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Focus Group Sheet Ideas and concept 1.

My first concept is to make a horror film/ thriller web series about a psychotic murdered who preys on helpless victims. The web series will see an ordinary man mask an alternative personality in which seeks en oyment from plottin! and killin! random victims ". My second idea and concept is to create a modern take on the film #merican $hysco and turn into a short web series. In the series you will see a hi!h flyin! man who works in the city as an investment banker for a lar!e corporation% who has an alter e!o which loves violence and murder. The web series will see how the many lives his normal life whilst tryin! to hide is alter e!o and battlin! his ur!e to kill. &$lease circle one' Idea 1 (S$ )olour Schemes 1.The web series will contain a lot of dark colours to reflect the violence and murder throu!hout. The main colour will be dull and dark !rey fused with black to reflect the ni!ht time scenes. The locations will use will also be li!htly lit to reflect mystery surroundin! the main character. ". I will use a mi*ture of li!ht colours like navy% yellow and red to represent the day time and my main characters normality as apposed to his dark alter e!o. In contrast I will then use a lot of dark colours to reflect his violent side and also the murders% these will include black and dark !rey. &$lease circle one' Idea 1 idea " Typo!raphy Idea "

&$lease circle one number'


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