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A career can be defined as a sequence of separate but related work activities th at provides continuity, order and meaning in a Person's

life.' A career is a lifelong sequence of jobs integrated with the attitudes and motive s of the person as he or she engages in these work roles Super and Hall (1988) define career as a sequence of positions occupied by a per son during the course of a lifetime. A career is all the jobs that are held duri ng one s working life. Career is often confused with job. Experts make difference between a career and a job. According to them, a career is a perceived sequence of attitudes and beha viorsassociated with work-related experiences and activities over the span of th e person s life. Whereas a job is what a person does at work to bring home a paycheck, a career is being engaged in a satisfying and productive activity. Thus a career i nvolves along-term view of a series of jobs and work experiences. Career planning Career planning is the process of one s life work and involves evaluating abilitie sand interests, considering alternative career opportunities, establishing caree r goals, and planning practical development.Career planning is the deliberate pr ocess through which a person becomes aware of personal career related attribute s and the life long sense of stages that contribute tohis or her career fulfillm ent. Career planning and development is a deliberate process through which a person b ecomes aware of personal career-related attributes and lifelong series of stages that contribute to his or her career fulfillment. Career planning and developme nt is not a one-shot training programme. It has longer time frame and wider focu s. It is an ongoing organised and formalized effort that recognizes people as a viral organisational resource. Career planning is a subset of career development. it is the personal process ofpl anning. This include evaluating one s abilities and interests examining career opp ortunitiessetting career goals and planning appropriate developmental activities .

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