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Clenn McCreedy
eMega8ook LLC
L-mall: glenn [aL]
Web: hLLp://

!"!#$%&&' )*!+,$- .!*&./ !0$1,2!) 3!+&2)/.4+/,&2 &5 6&&' *46-,)7,2# ,234)/.8
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:4+)&2; <.,=&2$ > "$.+7 ?@; ?ABC !"# !#%"&'(')* !+,&-./ -&0 1"# 2''3 4,5(/+"/&) 6-&0+%-7#8 a new
speclal reporL ebook from eMega8ook, explores Lhe changlng forLunes of book publlshlng's players,
LranslLlons ln Lhe economlc model, and how book publlshlng ls rapldly [olnlng oLher enLerLalnmenL medla ln
Lhe Lransmedla space.
!"# !#%"&'(')* !+,&-./ -&0 1"# 2''3 4,5(/+"/&) 6-&0+%-7# ls avallable for free download aL
1he Lechnology Lsunaml ln book publlshlng conLlnues Lo wash over Lhe dlglLal landscape, causlng
dlsrupLlons ln Lhe publlshlng value chaln as Lhe LradlLlonal channel shlfLs and new channels rlse Lo
!"# !#%"&'(')* !+,&-./ -&0 1"# 2''3 4,5(/+"/&) 6-&0+%-7# examlnes:
1he changlng markeL and economlc forces causlng revenue shlfLs and downward prlclng pressures
1he rlse of Lhe ebook eLallers and new prlclng and packaglng models
Why consumers demand LhaL conLenL be free, or near free, and cause ebook prlces Lo fall.
Pow ma[or brands, advanced adverLlslng, branded conLenL and sponsorshlp wlll play a powerful
role ln book publlshlng's quesL for new revenue sLreams.
WhaL adverLlslng and brandlng models have been shown Lo be effecLlve ln medla and moneLlzlng
new developmenLs ln ebook packaglng, markeLlng and dlsLrlbuLlon vla ay 1v and l1v servlces.
Who wlll be Lhe ma[or players ln book publlshlng as dlglLal books move lnLo a connecLed
Lransmedla space wlLh oLher enLerLalnmenL medla.
unllke recorded muslc and moLlon plcLures, Lhe producLlon of books has a hlsLory golng back Lhousands of
years and now Lhe lndusLry ls undergolng Lhe mosL lmpacLful change slnce CuLenberg's lnvenLlon of
moveable Lype and Lhe prlnLlng press," sald Clenn McCreedy, eMega8ook CLC. WlLh Lhls reporL, we wanL
Lo draw aLLenLlon Lo Lhls hlsLorlc dlsrupLlon, propose alLernaLlve ways Lo moneLlze ebooks, and polnL Lo
recenL research ln Lhls rapldly evolvlng lndusLry."


Auu CnL Speclal reporL ebook on book publlshlng lndusLry

!"# !#%"&'(')* !+,&-./ -&0 1"# 2''3 4,5(/+"/&) 6-&0+%-7# ls Lhe resulL of more Lhan a year of research by
McCreedy and eMega8ook advlsor !an konsLanLy. ln Lhe reporL, Lhe Lwo look back aL publlshlng's recenL
hlsLory, presenL analysls of ma[or developmenLs and forecasL changes ln Lhe book publlshlng lndusLry.


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eMega8ook dellvers brand-supporLed ebooks, a new enLerLalnmenL servlce, Lo ay 1v provlders and Cver-
Lhe-1op servlces for Lhelr subscrlbers on 1v Lverywhere apps, sLreamlng boxes and moblle
devlces. eMega8ook LLC ls based ln 1ucson Arlzona (uSA).

lor more lnformaLlon abouL eMega8ook, conLacL Clenn McCreedy aL +1.320.237.3798
Web: hLLp://
1wlLLer: [eMega8ook

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