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Khaldi El Hosseyn

Civil Engineer
Infrastructure option
Birthday: 17/01/1985. At ALGERIA Adresse: .! B!" 17875. #oha $atar E-mail: hosseyn%0%0&hot'ail.(r Marital Status: )in*le. Phone number: !"# "$%&''"$

+o o,tain a (-ll ti'e .osition in the (ield o( /i0il En*ineerin* that -tili1es 'y analyti2al and Inter.ersonal l s3ills.

*une %$$#: Ba2helor o( .-,li2 4or3s and ,-ildin* /A01ERIA %$$&2%$3$: )t-ddin* at E5)+ 6hi*h national )2hool En*ineerin* o( .-,li2 4or3s7 8 Al*er/ Algeria %$$&2%$3$: )t-dy as s.e2ialty Infrastructure9 road and hi*h4ays: Bases Air4ays 6r-n4ay7: rail4ay: Earth4or3 in a *reat 'ass ;R#: En*ineerin* o( a .i.e8 line: drillin* 4ays .lat(or's 1eotechnical 0aborator4 (or As.halt: /!5/RE+E: <L!!R): )+EEL: =aterials Structures 9+-nnels: ,rid*es: =ariti'e .orts 4or3: B-ildin*: )teel str-2t-re: /on2rete

.re stressed rein(or2ed 2on2rete: )tr-2t-ral #yna'i2s :)oil =e2hani2s : data .ro2essin*:to.o*ra.hy:hydra-li2 4or3s <l-id =e2hani2s da's: Ro23 'e2hani2s: *eolo*y: General 'ethods o( 2onstr-2tion: 'aterial: E2ono'y Resistan2e o( 'aterials: Ri*hts o( .-,li2 4or3s: B-siness =ana*e'ent: and ar2hite2t-re
Summer internship %$$!: 6>0 days7 in the la,oratory o( .-,li2 4or3s in the .ro0in2e o( 3hen2hela A01ERIA/ September%$$5--ecember%$$5: st-dy 6)?-ish7 'an-(a2t-re G L ain salah and asse',ly 'etal 4or3s 6,-ildin* 4ith a so(t steel str-2t-re7. 6ebruar4 7 *une %$$!: st-dy 6)?-ish7 reno0ation o( 8hraicia- A01ERIA road net4or3 se2ond sli2e. September %$$! - 6ebruar4 %$3$: st-dy o( a road .ro@e2t ,et4een K!ABA8GARI#I September %$$! -6ebruar4 %$3$: st-dy o( in(rastr-2t-re o( HA))I BERKI55E aerodro'e 6r-n4ay7: 6Al*eria7 6ebruar4 %$3$-*une %$3$ : end o( st-dy o( group C(SI-ERE ro@e2t end o( st-dy 6te2hni2al ,rid*e *irder '-lti.le o( 2on2rete / (a2tory .ost tensionin*7. 6ebruar4 7 *une %$3$: st-dy o( a road .ro@e2t in the to4n and desi*n o( 0B 2rossroads o( 3hen2hela Al*eria

*une %$3$:

Engineer state Public 9or:s and building Infrastructure option

-ecember %$3$: ro@e2t en*ineer o( 6G/B7 the national 2o'.any o( /i0il En*ineer and ,-ildin* ,y a,,re0iation G/B is a 2o'.any iss-ed (ro' sonatra2h Earth4or3s .ro@e2ts 6(ree4ay and hi*h4ays east84est 3%$$ 8m7 Algeria/ -ecember %$3$: /onstr-2tion ro@e2t En*ineer /i0il Earth4or3 6HIGHCAD east84est7 Algeria/ B-ildin* 0% ser0i2es stations in the HIGHCAD 6East8Cest7. A01ERIA. August %$33: A2tin* ro@e2t =ana*er 6<I1<9A= east->est7 in the .ro0in2e o( )Eti(. *anuar4 %$3%: Res.onsi,le earth4or3s (or ,oth areas so-th and north o( the ser0i2e the 6<I1<9A= east->est7 6ebruar4 %$3': res.onsi,le (or the te2hni2al 2ell at the .ro@e2ts 6(ree4ay and hi*h4ays east84est7 =ILA Al*eria/ August %$3': Res.onsi,le earth4or3s (or ,oth areas so-th and north o( the ser0i2e the 6<I1<9A= east->est7 in the .ro0in2e o( Mila A01ERIA 6/-rrent7.

6(00(9E- SI+E

/ontrol and (ollo4ed the 4or3 o( lar*e 4or3s and /E) (ollo4in* s.e2i(i2ations and .lans re(erred and a..ro0ed. Ins.e2tion and the ?-ality o( 'aterials as s.e2i(ied. Re2ei0in* (or'4or3 and rein(or2e'ent o( in(rastr-2t-re and s-.erstr-2t-re 6soles: *irders: sla,: (loor .oles ... et2...7 A22ordin* to a..ro0ed .lans. =onitorin* and 0eri(i2ation o( the ?-ality o( 2on2rete on site at the ti'e o( 2astin* 6test: te'.erat-re: a**re*ates /olle2tion o( s.e2i'ens o( 2on2rete and 0eri(i2ation o( .0Fs 2r-shes (or a..ro0al as s.e2i(ied.

Installation site !r*ani1ation .ro0idin* site .lannin*: )ite sa(ety !rdinate and 2ontrol tea's o( 4or3ers ) o( 'aterials and e?-i.'ent on site Ens-rin* ?-ality and *ood 4or3s ,e(ore re2ei0in* the st-dy o((i2e /oordination 4ith BE+ to re2ei0e the 2o'.leted 4or3 6lar*e 4or3s and /E)7 re.aration o( daily 4or3 .ro*ress re.orts: 4ee3ly and 'ons-el. Ens-re the to.o*ra.hy o( ,-ildin*s 6i'.lantation: le0els. et2.7 In A22ordan2e 4ith .lans re(erred and a..ro0ed. =a3e atta2h'ents and (inan2ial state'ents (ollo4in* the 2o'.letion o( 4or3 on site. Get a..ro0al o( -sin* 'aterial (or (ill 4or3s

)t-dy o( eGternal 4or3s 6s-r0eyin*: le0elin*: lon*it-dinal .ro(ile and 2ross se2tion: 2al2-latin* the .ent eGt.7 )t-dy o( roads 6tra2er .lan: lon*it-dinal se2tion and 2ross se2tion: 2al2-latin* 2-,at-reHs eGt7 Re0ie4 o( eGe2-tion .lans 62i0il en*ineerin* and (or'4or3 re,ar and ar2hite2t-ral .lans7 re.aration o( s.e2i(i2ations (or s-,'ission re.aration o( ?-antitati0e and esti'ates .ro@e2t )t-dy .ro*ress s2hed-les: .ro2-re'ent o( 2o'.letion .re.ared ,y the 2o'.any

EG2ellent 2o''-ni2ation .resentation and ne*otiation. o4er(-l: solid and ,ri*ht to 4or3 -nder .ress-re A,le to 'onitor and 'ana*e 2riti2al sit-ations and to 'a3e de2isions in the i''ediate. Cor3in* 3no4led*e o( =) !((i2e 8 =) Cord: =) EG2el: =) o4er oint. (perating S4stems: Cindo4s " : Cindo4s 7. Soft>are: A-to/A#: )A >000: Ro,ot: I)+E: /!;A#I): E+A )

-iploma: AutoCA-@ SAP%$$$

0anguages: <l-ent in Ara, and <ren2h9 /on0ersant in <ren2h: a0era*e En*lish

Cover letter
5a'e: Khalid el Hosseyn E 8'ail: hosseyn%0%0&hot'ail.(r =o,ile: !"# "$%&''"$ Letter <or the attention o( =r. +he #ire2tor o( H-'an Reso-r2es )-,@e2t: *() APP0ICA+I(. =r.9 I ha0e the honor to re?-est yo-r hi*h ,ene0olen2e 3indly *ranted 'e 'y a..li2ation in yo-r ,-siness. I in(or' yo- sir that I a' a yo-n* >9 year old Al*erian9 I a' Engineer state Public 9or:s and building 6E5)+ 7 : I ha0e as s.e2ialty Infrastructure9 road and hi*h4ays: Bases Air4ays
6r-n4ay7: rail4ay: Earth4or3 in a *reat 'ass:;R#: En*ineerin* o( a .i.e8 line: drillin* 4ays .lat(or's and Structures 9+-nnels: ,rid*es: =ariti'e .orts 4or3: B-ildin*: )teel str-2t-re.

IF' BI 'onths o( eG.erien2e as Head o( earth4or3s in the HIGHCAD east8 4est 6Al*eria7: and 2onstr-2tion o( 0% ser0i2e station in the F (ree4ay: too: I in(or' yo- that 'y 2-rrent sit-ation es.e2ially sin2e I F' sin*le and (ree o( 2o''it'ent 4ill I are 4or3in* not e0en any4here near

'y ho'e and (or a lon* ti'e (or this: I ho.e 'y a..li2ation 4o-ld ha0e the desired res.onse. I 4o-ld li3e to 'a3e in yo-r ,-siness 'y 2ontri,-tion to ?-ality 2ontrol or in a 'an-(a2t-rin* .ro2ess. endin* a (a0ora,le res-lt at 'y re?-est: .lease a22e.t )ir: the ass-ran2es o( 'y hi*hest 2onsideration. The interested

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