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Once upon a time in a land far away a cruel witch who

looked as if part of the laity adopted a girl by the name of Eva. This witch was great at purporting and made everyone simpletons with her lies and acts of clat behavior. She was such a good liar and actress that she would not even fret when lying. Eva lived her days in a state of repine, feeling that nothing could separate her from a mother who enjoyed upbraiding her for the slightest of things. Eva has always been very circumspect and would not dare run away from home. Eva would coax her mother into going to town to go shop, knowing how she loves decorum, so that she could have at least one day without being told what to do. Because the witch is so haute she listens to her daughter and goes into town to shop every week or so just so that the members of her town can think that nothing is wrong with her and that she is a normal person. How could nobody see the tidings that were right in front of them; her large green nose, tall black hat? This idea that nobody realized her mother was a witch made Eva get vexed. When her mother would go away Eva would write letters full of effusion. She would pour her heart out on paper and write about the horrible things she has to go through on a daily basis. She would write and write until she no longer had paper. When she finished she would fold her papers and tie them securely with a string and then put them inside a bottle. If she had enough time she would go outside to the edge of the river and would drop off the bottle with hopes that a future beau or person would read her letters and come and save her. Evas letters were never found and she lived a life of sadness under the rule of her witch mother. She did not live happily ever after.

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