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8y Markus WalLer, Munlch 2008, v 1.0 CheaL SheeL: SLC for Wordpress - powered by hup://www.Lekka.

de 1
1. lnsLall Wordpress
!choose an lnLelllgenL domaln-name whlch
conLalns keyword(s) (lf posslble)
!choose Lhe ,rlghL 1Lu for

2. roboLs.LxL
!creaLe a le & name lL ,roboLs.LxL
!puL lL ln Lhe rooL dlrecLory of your domaln
!Lo allow Lhe boLs of all Lhe search englnes
Lo crawl all of you conLenL, lnserL #1 ln your
!be careful wlLh Lhe use of roboLs.LxL, you
can harm your blog by uslng lL Lhe wrong
way, beuer read Lhls greaL LuLorlal
3. .hLaccess
!creaLe a le & name lL ,.hLaccess
!puL lL ln Lhe rooL dlrecLory of your domaln
!Lo seL your defaulL u8L wlLh www, edlL
your .hLaccess and lnserL #2
!Wordpress wlll also use .hLaccess Lo creaLe
speaklng u8Ls
!Lo use .hLaccess, your apache webserver
have Lo supporLs mod_rewrlLe
4. u8L sLrucLure for posLs
!opumlze your u8L sLrucLure by uslng Lhe
properues of wordpress (permallnks)
!don'L lnclude Lhe caLegory ln your posL-
u8Ls, perhaps lf you change Lhe caLegory of
a posL laLer, wordpress wlll noL creaLe a new
!by lncludlng a four-dlglL number, your posL
u8L ls opumlzed for Coogle news (perhaps
you wanL Lo geL ln Lhere)
!don'L lnclude Loo much folders
!for example you can seL your posL u8L by
uslng #3
3. Choose your Lheme
!you can nd many Lhemes, here are some
greaL resources:
!1heme vlewer
!1heme ueslgner
!Candy College
!Wordpress 1hemes
!Magazlne 1hemes
!ur. Web
!download some Lhemes you llke, buL also
lnspecL Lhe source code of Lhe Lheme: be
sure LhaL Lhe source code ls well sLrucLured
6. Cpumlze Lheme: Peader
!opumlze your uLle, choose an ldeal uLle for
all klnds of pages of your blog: #4
!lf necessary, do Lhe same wlLh your
!donL'L leL search englnes lndexlng all of
your pages Lo avold dupllcaLe conLenL: #3
!add some language lnformauon: #6
!speclfy Lhe locauon of your roboLs.LxL: #7
Lxample & Code Area
#1: user-agenL: *
#2: 8ewrlLeCond [P11_PCS1} ^domaln\.Lld$ [nC]
8ewrlLe8ule ^(.*)$ hup://www.domaln.Lld/$1 [8=301,L]
#3: /666posL_ld-posLname/
#4: <uLle>
<?php lf (ls_slngle()) [ ?><?php Lhe_uLle(), ?> |</uLle><?php ,} ?>
<?php lf (ls_page()) [ ?><?php echo wp_uLle(), ?></uLle><?php ,} ?>
#3: <?php lf( ls_day() || ls_Lag() || ls_search() || ls_404() || ls_auLhor() ) [ echo "<meLa name=\"roboLs\"
conLenL=\"nolndex,follow,noodp\"/>", } else [ echo "<meLa name=\"roboLs\" conLenL=\"lndex,follow,all,noodp
\"/>", } ?>
#6: <meLa name="language" conLenL=,en" />
#7: <meLa name="slLelnfo" conLenL="roboLs.LxL" />
7. Cpumlze Lheme: 8ody
!remove Lhe llnk of your posLs headllne
!use headllnes Lo hlghllghL LexL passages as
lmporLanL, noL Lo sLyle your your deslgn
(also remove Lhe <h2>-headllnes from your
!use pagerank sculpung careully
8. MusL have pluglns
!Add llnk aurlbuLe for dolng pagerank sculpung
Lhe easy way
!CusLom Cuery SLrlng 8eloaded Lo change Lhe
number of posLs dlsplayed ln your archlves,
!uagon ueslgn SlLemap CeneraLor Lo creaLe a
P1ML-slLemap for beuer lnLernal llnkbulldlng
!Coogle xML SlLemaps Lo creaLe web-slLemaps
!agebar 2 Lo opumlze Lhe navlgauon ln your
!Slmllar osLs Lo opumlze your lnLernal llnk
!Soclable lncludes buuons for soclal
bookmarklng pages ln your posLs
!wpSLC Lo opumlze uLle, descrlpuon & keywords
9. userLracklng
!lnsLall a userLracklng sysLem Lo analyse your
Lramc (for example use Coogle Analyucs)
10. Addlng a slLemap
!add your slLemap ln Coogle WebmasLerLools
11. Archlves
!creaLe a monLhly & weekly archlve
PlnL: A more deLalled resource Lo opumlze
your W blog: !oosL de valk
!all Lhe sLeps of Lhls cheaL sheeL are only
some baslcs
!wlLh Lhls cheaL sheeL lL ls posslble Lo
creaLe a wordpress, nearly opumlzed for
search englnes
!Lo have success ln search englnes, lL ls
also very lmporLanL Lo geL backllnks,
connecL and lnLeracL wlLh oLher bloggers
!LhaLs Loplc for anoLher cheaL sheeL "
CreaLe a weekly archlve
!creaLe a new sLauc page and lnserL Lhe
code #1 for Lhe weekly archlve overvlew
!llnk Lo LhaL weekly archlve overvlew page
from every page of your blog (same for your
!llnk Lo Lhe weekly archlve by lncludlng #2
on all your posLs
!by creaung a weekly archlve you can
opumlze your lnLernal llnks
Sldebar conLenL
!you don'L have Lo puL Lhe same sldebar-elemenLs on all klnds of pages, for exemple
Lhe elemenL ,new posLs ls noL necessary on home (Lhere you already have Lhe new
!Lo conLrol Lhe power of your pages, you can use pagerank sculpung, buL carefully
(for furLher lnformauon read an arucle of !ohannes)
!puL Lhe followlng elemenLs aL your sldebar, some wlLh nofollow (Lhe nofollow
elemenLs are hlghllghLed)
!by noL llnklng Lo all Lhe caLegorles from all pages, you can creaLe clusLers of pages
wlLh same Loplcs
!by llnklng Lo Lhe x new posLs from many pages you can acceleraLe Lhe lndexlng of
Lhese posLs
!by noL llnklng Lo all Lhe archlve pages (aer 2 years blogglng you have 24 llnks Lo
monLhly archlves) you can use Lhe power of each posL more lnLelllgenL
!Lhe laLesL commenLs on your pages make sure, LhaL Lhere ls acuon on your pages
!archlve (monLhly)
!laLesL commenLs
!new posLs (l prefer 3-3 new posLs)
!caLegorles (excepuon: Lhe caLegory Lhe posL belong Lo, llnk Lhls caLegory wlLhouL
!archlve (monLhly) (excepuon: Lhe monLh Lhe posL ls publlshed, llnk Lhls monLh
wlLhouL nofollow)
!laLesL commenLs
Archlves, ages
!new posLs
!archlve (monLhly)
!laLesL commenLs
8y Markus WalLer, Munlch 2008, v 1.0 CheaL SheeL: SLC for Wordpress - powered by hup:// 2
Lxample & Code Area
#1: <?php wp_geL_archlves(Lype=monLhly&show_posL_counL=1), ?>
#2: <a href="hup://www.domaln.Lld/<?php Lhe_ume(), ?>/?w=<?php Lhe_ume(W), ?>">All posLs from week<?php Lhe_ume(W), ?> / <?php Lhe_ume(), ?></a>
lng Lo oLher servlces
!by plnglng oLher servlces you can
acceleraLe Lhe lndexlng of your posLs
!buL don'L plng Loo much servlces
example-plng-llsL, you can conguraLe ln
your Wordpress properues:
Addluonal hlnLs
!use eedburner Lo opumlze your feed
!Lrack Lhe acuvlues of Lhe search englne splders wlLh
!proLecL your conLenL wlLh 8oL-1rap
!wlLh Lhe plugln opularlLy ConLesL you can easlly provlde your
burner-posLs on dlerenL places on your blog
!save your daLabase auLomaucly wlLh Lhe plugln Wordpress
uaLabase 8ackup
useful llnks
!Wordpress uownload (engllsh | german)
!1emplaLe Lags (engllsh | german)
!Wordpress forums (engllsh | german)
CheeL SheaL: SLC for Wordpress
!verslon 1.0
!age 1: SLeps Lo creaLe an opumlzed Wordpress blog
!age 2: Addluonal lnformauon, hlnLs & llnks
Markus WalLer ls worklng near Munlch aL SevenCne
lnermedla CmbP, a subcompany of Lhe roSleben SaL.1
Medla AC. 1here Markus ls responslble for SLC and web
!Lmall: walLer[doL]markus[aL]gmx[doL]com
!Skype: m-walLer | lCC: 117319378
!WebslLe: hup:// [feed]
!xlnC | Llnkedln

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