0ar5etin+ of exporta)'e a+ric#'t#ra' prod#cts and other re'ated acti ities? 5-8-$ *est #se of .CT wi'' )e ens#red in the co#ntr( for the i0pro e0ent of infor0ation co00#nication s(ste0? 5-8-8 .n order to expand exports fro0 the .T sector/ co00#nications with *an+'adeshi diaspora wi'' )e stren+thened- The possi)i'it( of settin+ #p 0ar5etin+ centers a)road wi'' )e exa0ined? 5-8-! .nitiati es for esta)'ish0ent of an ;.T Ci''a+e< for export of software wi'' )e stren+thened? 5-8-1& Becessar( 0eas#res wi'' )e ta5en to connect the s#)-0arine optica' fi)re ca)'e to the nationa' .T )ac5)one to faci'itate a ai'a)i'it( of hi+h speed data trans0ission 'ine/ and stren+then the )ase of the .T sector re+iona''(?


5-8-11 9eas#res wi'' )e ta5en to pro ide faci'ities to de e'op the .CT sector thro#+h the .CT *#siness Pro0otion Co#nci'? 5-8-12 The possi)i'it( of introd#cin+ pass)oo5= a'ternati e s(ste0 for the i0port of raw 0ateria's for the phar0ace#tica' sector wi'' )e exa0ined? 5-8-13 .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to esta)'ish %cti e Phar0ace#tica' .n+redient Par5 and Co00on ,a) in Dha5a and Chitta+on+ in reco+nition of the export potentia's of the phar0ace#tica' sector? 5-8-14 % ;,i+ht En+ineerin+ C'#ster Ci''a+e< wi'' )e esta)'ished near Dha5a for the de e'op0ent of the 'i+ht en+ineerin+ sector? 5-8-15 % 0odern 'a)orator( and co00on faci'ities center wi'' )e set #p for the de e'op0ent of the 'i+ht en+ineerin+ sector? 5-8-16 %n ;%+ro-Prod#cts *#siness Pro0otion Co#nci'< wi'' )e esta)'ished to i0pro e and contro' the 6#a'it( of a+ric#'t#re and a+ric#'t#ra' prod#cts? 5-8-1$ Prod#ction and export of her)a' p'ants/ 0edicine and her)a' prod#cts wi'' )e enco#ra+ed- Steps wi'' )e ta5en to esta)'ish necessar( accredited 'a)oratories with this end in iew? 5-8-18 Eer)a' Prod#cts De e'op0ent Co#nci' wi'' )e constit#ted for o era'' de e'op0ent of her)a' prod#cts sector? 5-8-1! "or ship )#i'din+ ind#stries ser ice char+es inc'#din+ )an5 +#arantee co00ission wi'' )e 5ept at a 0ini0#0 as to )e directed )( *an+'adesh *an5? 5-8-2& .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to esta)'ish an appropriate 'a)orator( for testin+ and certif(in+ p'astic prod#cts? 5-8-21 .0port of raw 0ateria's for Dewe''er( wi'' )e enco#ra+ed for the expansion of export of +o'd and si' er Dewe''er(? 5-8-22 *#siness entreprene#rs and exporters wi'' )e +i en necessar( co-operation in accordance with the S8O Bo- 18=,aw=2&&6 dated $ "e)r#ar( 2&&6 to enco#ra+e export of dia0ond after processin+ the i0ported #nc#t dia0ond? 5-8-23 Prod#ction of to(s and i0itation Dewe''er( wi'' )e assisted and enco#ra+edChapter Si% $%port of Services 6-& 2enera''( ser ice sector inc'#des the ser ices identified #nder 2enera' %+ree0ent on Trade in Ser ices @2%TSA of 3TO/ s#ch asG1- .CT )ased acti ities 2- Constr#ction )#siness 3- 8ecreation re'ated acti ities 4- Eea'th ser ice acti ities e-+- hospita'/ c'inic and n#rsin+ ser ices 5- Eote' and to#ris0 )ased ser ices 6- Cons#'tin+ ser ices $- ,a)orator( testin+ 8- Photo+raphic acti ities !- Printin+ and pac5a+in+ 1&- Te'eco00#nication 11- Transport and co00#nication 12- 3areho#se and container ser ices 13- *an5in+ acti ities 14- ,e+a' and professiona' ser ices 15- Ed#cation ser ice etc



Export Pro0otion *#rea# wi'' prepare a co0prehensi e p'an of action in coordination with the concerned depart0ents=instit#tions and ta5e necessar( steps for a#+0entin+ export in the ser ice sector? Export Pro0otion *#rea# wi'' ta5e initiati es for 0aintainin+ export statistics of ser ice sector in para''e' with that of +oods? Steps wi'' )e ta5en to enhance the capacit( of *an+'adesh 9issions a)road to pro0ote export in the ser ice sector? % co00ittee na0ed ;Ser ice Export De e'op0ent Coordination Co00ittee< headed )( the Cice Chair0an/ Export Pro0otion *#rea# and represented )( the concerned ser ice sectors wi'' )e constit#ted to coordinate the acti ities of export pro0otion in ser ice sectorsDifferent ser ice sector specific *#siness Pro0otion Co#nci's wi'' )e constit#ted-

6-2 6-3 6-4


Chapter Seven +ther Steps to1ards $%port Promotion $-1-1 "rei+ht forwarders sha'' )e +#ided )( "rei+ht "orwarders @,icensin+ acti it( cond#ctA re+#'ations/ 2&&8 iss#ed #nder S8O Bo 18=,aw=2&&8=21$4=d#t( dated 13 Dan#ar(/ 2&&8 re+ardin+ contro' of frei+ht forwardin+? Steps wi'' )e ta5en to de e'op infrastr#ct#re/ 0odernise *an+'adesh *an5/ C#sto0s/ Chitta+on+ and 9on+'a sea ports to ens#re instit#tiona' assistance/ and )rin+ a)o#t d(na0is0 in 'and port a#thorities? .nitiati es wi'' )e ta5en to de e'op necessar( ph(sica' infrastr#ct#re inc'#din+ constr#ction of Express ,ine to ens#re #ninterr#pted s#pp'( of e'ectricit(/ +as and water to export oriented ind#stries on priorit( )asis- Steps wi'' )e ta5en to fix the char+e of e'ectricit(/ +as and water to )e #sed in the ind#stries at a reasona)'e rate inc'#din+ s#)sid(? 9eas#res wi'' )e ta5en for capita' dred+in+ to faci'itate 0o e0ent of container ships in 9on+'a Port? To feci'itate export of a+ric#'t#ra' prod#cts/ additiona' space in the aircrafts wi'' )e a''otted a'on+side arran+in+ separate car+o aircrafts- *oth air and sea fare for transport of a+ric#'t#ra' prod#cts wi'' )e red#ced to a reasona)'e rate? *i0an *an+'adesh %ir'ines wi'' ta5e initiati es to introd#ce re+#'ar ;Car+o "rei+hter Ser ice< to E#rope? To pro0ote re+ion-specific exports/ e0phasis wi'' )e +i en on infrastr#ct#re de e'op0ent of different re+ions?



$-1-4 $-1-5 $-1-6 $-1-$



*an+'adesh 8ai'wa( wi'' re iew the possi)i'it( of offerin+ attracti e and co0petiti e rates of fare to enco#ra+e the #se of rai' ser ice for transportation of +oods? $-1-! To enco#ra+e fe0a'e entreprene#rs in the export sector/ fe0a'e C.P7s wi'' )e se'ected and the )est fe0a'e entreprene#rs wi'' )e awarded Export Troph( ann#a''(? $-1-1& Steps wi'' )e ta5en to enhance the .CT capacit( of *an+'adesh 9issions a)road in order to pro0ote export? $-1-11 To enco#ra+e prod#ct-specific exports/ e er( (ear one prod#ct wi'' )e dec'ared the ;Prod#ct of the Mear<? 9 * *& Rationali@ing the rate of >alue 0ddition $-12-1 % standin+ co00ittee wi'' fix/ fro0 ti0e to ti0e/ the rate of a'#e addition for different prod#cts inc'#din+ read(0ade +ar0ents? $-12-2 "orei+n c#rrenc( earned fro0 reparin+ forei+n esse's wi'' )e considered as export earnin+s fro0 ser ices on'( if the forei+n c#rrenc( has )een repatriated thro#+h *an+'adesh *an5-

0nne% * !ist of $%port)Prohibited Products 8-1 @aA %'' petro'e#0 and petro'e#0 prod#cts except those prod#ced fro0 nat#ra' +as @s#ch as naphtha/ f#rnace oi'/ '#)ricant oi'/ )it#0en/ condensate/ 9TT and 9SA- Eowe er/ this prohi)ition sha'' not app'( to the export of petro'e#0 and ,B2 as shares of the forei+n in est0ent co0panies #nder the Prod#ct Sharin+ Contracts@)A %n( passen+er +oin+ a)road sha'' )e a''owed to carr( as acco0panied )a++a+e / in excess of his or her persona' +oods/ >SH 2&& worth of +oods/ which are neither export-prohi)ited nor inc'#din+ to the 'ist of conditiona' exports- .n this case/ no faci'ities=incenti es 'i5e d#t( draw )ac5 ad1#st0ent/ s#)sid( etc- sha'' )e awarded-

8-2 8-3 8-4

D#te and NShan7 seeds 3heat %n( 5ind of 'i e ani0a's/ ani0a' or+ans or hide= s5in of wi'd ani0a's as 0entioned in the 3i'd'ife @ProtectionA Ordinance 1!$3 @President7s Ordinance Bo- 23/ 1!$3/ 8e ised in 1!$4A/ except the species 0entioned in the first 'ist of the Ordinance8-5 "ire ar0s/ a00#nition and re'ated 0ateria's8-6 8adioacti e 0ateria's8-$ %rcheo'o+ica' re'ics8-8 E#0an s5e'eton/ )'ood p'as0a/ or an(thin+ prod#ced fro0 h#0an )ein+s or h#0an )'ood8-! %'' t(pes of p#'ses@ except processed onesA 8-1& 8-11 %'' shri0ps except chi''ed/ fro4en and processed ones @S8O Bo- 6&-,=$6 date 142-$6AOnion @S8O Bo- 25&-,=$$/ date 13-8-$$A-


8-12 8-13 8-14 8-15

Seawater shri0ps of $1=!& co#nt or s0a''er/ except the species Harin/ harina and Chaka including sea species PUD, Cooked shrimp @S8O Bo- 345-,=83/ date 2&-1&83A Cane/ wood/ wood 'o+s= thic5 pieces of wood @except handicrafts 0ade fro0 these 0ateria'sA%'' t(pes of fro+s @a'i e or deadA and fro+ 'e+s8aw and wet )'#e 'eather-

0nne%) & !ist of Conditional $%port Products !-1 >rea "erti'i4erG- >rea ferti'i4er prod#ced in a'' factories except O%"CO can )e exported with the prior appro a' of the 9inistr( of .nd#stries !-2 Entertain0ent pro+ra0s/ 0#sic/ dra0a/ fi'0s/ doc#0entar( fi'0s etc can )e exported in the for0 of a#dio cassettes/ ideo cassettes/ CDs/ DCDs etc s#)1ect to Pno o)1ection7 fro0 the 9inistr( of .nfor0ation!-3 Petro'e#0 and petro'e#0 prod#cts prod#ced fro0 nat#ra' +as @s#ch as naphtha/ f#rnace oi'/ '#)ricant oi'/ )it#0en/ condensate/ 9TT and 9SA can )e exported #nder Pno o)1ection7 fro0 the Ener+( and 9inera' 8eso#rces Di ision/ !-4 Che0ica' prod#cts en'isted in sched#'es 1/ 2/ 3 of Che0ica' 3eapons @Contro'A %ct2&&6 wi'' )e contro''ed @exported or prohi)ited to exportA )( section-! of the %CT-


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