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Good afternoon to our President, Dr. Elsa A. Suralta. Our Head of Language Department, Dr.

Araceli Villacarlos, the co-ordinator of this Hanbat University, to our dearest ELP teachers from the Language Department and to all our friends and students. A very good afternoon to all of you. Welcome to our Culminating Ceremony of English Language Program 2013. We are here today for the highest part of the English program.Though your English schooling may be over, but remember that your education still continues. Keep on learning by practising the language anytime anywhere. According to Pele, everything is practice. I, II,III) I am Teacher Cel and I am given a task to be your Emcee this afternoon. To officially open our program,l would like to invite everyone to please stand up straight for the invocation, followed by the two songs First song is Philippine National Anthem and followed by the Korean National Anthem Thank you so much. And thats very beautiful presentation IV) Honorable guests, ladies and gentlemen without further due, now let us lend our ears and open our hearts to the inspirational message of our dear School President of South Western University, Dr. Elsa A. Suralta. Thank you for that inspiring message madam. V)Honorable teachers, students, ladies and gentlemen. For the next part of the program, youll be entertained with South Western University Dance Company. A big round of applause please. Thats an awesome performance! But not only them who will show their talents. VI. For the next performance, youll be amuse with Hanbat University Students by the group A.Afterwards, a group B students will be performing a dance number. *Let us all give them a resounding round of applause. *Lets clap our hands once again for the fascinating performance. VII. Honorable ladies and gentlemen a program wont be complete with out the message of our students. With out further due, let us welcome our Korean Students once again for their messages. Thank you so much for your inspiring feedback. VIII. I know that if we enjoy something, we want to do it again. Right? As Chris Reynolds said that the musicians did an amazing job of bringing the pieces by adding their flavor to the pieces,

and he really enjoyed that. Like the musicians our performers add flavor and bringing our culminating program to life. Help me welcome once again, the South Western University Dance Company. lets give them a warm round of applause please.

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