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Issue #

Government System of Mexico


Issue Date

Government System of Mexico

By Erika Gamez Palma

Mexico is considered a federal republic because they have a federal government and subdivisions (the states).The federal government is abides by their constitution. Mexico also has three branches of government; executive, legislative and judicial. The executive branch is led by the President and his cabinet. The president can only be in office for six years (one term). As the president he is also the Commander in Chief for the military.

The legislative branch consists of a bicameral congress. The bicameral congress consists of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. The legislative branch has the right to pass laws, impose taxes, declare war, approve the national budget, approve or reject treaties and conventions made with foreign countries. The Judicial branch consists of eleven judges. They are the Supreme Court Justice.

Enrique Pea Nieto Enrique Pea Nieto began his term in 2012. He was the governor for the state of Mexico. He is a member of the political party known as PRI, Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Institutional Revolutionary Party).

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