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Megan Porter Mrs.

Gardner English 10 honors 2 25 September 2013 Sonnet 2 Analysis In sonnet 2, the theme of fearing old age really stands out. The poet uses the image of thine own deep-sunken eyes to allow the reader to mentally see the old mans eyes sinking into his head until he looks like an empty skull. This shows that death is always waiting for us within ourselves. But, the speaker says in line 6 the treasure of thy lusty days as he refers to the young mans beauty. He is saying that beauty is like money; you can save it, spend it, and pass it on. In line 11, Shakespeare makes a reference to line 6 when he says sum my count. Instead of wasting his beauty by keeping it all to himself, the old man deposits it to his son. These points that were made all add to the theme of fear of old age. Aging is permanent: the poet shows how having a son can reverse age.

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