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Accession Number : ADA131847 Title : Combined Effects of Ionizing Radiation and Anticholinesterase Exposure on Rodent Motor Performance.

Descriptive Note : Final rept. Oct 82-Jan 83, Corporate Author : SCHOOL OF AEROSPACE MEDICINE BROOKS AFB TX Personal Author(s) : Wheeler,Thomas G. ; Cordts,Robert E. Report Date : JUL 1983 Pagination or Media Count : 16 Abstract : Ionizing radiation and anticholinesterase exposure produce a performance decrement. The objective of this study was to determine if combined exposure would produce a greater deficit than either insult present alone. Five behavioral measures were taken on four experimental test groups. The test groups consisted of: (1) sham controls, (2) radiation exposure only (7 Gy), (3) physostigmine exposure only (0.1 mg/kg), and (4) radiation-plus physostigimine exposure. The behavioral measures were: (1) ability to maintain balance on a rotating rod, and (2) four measures of general motor activity in an activity monitor--crossing rearings, groomings, and boli excreted. Animals were evaluated on the behavioral test battery three times postirradiation (45 min, 4 days, and 8 days). The radiation-only test group had a 30% performance deficit at 45 min postirradiation which decreased to a 60% deficit by Day 8. The physostigimine test group had a 40% deficit for each of the periods. The combined treatment groups showed a 60% performance deficit on each of the tests periods. All measures of performance indicated that the combined exposure to ionizing radiation and physostigmine was much greater than either insult alone. The extent of the performance deficit was task dependent and appears to be a nonlinear function. The underlying mechanisms are not yet known. Descriptors : *Cholinesterase inhibitors, *Radiation effects, Ionizing radiation, Rodents, Motor reactions, Performance tests, Behavior Subject Categories : Radiobiology Distribution Statement : APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

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