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News Prompt 1

Kayla Burford Journ. 3/19/14

ID tracking systems can help the school by keeping children from skipping classes. It will also help the school be responsible with attending for every child during an emergency. Schools want to track students by their school ID, but there is some conflict between the principals, parents, and students. Parents make the case that it is a violation to their childs privacy rights. The Principal claims that it will only be used if youre out of class or in a emergency. Students will be less likely to skip if they know they canbe easily found. With the ID tracking system, we can be much more efficient in locating students, Assistant Principal Shay Strobinski said. The student council voted 121 to 12 for the new initiative. And that if you are caught not wearing your ID you will get a violation the first time. Many students have different perspectives on this initiative. I dont understand all the complaints. Students are at school to learn. If they are not in class they cant learn, senior and Student Council President Nina Truman said. Some students do not agree with Nina at all. Prisoners are tracked, junior Becca Romero said. I am a student without a single disciplne referral, not a prisoner. It is not just the students that are standing up for their rights, its the parents as well. Our children are not pieces of inventory, parent Don Catrell said. Tracking our children breaches their right to privacy and dignity. Parents have different opinions on this just like the students. I was happy to donate money for the new IDs, parent Oscar Redman said. Parents should embrace this new safety measure, not fight it. Principals feel that there is nothing wrong with this system. The tracking device has a 200 yard range around the school, superintedent Patti Mann. We cant track the students outside of school.

How are we violationg their privacy rights? This initiative can be taken in many different ways. I dont understand the concerens of parents and students, Strobinski said. The parents of Leaugetown High School wil do almost anything to get rid of this. But until the judge says we cat have the IDs, we are moving forward, Mann said.

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