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Methods & Techniques

Interview It is a conversation, the art of asking questions & listening. Ex: Discrimination of PLWHIV FGD A research strategy that involves interviewing of small number of people. Ex: Impact of extra marital relation in conjugal life. Ethnography It is often employed for understanding daily activities & lifestyles of a group of people. Ex: Bihari or Chakhma

Methods & Techniques

Observation It relies on what is seen in field or naturalistic settings more than on statistical data. It allows sociologist to examine certain behavior and communities that could not be investigated through other techniques. EX: Culture of the tribal people. Case Study It is a method of studying social phenomena through the analysis of an individual case. Ex: A person having HIV/AIDS

Methods & Techniques

Survey The researchers ask many people numerous questions in short time. Here the research design is rigid & makes maximum protection against bias or inaccuracy. Example: Census Experiment Usually involved relatively small number of people & addressed a well focused question. It can be conducted in laboratory & in real life. Ex: Micro Credit

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