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We own a hostel with 17 available rooms, in a balneo-climateric area.

We sell accommodation in 3 different packages: - accommodation (w/o breakfast or other meal) - accommodation + breakfast - accommodation + breakfast + dinner Each package consists of 3 days.

Being situated in a mild climate we are only functioning at full capacity 3 months per year : June, July and August. The prices for the accommodation packages are the same in 2013 and 2014 : 300 RON for accommodation 390 RON for accommodation+breakfast 540 RON for acc+breakfast+dinner In 2015 due to higher costs of maintenance and raw materials we increase prices as it follows 330, 440,570.

In 2016 the prices remain stable, but in 2017 they will increase again, due to the possible entrance of Romania in the Eurozone. We also have 4 employees: a maid, a waiter, and two chefs. Their wages are 1200 RON/month for the maid, 800 RON/month the waiter, 1200 RON/month the 1st chef, 2000 RON/month the 2nd chef. The salaries will increase in 2015 with 20-25%.

Expenditure We dont pay any rent for the building, land, or machineries We dont pay for rainwater since we own a WTTP ( water waste treatment plant )

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